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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 899818 times)

mimi la chance

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #315 on: March 26, 2010, 05:20:53 PM »

Hi Ladies
Just popped in to say hello.
Tried Vagifem after reading here how useful it could be and really noticed a difference (as did OH!).
But I admit I was useless as remembering to use it twice a week and in the end gave up, mainly because we weren't really  having sex that often :'( so I went back to stuff like Feminee using it "ondemand")
But got to stage that I really couldn't face sex even with that,which is a shame cos my OH is lovely.

So back to GP.
Another supply...

OH is in a state of shock- I think we have done the deed more in the last month than in the previous 2 years.

What I haven't told him, is that this time I have a side effect (or is a benefit?) than I seem to feel permanmently moist "down there" which means I am always in the mood! ;D

This is good, but I am worried that I am going to start dragging the milkman in soon :o


Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #316 on: March 29, 2010, 06:47:13 AM »

You saucy minx you
Im still plucking up the courage to do the deed! :-*
Suzi Q ;)

mimi la chance

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #317 on: March 29, 2010, 04:59:43 PM »

You saucy minx you
Im still plucking up the courage to do the deed! :-*
Suzi Q ;)

I have to admit that the first time, I was more nervous than THE First Time!

Vagifem Website says that sex actually helps with "the problem", so I am determined to persevere.

This dryness thing was something that I really wasn't expecting- its a relief to be able to talk about it here.

I thought that at least after menopause I could look forward to making love without all the "equipment" needed for contraception or having to take the pill.
What happens?
Hormones up the doodah and KY in the bedside drawer!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #318 on: March 29, 2010, 05:40:14 PM »

Exactly how I felt Mimi, except the KY stings like hell for me.

I think my bladder gets in the way and it is horrendously painful after the deed.  I do feel moist down there with Ovestin but perhaps  Iam dryer higher up inside still and the friction is what is causing the pain.

May go back and see the doctor again next week and see what she can suggest and the deed is far from comfortable even though I'm taking a small risk using the Ovestin. When I stop using it the pain comes back fairly quick (in 2 days). So I'm stuck with it really  :(

Husband booked a suprise Birthday treat for me in Europe recently, I'm still paying a huge price though and currently feeling very uncomfortable despite using 'yes' the day before and taking multiple cystitis drinks  :o


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #319 on: March 29, 2010, 05:55:18 PM »

Rebecca - if you think your bladder is getting in the way could you have a small prolapse do you think. This will cause pain and uncomfortableness

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #320 on: March 29, 2010, 07:58:55 PM »

Do you think our parents and grand parents had all these problems or they just said no?


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #321 on: March 29, 2010, 08:20:42 PM »

Hi Taz
Thanks for your input - I had a scan done last year they said that my womb was a little low but nothing to worry about.
They said nothing about the bladder, was referred to a gynae who put me on Vagifem. 

Went to physio to be shown how to do Kegal exercises.
Maybe I should go back and ask doc if I could have a prolapse :-\

Thanks  :)


Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #322 on: March 30, 2010, 05:16:59 AM »

Hi Rebebca did you have an examination internal
Or did they just chat and give it to you
If you have a prolapse they would see it in the exam Im 99% certain of that
Suzi Q


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #323 on: March 30, 2010, 06:48:27 AM »

Hi Rebecca - nobody told me I had a prolapse - it is so common in women over a certain age that it is quite often not mentioned unless you ask for advice because you have symptoms. Are you doing the exercises? I attended the continence clinic for a couple of years and got my pelvic floor up to a really good strength but it made no difference to the prolapse but it stopped anything else from falling down which is a bonus.

If your womb was a "little low" this means that you have suffered a small degree of prolapse I would think so that it is bulging into the top of the vagina - the Kegel exercises would be given to help stop it dropping down any further. Have you seen the prolapse link I have put up before - I don't want to keep boring people with it  ;D

Taz x

mimi la chance

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #324 on: March 30, 2010, 11:06:38 AM »

Since I'm on my three month trial of Vagifem, I'm not sure what to expect when I go back to my GP for review.

Reading thru other's helpful comments, I gather that there is a lot of variety about the schedule of Vagifem.

I see that some GPs insist on a ?month off after three months on, some seem ok about continuous use (every three days or so)
Also that the Three day regimen seems to vary a bit too.

I just wanted to get an overview so that I am informed when I discuss this with my GP.

As a long time lurker, and rare poster, I really find all your comments and views really helpful.

Most of my close friends are a few years younger than me, and I hit menopause very early, so have'nt got anyone who knows what it's like.
I'll be sending them all your way soon!


Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #325 on: March 30, 2010, 12:42:21 PM »

Ive been on Vagifem since Sunday 14th Feb I took mine for 3 weeks as my fanny was very bad I waited 18mnths to go to GP
I tried every 3rd night it didnt work It went right back so now I use it every other night and so far its working 95%/100% some days
My GP has given me a rpt script for 5 pkt thats 75
I see him on the 17th April but hes never mentioned coming off it if he does then I will have to use Ovestin and if thats no gd
Then I dont care I will buy it online if I have to cos even on every other night
some days towards the late afternoon on the second day it starts to get scratchy
Fingers crossed Ok dont be afraid to ask hugs Suzi Q


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #326 on: March 30, 2010, 12:57:10 PM »

do you think you can get it online, Suzi?   Or would you need a private prescription?  Obviously you're in Oz so may be different anyhow.  The only thing that worries me about online is whether you get the real authentic product.

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #327 on: March 30, 2010, 01:09:16 PM »

My Neice is in USA I kow as shes had it for something you can get it with out script or so she said
Maybe she nippped over the border to canada she lives in Buffalo about 40 mins from Niagara falls
My GP gave it to me so he would send notes to Gyny even private it really is the same as UK
I just hope to God I wont have to come off it cos its taken 6 weeks to work so far xxxx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #328 on: March 30, 2010, 03:24:59 PM »

well fingers crossed my gp will let me just have repeats, because if she won't do that then guess she wouldn't give me a private prescription either!  Cres

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #329 on: April 01, 2010, 07:27:27 AM »

Not a good day today Ive a feeling it fell ut last night
I put it in very late about half an hour later went to the loo
I think I saw in the bowl
Today want to pee for UK and general feeling of achy sore
Buggar still this will be (fingers crossed) the 5th day of being iffy since 14 Feb so cant complian
Suzi Q
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