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Author Topic: Utrogestan  (Read 121597 times)


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2011, 06:50:30 PM »

My meno clinic told me that utrogestan was the progesterone recommended in those who have a family history of DVT's. They investigated my family history, something that my GP had touched on, and although I am not a carrier of the most common clotting gene I am still supposed to be at less risk on Utrogestan than the other ones. My family link is that my mum and her brothers all developed DVT's in their fifties. Unfortunately they are all dead (not from blood clots though!) so we can't find out whether they were all suffering from the same gene defect.

Utrogestan 100mg Best Price

Taz x


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2011, 06:56:19 PM »

The only bit I'm really interested in (and can understand!!) is "lower potency of androgenic action" - which might hopefully mean it lessens the amount of hair I was shedding on Norethisterone.


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2011, 09:06:02 AM »

It explains that taking Utrogestan with estrodiol helps increase the good HDL cholesterol, also taking estrodiol by mouth increases triglycerides but transdermally it is less likely to do so.

The main point is that Utrogestin does not negate HDL like progestin does.

That is good news for those concerned about their cholesterol levels and taking hormones.

silverlady x


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #33 on: December 06, 2011, 03:13:54 PM »

my good cholesterol's gone up on HRT (Utrogestan as the progesterone). So has my bad. But the ratio is apparently acceptable. Don't want to take statins as already have M.E and fibro and they often give muscle problems.  The specialist I saw last winter when was v ill is also a cardiologist and he told me that those cholesterol drink things are not total rubbish so I swallow one daily as well.

I really don't find Utrogestan helps me sleep though. Lucky you if it does help with that


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2011, 10:39:15 AM »

I feel the same Jaycee - I don't have trouble sleeping anyway but this Utro seems to be giving me horrible hung-over feeling. I must admit I've been ready to throw the whole lot in the bin in the last couple of days!

Talking of hangovers, what exactly happens if you take Utro shortly after eating and drinking? (as is likely to be the case over the next few weeks).



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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #35 on: December 07, 2011, 11:27:12 AM »

The tiredness is why I wouldn't want to use it conti although 100 mg is less but I think you are on that aren't you jaycee and still feeling tired?

I guess it's a balancing act as always - continous tiredness versus a bleed! There is no magic cure except for those lucky women ( who we probably don't hear much about) who have no side effects and can happily take anything!

If tiredness is the only side effect on Utrogestan and there is no withdrawal migraine then to me that is fantastic - as I just cant cope with the headaches on norethisterone, and Cyclogest withdrawal.
It is probably a similar feeling to pregnancy tiredness when prog levels are high - I remember feeling v tired especially at first. Also during the second half of the menstrual cycle I often felt tired and that will have been due to the prog.

Not sure of the drinking thing Rivadan! Me alcohol and prog just don't mix and I'll get a hangover on a very small amount of aclohol especially wine drunk late at night, when using prog.... Seems to be OK once the prog has gone though ie now ( last took it mid Nov - prog that is not alcohol  ;D).

Hurdity x  :)


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #36 on: December 07, 2011, 05:02:36 PM »

I will try to last the course and have a bleed, and then review the situation. One thing in its favour (as with norethisterone) is that it hasn't affected my mood which I thought it might.


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2011, 06:43:57 PM »

Hi Ladies,

Was woken up yesterday morning at 4am with a blistering sick migraine. It's completely gone today- unusual as they last 3 days on average. So, it looks as though 5 days of utrogestan oral route caused a 1 day migraine. Last night I took it by V route, maybe that's why I feel better today. I'm going to use it v route tonight then that's it-7 days done! In January I'm going to do 7 days by V route in the hope that it might be the solution for me. Anyway, I just have to wait now to see if I get a bleed.

Intend to phone consultant and tell him what happened re migraine and what I intend to do next month. Have no idea if it will be approved but will let you know.



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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2011, 11:58:29 AM »

Okay - so I'm now on day 10 of the 200mgs oral. As others have said, I do think the lethargy has decreased a little as the days have gone by - however, today I woke feeling exactly as I used to on the day a period started, and lo and behold I have started spotting, so would expect tomorrow to be heavier.

Does this mean 10 days is enough for me? I'm confused! I had hoped the bleed would take place over next weekend but now it looks like its going to be Monday morning - oh joy!


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2011, 08:58:29 PM »

bombus - sorry to hear about your migraine while taking Utro - that is a blow. You are on 200 mg aren't you for 7 days aren't you? In view of what I found out and said on the other thread, do you think this might be less in terms of side effects if you were on 100 mg for longer by V route? Hope you are OK and didn't get a withdrawal migraine as well...?

Rivadan - glad you managed to tolerate the Utro more or less but weird to get the bleed early. I would still take the whole course especially as you haven't had any prog for 3 months. I can't remember if you are under a meno specialist or GP but I am sure a specialist would be able to give you an explanation. I think some women on sequi get thier bleed before they go onto the oestro only preparation ie while still on the prog so this is probably just normal? It's a pain isn't it trying to time things - doesn't always work out!

jaycee - I've commented on the other thread - sorry to hear about your cramps....

Hurdity x  :)


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #40 on: December 11, 2011, 09:22:15 PM »

Hurdity thanks for your help. I will finish the course and then maybe next time it will be more predictable.


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2011, 09:23:00 PM »

Hi Ladies, :)

Yes Hurdity I was very disappointed re the migraine-at least it only lasted for 1 day rather than the usual 3 days so something to be thankful for I suppose. Still nasty though-got sent home from work because of the nausea, shaking, and zigzag lights in my vision. I'm so fed up with it!

I'd been prescribed 7 days of Utrogestan @100mg oral route and was told to expect a light bleed around day 10 which is happening now-bit more than a light bleed though. No withdrawal migraine thank goodness.

I emailed consultant re migraine and said I'd like to try 7 days of Utro @100mg by vaginal route next month in the hope that it will be less systemic and therefore possibly less likely to cause a migraine and was told to give it a try and let him know how I get on.

Hurdity thanks for all the info re the Utro on the other thread and the great link from Candy-I find it reassuring.

Thanks also to all you other ladies who are posting your experiances re the Utro-it's all grist to the mill. I just hope we all find a permanent solution to the problem VERY soon.

Best Wishes

« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 10:51:22 PM by bombus »


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #42 on: December 14, 2011, 11:06:33 AM »

Interestingly having discussed with another member on here, I used Cyclogest 200 mg (designed as pessary or suppository) every other night too for a few months - but only along with 25 mcg patch so very low dose - this caused no build up as no bleed when I stopped the Cyclogest. Cyclo is usually prescribed (by GPs or meno consultants) at double the dose of Utrogestan and not sure why - but Cyclo is not officially licensed for endometrial protection. My good GP who has been prescribing Cyclogest for many years - in preference to synthetic progestins - still would not prescribe it on a conti basis because of concerns about the right dose, so even some very enlightened GPs have their limits on how far they will go and I suppose it does depend on how much time they have to follow the latest research.
Here's to a migraine free Christmas for all prog intolerant women out there!  :)
Hurdity x


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #43 on: December 15, 2011, 05:50:26 PM »

Hi Jaycee, :)

Thanks very much-I'll PM you.



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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2011, 08:50:40 PM »

Hi all - well, I finished the course of Utro but have not had a proper bleed, only a bit of spotting over 3-4 days.

In the last few days of taking it I developed a horrible backache which unfortunately is a familiar side effect of prog for me. This has ruled out the idea of taking it continually.

I'm going to wait until Feb to try Utro again. If I then have a bleed then I'll be happy that bi-monthly is going to be the way to go for me.
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