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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope without HRT  (Read 250175 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2012, 12:43:53 PM »

I was tested +ve for premature menopause 2 yrs ago, aged 42. I have had flushes, spots and felt like PMT for 6 months at a time. My Dr said I could try HRT and it wouldn't increase future risk of breast cancer etc., as long as I wasn't on it for more than 3 years. Deciding to stay off as long as I could, I have been taking Menopace, which seems to calm the irritation.

However, I have just changed Dr and been told to go straight on to Elleste Duet Conti.  She has also requested a bone density X-ray for me.

I haven't had a period since Sept last year, and have only been having 1 or 2 a year anyway. I don't want to have to go through menopause symptons all over again from the beginning, so am waiting for results of bone density tests before deciding whether to take the HRT. Also, was given this website to check out!!


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2012, 08:19:21 PM »

  :) Thank you so much Susan.  That was my first web-post on anything..ever!  :o.

I think I am more concerned with "turning back the biological clock", which I feel is far less natural than  supplementing body chemicals. Also a bit miffed as was celebrating ploughing thro the menopause without too much trouble! KT


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2012, 07:06:46 PM »

 :) Thank you Susan, you've been a tremdenous help, and stopped me being self-conscious about posting threads! Great Support and thanks for the "Welcome".  ;D KT


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2012, 02:21:21 PM »

Hi .
I came on this site ages ago , but then time flew by,
This may not be of any interest to anyone but here goes anyway.
I started HRT in my middle 30s I am now 56, I have had a fantastic life , rock climbed , scrambled all over with my two grandchildren, been out going, funny ,and totally loving and enjoying my life, my work , my family, my friends ,
.......8 months ago my doctor said enough is enough I will no longer prescribe you HRT , ( she has put me on the lowest dose to ween me off )   I can honestly say I feel as though it would be best to take me to the vet and have me put to sleep, I have never had joint pains have always been supple  ( doing ballet and other dance )  I now am losing my confidence , I keep nearly falling over with the pain in my angles, knees and hips ,my character has changed, I cannot be bothered is a word I never used before but now it seems to come in to my head many times a day, my family and friends have tried with me but I know I am losing them , but I don't care ....... I will not go on .....
Doctor says it's all in my head, and I am suppose to grow old gracefully.
I would rather take the risk on HRT  than live like this,  I have never taken any other medication as far as I remember but am now being deprived of something that totally makes me the person I have been , are bodies were designed to last till just after menopause,  We now live longer... why can We not enjoy it by feeling as supple and carefree as possible ,even if it does mean taking one pill a day,
I do wonder how many pills the doctor will try and prescribe me for all my symptoms ... Valium, steroids ,anti inflammatory, sleeping pills for night, wake up pills for day time (  seeing as again for the first time in my life I seem to be getting night and day the wrong way round )
rant over from a person who I remember being a carefree person just 8 mths ago .


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2012, 02:46:45 PM »

I'm with you, Eilleen. Luckily, my HRT-savvy gp is happy for me to stay on it as long as I want to; she has patients on it in their 70s. If I were you, I'd try a different gp!
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2012, 03:30:48 PM »

Thank you for your reply, I half expected people to say, "get over it "

I work with 2 ladies in their 70s who are still on it ,so I know what you mean,

The ladies who work at the doctors were saying that they have all been taken off it and most are not happy,
they were talking about a new patient to the surgery went for HRT she had been on it at her previous surgery the doc said No ...  it turned out they were all shocked to learn she was 72 , yet they had thought she was mid 50s , she said she would look for another doctor.
Women of a certain age can be so easily written off, why are men the same age encouraged to use Viagra etc if they have an age related problem , " keep going as long as you can, even if it means popping a pill that may cause harm "
also this means the men this drug is aimed at have to watch their loved ones suffer because HRT is to dangerous for them to be given . something just does not add up .x


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2012, 02:31:27 AM »


How totally lacking in care some GP's can be.  If you were on oestrogen only and you felt so good, how can you be refused what kept you feeling good.  I can totally understand how you feel.  This change can be unbearable for many women, physically, emotionally etc.  This doctor seems callous, I hope that you can get back onto HRT, you were lucky to find one that made your life feel worth living.


Lucky Stone

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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2013, 12:17:25 PM »

Just been reading through these posts and note the comment about biodentical hormones (especially as I had a hysterectomy in 2003). I will look up Dr Wright on Google but in the meantime, what is a 'compounding pharmacy' please?


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2013, 07:30:33 PM »

I speak under correction but I think a compounding pharmacy is one that makes up the bio identical hormones according to ones blood tests/saliva tests and determines which strength of cream etc you would need to take. They usually make the HRT's in a rub on form, I was on the Estriol Bio Identical cream at one stage but switched to Oestrogel which is a bit stronger but also bio indentical. Transdermal seems to be the preferred method of delivery a lot of the time in bio hormones


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2013, 03:40:06 PM »

I am 57 years old and because of fibrocystic breasts it was advised not to take HRT.So I have tried just about everything and nothing really works.It a real shame that not enough is done to support Women going through this period in there life as its very difficult when you have maybe other issues that you have to deal with.Currently I have to have a biopsy in both breasts as flakes of calcium have appeared this couple with pain in the armpits means more worry.........So I think every doctors practice should have a resident menopause consultant after all................... were worth it surley.


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2013, 05:16:18 PM »

Have you been referred to a menopause clinic bobjool?

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2013, 05:45:12 PM »

I'm four years into the menopause and have decided not to take HRT as I'd like to do this 'naturally' and think the symptoms may just be there once I'd stop, so would just rather get it out of the way now!  It is a struggle though and hard to know what to put down to the menopause and what to put down to old age (I'm 52!).  I do get achy joints and very hot flushes making me extremely red, but luckily not bathed in sweat during the night although I do  have an on-off relationship with our quilt!!  Luckily a lot of my friends are in the same boat but obviously some subjects are rather 'out of bounds' which is where a website like this is invaluable.  I shall look into getting the book by Leslie Kenton as I feel could do with some support as I am getting very weary with it all!


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2013, 11:03:44 PM »

I also haven't tried HRT as yet but my symptoms have become more frequent as my periods have become much lighter/rare. The flushes have started waking me up during the night. I am aware that my GP practice is generally opposed to HRT and it has put me off making an appointment to discuss it properly. I asked to have a chat with one of the nurses as they are both female and a bit older but was told that the practice did not offer this. The doctors are either male or much younger.
I think I may look up this book by Kenton too.
Has anyone had success with treatments like Menopace?


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2013, 02:13:53 PM »

Hallo all.
I looked up this thread as I have today had a long serious conversation with my .G.P ref HRT.
But as a Heart Patient it is contra indicated for me due to the mount of meds I am on, plus raising  the risks generally.  :-\
It was left up to Me to decide, after a chat with cardiologist and G.P... I wont take the risk. :-\
Am 50yrs old Peri meno.  Am taking supplements and vits etc.
Am struggling with a lot of the side effects which have increased in intensity in last 6 months. Am disabled too (increased joint pain has driven me mad) :'(
So am gonna try Anti Depressants for a while.( Might help with "red mist" rage)  >:(
Am going back for another chat in 3 weeks time.
HRT is not for everyone..depends on your circumstances.
My G.P. was great. I went armed with info and list of symptoms over last 6 months, we discussed everything. Will give these AD a go and see if they take the edge off.

On another note have now adopted two cats...who are great company and keep me smiling.  ;D ;D ;D  All I need now is for the warm weather and sunshine to arrive so I can get outside more...........still waiting! :-\
Best wishes to all xx


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2013, 04:41:10 PM »

This is my first post. My periods starting going haywire in August 2009, gradually getting lighter and further apart. I haven't had a proper period now for a year, if not longer. Since Christmas I've had terrible night sweats and many hot flushes during the day. The night sweats came as quite a shock and made me feel quite ill at first. I've now got used to them, but still hate them! A friend recommended soya isoflavone supplements and I try to remember to take one a day. I think it is helping. I don't want to go down the HRT route, partly because I reacted so badly to The Pill (and tried many different sorts) and partly because my aunt died of breast cancer and was convinced HRT was the cause. I love running and try to go twice a week. I think exercise helps my symptoms, but I get this debilitating lack of motivation and lethargy, which isn't conducive to getting off my backside and doing something! I get more tired than usual and this may be because my sleep is interrupted most nights. I want to get through the menopause as naturally as possible, but it is hard. I suddenly feel old. I've always looked younger than my years, but I think I suddenly look my age!! I'm rapidly going grey, for a start!! Oh, and I suffer with terrible spots! Worse than when I was a teenager. I'm quite vain, so I struggle with this. I hate going to the doctors for anything and haven't been to see my GP for the best part of 12 months (and that was for something very minor). I missed my smear test last year, too. I booked an appointment to see my favourite doctor for tomorrow about my menopausal symptoms, then panicked and cancelled it this morning!! I wish local hospitals or clinics did a drop-in clinic for menopausal women... something casual, relaxed and where we could share our experiences. I've had a bad day today and spent most of it sitting on my backside in the living room, watching TV and playing about on my laptop!! I feel disgusted with myself. I've always been such a get-up-and-go type person!
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