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Author Topic: Weight loss  (Read 2646 times)


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Weight loss
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:46:47 AM »

Can anyone tell me if they've lost weight just down to anxiety?Before, I struggled to keep my weight down,on the cross trainer 3 x a week & walking the dogs & if I stopped boom the weight went on.just recovering from a course of antibiotics which latterly made me nauseous & I wasn't eating very much but I'm now better haven't done ANY exercise & I just can't put any weight on,I am struggling badly with anxiety,could this do it?


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2018, 10:19:27 AM »

When menopause hits, muscle mass drops and maintaining muscle becomes more difficult.  Weight tends to gather around our hips and waist more!!!! Anxiety will often keep weight low.  Try to eat really healthily but regularly, so you don't get sugar lows. Relaxation techniques e.g. Mindfulness, are the way to go and brisk walking is really good.  Instead of cross training, try a dance class, as this will lift the mood and keep you fit. Dg x


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2018, 10:21:41 AM »

Can anyone tell me if they've lost weight just down to anxiety?Before, I struggled to keep my weight down,on the cross trainer 3 x a week & walking the dogs & if I stopped boom the weight went on.just recovering from a course of antibiotics which latterly made me nauseous & I wasn't eating very much but I'm now better haven't done ANY exercise & I just can't put any weight on,I am struggling badly with anxiety,could this do it?

Hi I'm post menopausal and weight is falling off me. Can see bones and skin sagging and wrinkly on body :( I've never been big but it's worrying me. Anxiety is horrendous.  Are you post menopause?

Dancing Queen

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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2018, 10:24:56 AM »

Yes I lost half a stone earlier this year ... doesn`t sound much but I`ve been the same weight for about 10 years and wasn`t trying to lose it but I was having a bad time with peri and it just went. Now more settled on HRT and less anxious but still trying to keep the half stone off as I think I look better for it. Have had jealous friends saying you`re too skinny but at 8 and a half stone 5ft 4 I don`t think so..I`ve still got a beer belly!  :)


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2018, 10:39:59 AM »

Thank you dancing queen  :) I'm 55 & bang in the middle of menopause,always been a strong kinda person but now it's gone,half a stone is what I have lost but like you that's a lot when you're not large in the first place.
Cheers to your beer belly  ;D haven't had a drink in 2 weeks down to taking the antibiotics,guess who's having a wine/beer/gin........alcohol this weekend?


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2018, 10:43:25 AM »

Thank you dancing queen  :) I'm 55 & bang in the middle of menopause,always been a strong kinda person but now it's gone,half a stone is what I have lost but like you that's a lot when you're not large in the first place.
Cheers to your beer belly  ;D haven't had a drink in 2 weeks down to taking the antibiotics,guess who's having a wine/beer/gin........alcohol this weekend?

Hi I'm post menopausal and weight is falling off me. Can see bones and skin sagging and wrinkly on body :( I've never been big but it's worrying me. Anxiety is horrendous.  Are you post menopause?

Dancing Queen

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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2018, 11:26:39 AM »

Hi Jaypo.... I`ve got a 3 day jive dancing break in Llandudno this weekend and will be burning off those calories so MUST replace them with lots and lots of beer and wine`s compulsory! Oh, I guess I should remember to eat at some point too...  :D


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2018, 11:53:04 AM »

Great advice from everyone but feel I need to add a note of caution in that any unexplained weight loss once over the age of 50 should be mentioned to your GP.

Jaypo it sounds as if your half a stone was lost due to the antibiotics making you feel sick but if the loss continues then maybe you should return to your GP? Hope you're feeling better now.

Dancing Queen. Have a great time!

Taz x


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2018, 12:12:08 PM »

Yes, the anxiety is destroying me. I've lost too much weight because of it. Im not too thin yet, not looking sickly but I'm getting close. If only I could get the anxiety to stop...still no HRT, trying to make sure some things are good with clotting factors right now since I have family history and such. I'm getting pretty desperate though and I may actually try meds for it soon. I was on the upper end of the healthy weight before but I've lost over 35 pounds... Google says 2 &1/2 stone (in US).

Try to eat often, small meals if you need to but more than 3. Easier said than done I know. Anxiety has killed my desire for food when it's really bad. Plus I think the racing heart, adrenaline and everything works your body harder and throw in my stomach issues and new problems with gluten, I can't just reach for whatever anymore and have to think about everything I eat. So now a bit if anxiety over food. 



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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2018, 05:34:03 PM »

Thanks taz,got dr on Tuesday so hopefully all ok,been off antibiotics for 4 days now but still feel bleuch.wish I was joining you at the dancing ms queen :) have fun,enjoy your small glass of sherry  ;D


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2018, 04:31:02 PM »

I've always joked that anxiety keeps me thin, but seriously it does have an effect. When ever I have a particularly ongoing stressful period in my life my weight seems to drop by about half a stone. Earlier this year I lost weight again. It usually gradually creeps back up as things calm down. I'm having digestive problems so that isn't happening this time as I'm scared of eating anything with fat content. I have always suffered with anxiety so it's not just a menopause thing for me, though I sure it is playing a part.


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2018, 04:45:18 PM »

Hi Shropshirelass,don't think I'll ever complain again about being overweight by a few pounds,half a stone gone & I'm trying to eat lots & I've stopped exercising as I don't want to lose anymore.every time I weigh myself nothing has gone on then I start to stress,what a carry on😳