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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Histamine Intolerance and managing HRT  (Read 3923 times)


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Histamine Intolerance and managing HRT
« on: July 03, 2020, 10:05:05 AM »

Good Morning All

I have just joined and I am looking for some advice/feedback from other members.

I started on HRT approx 18 months ago, gel and Utrogestan.  I started on HRT due to terrible hot sweats day and night.   Initially it worked although I gradually had to up the amount of gel applied as the sweats crept back in.  But strangely I started with lots of new symptoms, dizziness, inflammation, stiffness in joint,aches and not sleeping.

I tried returning to the Dr but just couldn't get it sorted and ended up visiting the Newsom clinic in Stratford earlier this year where my medication was changed to patches and Utrogestan.

Since 21 I have suffered from hormonal migraines, every month they were awful and always lasted 3/5 days often I'd be sick non stop.   The only time I didn't have migraines was when I was pregnant with my 2 children.  Taking the pill was always difficult too, regularly trying different ones.

Anyways the short story is I've recently been diagnosed with Histamine Intolerance, apparently, very under diagnosed but my Dr at Newsom says that HRT for 95% of people works very well with great and often life changing results but for 5% it is just problematic often exasperates symptoms and generally can make you feel worse, often these are people who have HIT.

I have tried so hard to sort this, seen different consultants and I don't seem to be able to get HRT to work for me, I am so fed up with trying.  I'm told I would have to drastically change my diet to even see if my body would work with HRT, at this moment in time with everything I'm dealing with, it's too much.......

What I'm asking in a long drawn out way Sorry is, has anyone else experienced this, did you manage to get HRT to work for you or did you give up?

Many thanks for any help xx


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Re: Histamine Intolerance and managing HRT
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2020, 11:42:56 AM »

Hi! You are in a good place for advice, Dr Newsom is well recommended.

We have a recent topic about histamine intolerance so I you put that into the search box on the forum it should pop up.  Make notes  ;)

Let us know how you get on.



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Re: Histamine Intolerance and managing HRT
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2020, 01:30:03 PM »

Hi Traceyjd
I have had a diagnosis of histamine intolerance (from Dr Tina Peers) and I'm also trying to manage it whilst taking HRT.
My symptoms have always been body pain, digestive problems, dehydration and allergies- itching, nasal congestion. I have never had hot flushes or night sweats.
I'm now 6 years post menopause. I had hyperparathyroidism and an operation to sort that out in 2018.
I started hrt last year - I didn't absorb the gel, Elleste Solo 1mg didn't do much to help so i was put up to 2mg and that gave me terrible IBS. So I stopped taking that. In March I started on Evorel 75 patches. Things have improved but i would like a blood test to see what my estradiol levels are but obviously that isn't happening atm.
Dr Peers suggested HI to me because of my allergies - i have had rhinitis all of my life and various skin problems but the menopause exacerbated all of them. I tried a low histamine diet on the advice of a dietician and at that point i was also taking Fexofenadine and Ranitidine. I have now come off of these and i try to manage without them.
Anyway i could talk about this ad infinitum! If you want to chat to me about it please PM me.


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Re: Histamine Intolerance and managing HRT
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2020, 10:28:42 AM »

Hi Jennyr thank you for your reply, I’d love to pm you but I’ve not written enough posts, I’m really struggling with HRT and the effects of the histamine intolerance, I’m just about to throw the towel in on HRT. 
Even my Evorel patches have stopped sticking!!


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Re: Histamine Intolerance and managing HRT
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2020, 03:27:56 PM »

Whoops sorry Traceyjd I didn't realise that and I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. I empathise completely.
What is your worst symptom? Can you isolate that and try and alleviate that one issue? Have you been prescribed anti histamines at all?
My opinion is that, for me , the menopause exacerbated my HI. So i did feel that it was important to continue with HRT to try and restore my levels of E. i do feel better on the Evorel patches so fingers crossed that they are  working!
I have had a dreadful week with HI as I foolishly had a glass of red wine at the weekend and it returned me to where I was a year ago with terrible reflux, nasal congestion etc. So I have spent  the week restricting my diet.
I'm sorry that I don't have any easy answers for you. At least you are under the care of the Newson Clinic and they should be able to help you.
I was very angry last year when Dr P told me that I had HI and how difficult it was to sort it out as my teenage years and early 20s were blighted by my hormones and I was hoping that the menopause was going to be ok for me but I have now come to accept it and what I have to do to feel well.
Where are you putting the patches? When i stuck my patches  on my bum they used to fall off so now I stick them my lower abdomen and they adhere better there


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Re: Histamine Intolerance and managing HRT
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2020, 09:57:52 AM »

Thanks Jenny.  I think for me it’s the aches and pains plus the hormonal migraines I had from 21 have returned now I’m using HRT.
At the moment I’m having a break from taking the progesterone to see if that helps. 
I think you might be right, if I just try and manage one thing at once? It’s just all getting on top of me what with being furloughed, kids back home, divorce blah blah blah 😂.  And I am so sick of hearing my own voice.

At least I know about HI now and can help both my girls who seem to also have it. 

Do you take anti histamines daily?  I did try but because I seem to be doing so many different things I stopped.  I’ll try again.

Do you get joint/muscle problems?  I have terrible problems with my knees.   They have strangely gone out of alignment, no OA, I’ve had scans but walking is difficult.

I’ll try putting the patches on my abdomen.  How do you get on with the progesterone?  What level of patch do you use?

Thank you responding and helping, this can make you feel like you’re going crazy.