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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 899855 times)

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #285 on: March 08, 2010, 06:53:16 AM »

Had a iffy weekend crappy in fact and no Ive no idea why
Today fine 100% perfect so far and its 10 to 5pm
Hope your feeling a tad better
There is a fine line but if your confident and persevere why would she not give it to you
Suzi Q
yes I had the bruised feeling too odd that only lasted a few hours but tell you what I did get
Those F fairys i get like a flutery movement feeling down at the vagina its dead weird doesnt hurt
Like a tingly nerve but with out the tingle just the feeling


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #286 on: March 08, 2010, 11:40:08 AM »

Glad it's one of the good days, Suzi.  I'm doing ok thank you.  Although I do keep getting a sort of toothache type pain down along the left side of my 'bits', sort of one side of the labia.  More discomfort than pain really and the soreness and stinging hasn't come back thank goodness.
Fingers crossed :)

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #287 on: March 08, 2010, 12:06:17 PM »

I will keep my fingers crossed for you OK xxx
This is the first night in 21 days no Vagifem in wonder what tomorrow will bring? 1st day with out it?
Suzi Q


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #288 on: March 08, 2010, 05:10:59 PM »

Suzi hope you will be okay.. :-*

BTW what is the time diff from Uk to Oz ?


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #289 on: March 08, 2010, 05:25:49 PM »

Have a go on here  It saves a lot of pondering I have found!

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #290 on: March 08, 2010, 10:22:09 PM »

Looks like you are 10.5hrs in front of us Suzi, we are just going to bed as you get up..Is it really 18c ? only 3c were i am.. :'(

Taz thanks for the link.. :-*

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #291 on: March 09, 2010, 06:03:20 AM »

When its 10am here its midnight there 10hrs diff till you turn clocks then its only 9hrs diff
Todays first day so far so good about 95% ok just had a shower that will be the test
See how the night goes and then then tomorrow
Hiope evryones lady bits are tickety boo today fingers crossed ladies 6 weeks tomorrow
Please god let the fanny be Ok

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #292 on: March 13, 2010, 08:15:52 AM »

Well as i said on other post
Wole up Thursday after not putting one in since Sunday and FFFFF it was horrific Feiday was even worse thought!!
I was reduced to tears at 8pm burning sire aching all day Bobbles lit stood by the bedroom door and made me out another one in
It wasnt due till tonight and F guess what woke up today almost 99% so Im going to take another one tonight
If I feel good tomorrow then I will skip tomorrow night see how Monday is
It could be I need one every day or every other day with in 1hr of it going in last night the relief was incredable
But I cant use Vagifem every night but I also cant have the pain and soreness I had Thur and Friday
Because Ive felt so well it hit me like a ton of bricks I really felt like I wanted to die yesterday I thought GOD dont let it come back
Im so discoutaged now yet today with a vagifem1 I dont know I really dont 5 weeks to go feel like giving up BUT I WONT xxxx

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #293 on: March 13, 2010, 08:18:17 AM »

Sorry mistake put one in Sunday had brill Mon Tue and Wed fabp perfect
Wed night put one in but Thur and Fri suicidal so Friday night out one in and today not 100% but cpmapred to yesterday
Maybe it has to be every other night cos even though one went in Wed maybe the 2 nights with ut where too long?
Suzi Q


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #294 on: March 13, 2010, 09:13:32 AM »

Sorry you had a bad day, Suzi, glad it wore off after using Vagifem.  Maybe you would be the sort of person who could use the new 10mg daily dose that was on that link Taz posted the other day?
It's not surprising really considering how long you have been suffering with VA that it would take more than a few weeks Vagifem to sort it out, is it?
Take care of yourself, hope you have a good weekend.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #295 on: March 13, 2010, 09:17:50 AM »

Hi Suzi
You seem to be responding like I did. Thats why I put myself on it every other day for a couple of weeks. Am trying now to cut down to twice a week. Last one went in on Wed evening now Saturday morning. So far so good. Have you thought about using Replens or similar on the days it gets bad until the next tablet is due? I think we have been without the hormones so long. This Vagifem also has such a low dose i think we need to get to a maintenance level before it will work for us and that involves a lot of experimentation with the stuff. THIS STUFFWILL WORK I AM SUREXX


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #296 on: March 13, 2010, 09:38:09 AM »

Oh Suzi - you poor thing  :hug: I am SO sorry to hear that you had a bad day. I wonder if the medics ever read these posts (apart from Heather, I mean - I know she does  :) ) Telling us "once a night for two weeks, then twice a week" like robots and then presumably thinking "great, another patient fixed" is no use. If they came on here they'd see that it isn't one individual patient complaining that the creams, as prescribed, don't fix us, it's most of us. Is there ANYONE out there who is post-menopausal and who has had vaginal atrophy which has got better? Please?  :tulips:

I am not sure that the creams are actually what is fixing us anyway. I've just had two weeks on the Ovestin, and I feel almost as bad as ever this morning. I am growing more and more certain that the stress and happy hormones within us play just as big a part. I'm going to start keeping a diary to see if there are any common factors in flare-ups. I know that I had an emotional shock yesterday that I think probably played a part in the tender feelings this morning.

I also wonder if Crescent is right - maybe this new low-dose Vagifem is just what we really need. Start off with the big one, then onto the low-dose daily for the foreseeable - that might fix us. Not sure I want to be taking a pessary every day for the rest of my life though...  :beat:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #297 on: March 13, 2010, 12:21:37 PM »

Well Crescent isn't sure Crescent is right, Fi ;D    But you never know!

My VA has been _much_ improved by using the Vagifem.  I have a lot of bladder symptoms but think my pelvic floor is pretty rubbish so not expecting Vagifem to fix that although it would be nice ;)
But the burning, stinging and overall soreness has definitely been helped, not many weeks now before I have to have the month off so not looking forward to that.  And as my original reason for going on Vagifem was recurrent cystitis, am feeling jittery already.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #298 on: March 13, 2010, 02:07:57 PM »

yes FI have to say mine is heaps better on the Vagifem. I had my last period 8 years ago and have only really been trobled by VA since September. looking back I can see all the signs were there for it slowly building up until hey life is so shit when it hits. Now sleep through the night and don't have the irritable bladder durig the day. Guess we just have to find the right levels for us. I was so against HRt in any form. But this has transformed my life so far. Just hope it can continue. it is so nice to be able to walk the dog without feeling sore and uncomfortable. If men had VA they would soon sort it out.
 Does anyone think wine makes it flare up?

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #299 on: March 14, 2010, 12:39:40 AM »

Still cant find glasses neither can Bobbles
YES wine to me does seem to agrivate it
Im starting to wonder if I have that Lichen thing
Reason in sever cases labia minorra vanishes eee hello thats whats hapepening to me?
Suzi Q
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