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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 899829 times)

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #300 on: March 18, 2010, 06:47:05 AM »

So its a help not a cure or loosing the symptoms while your on it?
Me in my child like way thought Ok  few weeks and it will be over seems i was wrong
It has helped my symptoms a lot its not gone though it has helped a lot and with the wee wee not totaly gone though
I seem to get really good few days with the wee we then a day like today where I feel the need every hour or so to go
I get days where its almost 95% then days like today when its gone a bit sore again no burning though that xxxxx seems to have gone
The vagi its self the last couple of pills Ive put in the next day they seem to irritate me a bit and they are days I want to wee more
I got some Lubrication wanted to use it this weekend Bobbles says give it another week but the longer I leave it the more scared I am
I go back to have more Btests and talk about results and Vagifem in 3 weeks I go in less than 5 I think I left it too late ladies
I know my av or what the F it is I developed paper cut today on the side of my clit hood rubbed some Nystatin on
This is my own fault its this bad and I know it if only Id gone a year ago now its severe I think and I dont know how long till help!
Suzi Q who looks like getting no rumpetty in Paris F it he will have to wear a condom ce la vei XXXXXX

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #301 on: March 18, 2010, 06:50:59 AM »

Hi Suzi
You seem to be responding like I did. Thats why I put myself on it every other day for a couple of weeks. Am trying now to cut down to twice a week. Last one went in on Wed evening now Saturday morning. So far so good. Have you thought about using Replens or similar on the days it gets bad until the next tablet is due? I think we have been without the hormones so long. This Vagifem also has such a low dose i think we need to get to a maintenance level before it will work for us and that involves a lot of experimentation with the stuff. THIS STUFFWILL WORK I AM SUREXX

Whats Replens is it a moisturiser does it affect the vagifem does it work OK
How long where you on Vagi before you used it ecery other day and how long did you do that for
I used Vagi every day for 3 weeks then I had that blip on the 4th week used 3 nights put one in Sun night then last night Wed
Started it Sunday 14th Feb for 3 weeks xxxxxxxxx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #302 on: March 21, 2010, 04:11:45 PM »

Have been away so have just seen your post. Replens is a messy lub which is meant to restore vaginal lubrications. a bit like KY or sylk but you use it with an applicator. Have gone down to twice a week now and can tell things are not so good. Still haven't plucked up the courage for the rumpy pumpy. Think I may try three times a week. Still have supplies left. Started on vagifem on January 18th so has been two months. Am sleeping through the night and the urge to go to the loo has gone. In fact during the day sometimes I have to remember to go! Just feel that sex may trigger it all off. Am almost 98% comfortable during the day. Just an odd feeling of discomfort every now and then. Nothing that I would bother about normally but just feel better when using it more than twice a week.

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #303 on: March 22, 2010, 01:41:28 AM »

Me too every 3rd nights no good for me
Ive taken one Wed Fri and Sun and its easing slowly
Its still there but much better than last tuesday
I find the day after ive out it in the openings tender but thats it
Then the next day I feel almost 95% all day just a bit scratchy in the am
Yestreday I did 6 hours on the bike and didnt go to the loo from 7.30 till 1.30 and all that bumping
The feeling is weird tingly tight feeling but that seems to be it if I leave it a 3rd day it comes back
Not as bad but its defo there yesterday I think we could even have made love I was feeling tingly down there but nice tingly
Bobbles wouldnt said NOOOOOOOO leave it alone and anyway he flew out to Perth late yesterday afternoon
So as you say fingers crossed its working this way Ive been on it since Sunday 14th Feb 3 weeks then the normal rate
For me its too long and I found o9ut 1 theres an Ovestin presaarie its stronger than Vagifem and also Ovestin cream
Its way too late now for me to mess about cos of my trip but am wondering when I COME back if its still the same or worse
I will ask to try Ovestin press use the cream in between days I have more hope now I know youve been on it a month more than me


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #304 on: March 22, 2010, 07:57:38 AM »

Oh Ovestin pessary, hadn't heard of that one, Suzi - will look it up.   I would like to go onto more than twice a week but not sure my gp will prescribe that much:( 


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #305 on: March 22, 2010, 10:03:11 AM »

Hi girls - hope you all had a good weekend.  :)

Just a quick update on my VA. I've had a much better couple of weeks, but I'm feeling grotty this morning, for no apparent reason.  :(

I am growing more and more certain that mood plays a big part. I've been really busy this last couple of weeks, going on courses, meeting people - it's all been exciting and great fun. Now I am back to being alone at home and I'm feeling rotten - must be a link, I think...

Incidentally, I have been back on the Ovestin over the last three weeks - two full weeks and then twice a week. I don't think it really makes much difference to the deep-seated VA that I have. I'm also still on the homeopathy, and I'm also taking Omega 7, using vitamin E cream, and I'm trying the progesterone cream too. None of them has cured me but at the same time I have had some wonderful normal days - who'd know what makes the difference?

Hope you're having a good Monday girls  :ola:

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #306 on: March 22, 2010, 01:28:28 PM »

sorry you feel bad Fi
The Ovestin worked for me for about 11 years or so then it stopped but give it time
I put it in all the time I was on it 3 times a week
This vagifem is for me now far better than Ovestin was towards the end BUT
Its not making me moist enough for sex plus I have to use it every other day
I too agree with you not all the time but when It was bad and I was working or going out to films plays pals houses it would ease
Nevr go but still felt loads better BUT with Vagi its gone totaly when Im doing things
Tonight got the train in to the City my son met me and we went to meet my DINALW and thier pals to play TRIVIA
I had a ball its now 11.25pm havne been and dont want to go to the loo went last at 4.30pm sooooo
Plus we won at Trivia $1000 I got a $100 to buy myself a new jkt to come home with
The 6 of them have won in the last 4 years $15.000 in Trivia thats about 7000 pounds not bad for 2hrs every Monday
Hope your feeling better today
Hugs Suzi Q :-*


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #307 on: March 22, 2010, 01:56:35 PM »

congrats on the win, Suzi :)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #308 on: March 22, 2010, 01:59:12 PM »

Ok so bad day today. Second week of trying to cut down to twice a week and first wee this morning really caused burning but did have half a bottle of wine last night and haven't really drunk much for ages. Feel a bit itchy and sore today. Think I am going to go back to using this stuff every other day again. All I want is to feel ok all of the time so I can just forget about my bits rather than thinking oh thats sore , thats itchy and enjoy life. I have two very sick friends at the moment and this makes you realise just how precious life is. VA really is shit!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #309 on: March 22, 2010, 10:05:44 PM »

Excellent win Suzi!  :bouncing:



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #310 on: March 22, 2010, 10:11:26 PM »

Hi Borchesterlass,
How is your gp about you using it Vagifem more than the advised amount?   I am really dreading having to have a month off in a week's time as the soreness which had gone off seems to be back, although currently not as bad as it was before.  Today it's been stinging and sore round the urethra. 
My gp is very pleasant but quite immovable it seems on sticking to twice a week and one month off every three, running out of ideas as to how to change this.
Thanks, Cres

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #311 on: March 22, 2010, 11:58:32 PM »

Thank you every one for the congrats on the win it was smashing and the evening was lovely
My gp didnt say anything about coming off vagifem?
Mind I dont go back for a see how Im going appt and to get btest results which I wont have till Wednesday after Easter(appt 17th)
I find that in the early am like you bit stingy bit iffy then after a couple of hours  95% fine BUT only if I use Vagifem every other day
Still not 100% and I dont expect it to be now but if it can just stay the way it is right now I can cope it has defo improved my AV
Im always aware of my Vagina from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep if its OKISH im waiting for it to hurt again
Ive not had that really horible burning ache like a horrible bruise and the inner labia pain but only if its a Vagifem every other day
Last week it hurt at the opening when I coughed or sat too long now it only hurts when I sit on my bum to long
There again 7hrs or was it 6 on the Bike Sunday and on Monday just a bruised bum? Aagin though every other day Wed Fri Sun???
My inner labis which are still shrinking TAZ are a lot plumper even I can see that and my outer mons inside part seems fulller
Might just be my imagination BUTTTTT and that paper cut I had last week gone Vagifem? Or one dab of Nystatin?
Im still scared though and strressed I worry that it will come back 100% and even the trips scarey now what if im ill when Im away
Sitting on a plane in cattle class for 24 hrs what if Im ill in France what if I blees what if what if!!!
Dont laugh but in some ways I wish to god I was staying home cos I feel safe and thats sad hey! Suzi Q
PLEASE let the day be good for all of us xxx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #312 on: March 23, 2010, 08:24:27 AM »

Know just what you mean about being away from home, Suzi.  I'm going to the States in May and already thinking that if I have this month off Vagifem starting next week, will I have enough time using it again for things to be ok.
In my packet of Vagifem it actually had a bit about 3 months on, one month off.
Hope you have a good day, my bits are sort of ok currently, early yet :)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #313 on: March 23, 2010, 08:32:45 AM »

Hi Cresent
Not sure . I originally had the vagifem from a different GP who said try to get down to a level of between 2 and 4 times a week. Will need to see a different GP next time and he is a man! the first was a woman who had suffered herself. 2 a week doesn't seem to be enough. All the symptons first disappeared when I tried patches for 3 months but I am reluctant to stay on this form of HRT as have always tried to avoid HRT like the plague.Today seems a bit better but am going to use vagifem tonight. I have enough left to use every other day till my appointment in April.twice a wekk obviously isn't enough. I wondered about using replens or something on the other days if I had to go down to twice a week.What is also bugging me at the moment is chaffing aroung my inner buttocks and soreness just inside my vagina. I sometimes use anosul HC for piles and I wonder if this could be causing the irritation? Any advice welcomed.
 Have a nice day everyone the sun is shining and Sam Cam is pregnant!

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #314 on: March 23, 2010, 08:48:41 AM »

Hi Borch
sounds like me and you have the same type of thing
Im useing it every second night its the only way it helps
Any less and nothing and as the second day goes on it can get a bit iffy after the shower
So I do it now in the evening drey type feeling a bit scratchy at the opening
But right this moment I feel we could have sex not sore but I can tell hormones going how
I want to wee we more than Ive done all day thats my sign
Never used HRT in any form other than cream till Feb 14th when came on this Vagifem I did it for 3 weeks every night F brilliant
Then as bloody soon as i wnt just the once 3 day miss the PAINNNNNNN back again took
One in every night for 4 nights to get back some semblance of normality it never goes its always JUST there butcan cope with that
Think the stuff for your bum chums itrritating your vaginal opening it will be leaking a path from your bum to your fanny so stop it
Chaffing on the inside of your thigh by your bum is that where it is? if so use sterilised powder lightly rub it in so no loose bits
I asked Chemist she said if I switched to Ovestin press then I could use Ovestin cream days I cant use press
So when I come back Im going to ask GP about it Im seeing him on the 17th and will mention how its working how Im useing it
Every other day and maybe theres a vagifem cream Ive never asked I will tell him about the vagi 10mg maybe he will give me that
Not going to rock the boat going away 4 weeks tomorrow if it gets no better fine as long as no worse
Thats nice news about her being pregnant but Dave wonder if she really calls him Dave but I hope they are very happy
Loosing their son was tragic yes I read online every day it was so sad same too for Brown they have been visited by tragedy xxx
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