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Author Topic: Vagifem Update  (Read 21068 times)


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Vagifem Update
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:59:49 PM »

Well, time flies and it's already been over 3 months since I started using vagifem. You may recall my GP said I couldn't use it longer than three months and I have the dreaded appointment to discuss it with her on Tuesday. Things have continued to improve for me over the three months, the only thing I've noticed this past few weeks is a clear discharge sometimes when I go to the loo. I'm assuming this is normal but not sure. My frequent urination has been the best it has been in 2 years but that has got a little bit worse this past few days but nothing like how it used to be. Basically vagifem has changed my life so I have to argue the point on Tuesday to make sure I can stay on it. I will be mentioning this forum and the fact that some have been using vagifem for years ! I will update on Tuesday!


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 07:13:02 AM »

Hi Lynne
Just to say, good luck on Tuesday! This quote from the menu on the left might help persuade your gp:-
Low dose vaginal estrogen preparations can be used long term without causing any known systemic effect, and without needing any progestogenic protection of the lining of the womb.
Let us know how you get on.
Bette x


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 07:25:25 AM »

Thanks Bette, I'm going to print it off and show her!

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 07:33:04 AM »

Right hun
March in with the paper and say
OH IM so happy oyu gave it to me my fanny OK use Vagina is wonderful
Sex fabtastic Weeing wonderful and I didnt know I could be on it for ever till I got the info
If she starts then just say you have no right to refuse me on medical grounds is it Monetry
You have to fight because 2 weeks from now with no Vagifem you will be right back to 3mnths ago and it will be worse


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 02:19:32 PM »

I'll panic if she doesn't leave me on it! I shall do just as you suggest!


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2012, 07:52:16 PM »

I've printed off the information.. I just wondered if their was a source to quote for this.. would I just say it's from the Menopause Matters website? I'e a feeling she will ask if I have had the info from Vagifem or something (or am I just worrying unnecessarily?  ???


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 07:21:30 AM »

Tell her it's from this website - it's got a good reputation and there's even a section for medical professionals which she can access if she wants to get more info.
Bette x


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2012, 10:09:13 AM »

Well the good news is that my GP has listened to what I've had to say and she read the stuff I printed off and has agreed to keep me on Vagifem (10's though not 25's which I had before) for a few months.  She would still like me to try the e-string as she says it is licensed for 2 years whereas the vagifem isn't.  She was delighted that I have done so well with it and we had a long chat about it so I'm happy! I told her it has changed my life, which is has.  From what she said I think I am happy to try the e-string too. It's put in by the GP and left there so no worries about remembering the vagifem, but I'll see how it goes.  So for now I'm a very happy bunny! I mentioned the clear discharge and she said it's all fine, it just means that the vagifem has put everything back to how it should be. Result!

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2012, 10:37:58 AM »

Hi Lynne 888
If it starts to go back wards use 5 x10 and go back to see her
Know matter how nice she wasnt willing to accept 25m 2x7 is working fab for you give you more WHY NOT?
She saw evidence that its OK to use it permanent as long as your monitored or if you have a problem
She also sees you and you feel fab BUT then she lowers your dosage why?
She seems determined to get you on string again I ask why theres seesm no reason for lowering it and it maybe failing I think I know WHY COS OF MONEY ITS CHEAPER THAN VAGIFEM
Also why drop your dosage she should have kept you on 25m it only been 3 months and you feel fab
So you will accept the invasive perm string in your body if your in pain you will just do it
She can then get you on the string  save surgery money
IM sorry to be a downer but how can a GP fly in the face of proven medical knowledge have you sitting in front of her
Telling her you feel smashing  Vagifem 25m is working great to me thats rotten
Its almost a blackmail I will give you less than 1/2 the dosage a week and next time STRING
Sorry I know your happy IM glad you got more but everything you were worried about to me about your GP was right


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2012, 11:00:31 AM »

Well, she didn't say I HAD to go on the estring next time, she said we will see how it goes. I wanted the 10's initially and was put on 25's and it was felt on here then that it was a cost thing because the 25's are less money that the 10's.  I will be back like a shot if things go down hill I can assure you! We will see. Hope it all goes OK.


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2012, 11:31:21 AM »

Sounds good Lynne.  :congrats: You might feel that you have more flexibility with the 10's and it's better to start on a low dose and move up if necessary. The estring sounds interesting to me but then I'm not on anything yet. My gp has said that if I need something (ok on HRT at the moment) she'll want me to try Ovestin first but would let me have Vagifem if that didn't work. I don't blame her for wanting to try the cheaper option first, the NHS have got to watch funds whether we like it or not. I'm not sure that the estring is cheaper anyway; the menu on the left says £10.97--£31.42 per ring which is for 3 months.  ???
Bette x

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2012, 12:03:43 PM »

Im glad she said you didnt have too cos its your body not hers
I hope the 10s are as good for you fingers crossed it will be tickety boo and you will continue to feel great
Odd the 10m are cheaper than 25s cos if you have to use 5 a week it works out the same hehehehe
No Im sure with you knowing your own body you will be able to work it out
2 maybe fine or oyu may need an extra 1 dont be scared to do so if you need it AV is awful truley dreadfull
KNowone should have to put up with the constant pain its not right or humane

Dont fancy ring myself every 3mnths internals YUK Not heard the ring mentioned here in Ozz probably is though
Mirena coil is used but not often only know 1 lady who has it
IM just happy that oyur feeling better big hugs as I know you were worried stiff xxxxxxxxxxx

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2012, 12:10:16 PM »

Let the National Health save money on ...... who are constantly on the sick
People who go to GP for the simplest things cos its FREE
Let them worry about us women who are going thorough menopause which is normal but we are ill with it
Our lives are changed how we feel headaches aches dizzys depression bad aches leading to loads of other illnesses
We have paid taxes worked hard we dont deserve to be shoved aside cos of cost cutting
We are invisable enough us meno and post meno women with out GPs and others treating us shabbily mediacly
Price wise rings probably cheaper but internals taking it out putting another one in every 3months with Atrophy OUCH!


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2012, 01:20:50 PM »

The 25's were discontinued in the USA because they found there was no extra benefit.. I'm sure someone somewhere found this out but it does make you wonder how they get to this conclusion! It looks like the UK are following suit.  In fairness to my GP (and I'm not defending her), I was the one who brought the estring up because she had mentioned it on a previous visit.  I'm assuming that because Vagifem is still not licenced for longer than 3 months, she probably feels happier to dispense estring.. just a guess!! Regardless of anything, I would be in a right mess now if my GP hadn't prescribed Vagifem to start with. My previous GP refused point blank to give me anything containing HRT.
I've been weeing a bit more this past week - nothing like it was before - so I have wondered if my constant urination might come back.. dreadful thought. I told her I wasn't keen on the estring because I've always had trouble inserting stuff  :rofl:  I could never use tampons and really struggled with the cap! I got it stuck once :sweatdrop: I thought I had to insert the ring myself but she explained that it can be done by a GP and will be totally unnoticeable by the user. I'm not opposed to it at all at the moment but as long as vagifem 10's work OK I'd rather stick with that. I thought I had to use 2 a week the same.. is it definitely more?  I haven't got the prescription as it is dispensed from the chemist at the surgery and they didn't have it in stock so I'm not sure what GP has prescribed. Anyway, I still have 6 weeks of the 25's left so I'm going to use them up first!!


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Re: Vagifem Update
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2012, 01:31:48 PM »

I have a feeling I could do with another one a week at the moment but I will customise it and see how I get on.. thanks!
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