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Author Topic: What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?  (Read 505005 times)


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first thing every morning rob always ask's, how you today babe, then get the cows in, as the last cows go in the yard i get the biggest cuddle and a kiss, he says i don't know what your going thru i may not make sense but we can chat. even when he goes out thru the week to do disco's he alway's phones see am ok, and if am out he leaves a lovely message on the phone and hearing his voice and imagining his smile makes me smile, i am so lucky to have him all these 28 year's of marriage almost 34 years together, yes we have had our ups and downs, but our love sees us thru.


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Awwwwww, that is nice.  He sounds like a good bloke, nearly as good as mine, lol!

Sandy 11

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All of those whose other halfs can understand even a bit are so lucky.  I don't want my OH to leave home as one of you has unfortunately gone through, but I do wish he would talk a bit.  Women must have been saying that for ever!!Every time I talk about anything just a bit personal he just goes quiet and that's it.  And I don't mean the menopause.  Saw something on tv about the brownies and said tht I was in the brownies as a kid. He just looked away.  He's never interested.  That's a man thing I know so I just tolerate it but it is hurtful.  I feel that he doesn't really know me as a person but perhaps that's not necessary in a relationship.  men and women are different and over the last few years I've begun to accept that.
The trouble is that this feeds into different areas of my life.  My OH isn't interested so I feel that friends and colleagues aren't interested.  A real knock to the confidence.  Anyone else have this situation?  Any advice?  I don't want to end this relationship but I would like us to be closer.  If I confide anything that he doesn't like it just provokes real anger. 


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Hi Sandy - I just wanted to say that if you start a topic under Private Lives then you will know that only members can read it. Sometimes "other halves" are tempted to read what we have been writing about! It may mean you can go into more detail without fear of everyone on the internet reading it.

Taz x


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When I couldn't sleep in the first week post op he would sit and stroke my hair (which I find very relaxing) until I dropped of to sleep

Now he brings me coffee and pain killers in bed every morning when he gets up xxx


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 :rofl:     :hug:  Keep him he's a treasure...


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I walked out on a husband who'se only concern was how it affected him, and am now married to an amazing man who loves me despite the occasional outbursts and does all he can to help. A brilliant sense of humour helps no end, - and endless patience. If only he'd learn how to cook as well  ???;D


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my husband has been really great and even stayed off work when i was really depressed,but feel sure he must be getting to the end of his tether as i moan every day about one ailment or another.Its a difficult time for us and them


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Hi girls

I am new to the forum, first day today!!!
The best thing my hubby does for me is just being here for me, I actually cannot believe how patient and understanding he has been this last 6 months!!!  I am 38 and although not confirmed by bloods etc, it is believed that I am peri-meno, so just as the kids where getting on with their lives and not needing us so much and we thought great time to ourselves again, this hits!!! Major anxiety attacks, palpitations, hot flushes, visual migraines etc, makes it very hard to plan to go out anywhere as I never know what "mood" I will be in but hubby is always there to comfort me! I don't think I could have made it through the last couple of months without him!! He also makes me laugh which is a big help xxxx ;D


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my hubby has been/still is the most understanding and patient person ive ever known esp while ive been going through my 'lady problems'
dont know what id do without him


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hi ive just joined the forum as i feel i need to express how im feeling .im 49 years old and mood swings are driving me reading every body elses posts as it makes me feel like im not the only one going through the sometimes i feel like im not the person i was other times i feel better than ever.


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Hi wendiwoo
Mood swings go both ways!  ::)
You'll find lots of info and support here. Maybe introduce yourself on "New Members" as newbies can get missed in the middle of existing threads and others will want to welcome you.
Meanwhile, browse round and join in. And do look at the "Funnies."  ;D
Bette x


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The best thing my OH has done is not speak when Im in a mood ..cos whatever he said would be wrong..  ;D


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Hi Wendiwoo. Yep its horrid isn't it. recent person to go on site. I love my O.H. but at times it's not good. Can you tell more about youself hun, we'll get a better picture that way. You are here with the rest of us, - and yes we want you here please.


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thanks bette and jenny for your replies i will go to new members bit.thanks again.
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