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Author Topic: It's back! - feeling really tearful again  (Read 26308 times)


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It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:47:07 AM »

Hi , just looking for support today as started feeling really tearful yesterday again. :(  Cried like a baby after my daughter went to bed last night. Thankfully I have a very understanding husband. :)  He asked me I could pin point it to anything that had happened or what I was thinking about, but no, I couldn't.  Nothing's changed or happened for the worse.

I have to go in to work a bit later today so I'm still at home at the mo and all the while I feel like I'm fighting back the tears. 

Have worked out that it's 65 days since my last period and that was the length of my cycle the time before, so wondering if it's on its way?? Who knows?

Just needed to offload to women who can understand what I mean.  Thanks  :)



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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 09:29:01 AM »

 :hug: :hug: :hug:

It's a horrid feeling isn't it? Although I'm on HRT I still find I have moments where I blub for no reason.  It's good that your hubby is being supportive.  My hubby looks lost when I blub, not sure what he should do to help.  Just having someone there who isn't judging you is the best help!


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2011, 10:08:26 AM »

 :hug:  Here's a hug from me to you :)  Its a horrible feeling isn't it?  But at least you have a supportive husband to help you through this - and of course your cyber friends on here.  Hope you soon feel a bit better


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2011, 10:15:41 AM »

Have a hug from me too - sounds like your hormones are doing something. Watch this space maybe your period will arrive soon. Try not to hang on to the tears too much - you might get some relief if you can let a few out. Hang in there. Xxx


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2011, 12:33:01 PM »

Thanks for your support and hugs ladies :)  It means a lot.  H&S - you're right about not holding onto the tears as it often helps.  I had a little weep this morning and then got on with getting ready for work.  As per usual - I was fine.  Just on a quick lunch break before going back.  When I get like this, it's the underlying feeling that I'm only a moment away from breaking down/freaking out that I dislike so much!  I get through the day but only just it seems....

As my husband said to me last night - these episodes are getting shorter and further apart so that's what I have to hold onto.  God do I appreciate him so much more since all this kicked off.


one year in

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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2011, 02:31:20 PM »

Hi 2catsnat.

Don't worry, you're not alone.  I got the weepies today when I took a cat to the vet to be sterilised.  No reason for it, I just couldn't stop.  Streamed all the way home in the car.   :'(

Don't you find that it gets better when you concentrate on something and then returns when you let your mind relax?


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2011, 06:39:11 PM »

aww hun...its rotten isnt it...I know. Its weird how you think your having a good day and then bang....your weeping or snarling at someone without warning....
I got my FSH today...50.2 , put phone down and cried like a baby....
I keep tellin myself itnot like I got cancer or something awful and I kind of feel guilty for feeling so sorry for myself but its hard to sheke sometimes isnt it? At least we have each other here to lean on:-)
keep your chin up...
Jacky xx


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2011, 06:57:12 PM »

Hiya I totally understand that horrible feeling when you wake up and for no apparent reason feel so bad, I often look for a reason and then come to the conclusion that its the dreaded hormones again!

As we all know these days dont last forever even tho the time it feels like it, we all know wot its like to have good and bad days, and it helps to off load how your feeling, thats why this forum is priceless.

Really hope you pick up soonxx

meno lesley

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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2011, 10:59:29 PM »

Really know how you feel. Im on hrt but still have days when all goes a bit nuts and I usually end up crying then feel better. It helps me to know that other women go through the same and am not going mad.

Lesley x


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2011, 12:23:58 PM »

Hi George - i think it depends on what HRT you are on. Norethisterone is known to cause pmt symptoms in some women, for instance, which is what happened to me. Did you used to suffer like this with normal periods? I did so the HRT "downtime" is really just an extension for me of how I have always felt in the last 10 days or so of my cycle.

Taz x


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2011, 09:23:01 AM »

Well I've felt pretty good all week - more or less..... then last night had a little weep and have woken up today with that uneasy feeling again.  Thank goodness I could find this post again and read your supportive replies.  It is so helpful to read them. :)
Still no period so it's about 75 days now, yet I've got that groin ache- another phantom period I guess??

Wishing you all a productive and happy day in the sunshine(as most of us are probably getting something done towards Xmas) ;D


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2011, 01:42:24 PM »

  sorry to hear that....
maybe we all have xmas blues and SAD.
I been good for over a week and today I wanna cry for nothing too....
SOD IT ALL.....go for a 30 min walk,have some you time :-)
Jacky x


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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2011, 02:03:26 PM »

I've been feeling really weepy for the past couple of days, in fact I've just posted about it on a couple of threads!

I've also just had a little weep while reading these threads, because it helps so much that other women are going through this and it's not just me suddenly turning into an alien being!!



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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2011, 02:10:26 PM »

I think that letting it out can be healthy. I used to sit here for hours working my way through the "Funnies" and laughing even as I sobbed! Somehow it feels better than crying alone, knowing there are others feeling exactly the same.  :hug:
Bette x

bev couzens

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Re: It's back! - feeling really tearful again
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2011, 06:45:53 PM »

i,v been crying all day and most of yesterday,i dont do tears,well untill now..BEV :'(
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