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Author Topic: first post  (Read 3886 times)


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first post
« on: September 19, 2016, 11:51:02 AM »

Hello All.

Thank you for letting me join the group. My name is Lel and I am 51 years old.  I live in Kent and have 2 grown up children and a younger child. I had an Hysterectomy in 2008 but kept my ovaries which meant I didnt go straight into Menopause phew!

Im totally confused with the before and during menopause thing.. I have felt a bit rubbish for a while now. Have had family issues too and so not sure what was causing the tears/stress at times.  family/Menopause - probably a combination of both.

I have felt stressed for some time now (maybe a year) taking Menopace which has helped.. I get hot and cold times (which I hate) I am more emotional than I was. I struggle with sleep - some nights I am awake ALL night ;( this is really getting me down ;(

I ache !! so much.... I feel like I have aged so much in the last year ;( I have put weight on - but managed to quit smoking 2 years ago (after many years of smoking) weight gain is probably down to that more than Menopause. At times I wish I hadn't quit smoking - timing was so wrong.. when I feel stressed, tired, cant sleep.. I know if I could have a Ciggy it would help....

I dont know if the aching is down to Menopause, or weight gain, or a family history of low Vit D - I had bloods done to test this but GP said he don't believe in the new fad of Vit D deficiency so wouldn't really even discuss it.. he assured me he would see me again to find out why I was feeling as I was. Then I was told Bloods all ok and no need to be seen again.. I still ached, I still didnt sleep, still felt drained and unwell... I cried feeling like even my GP didnt care enough to help me ;(

Concentration is also a bit rubbish, but not really surprised with the amount of sleep I am having ;(

I wonder if theres anything I can take to stop my aches.. to help me sleep... and to just make me feel a bit happier..

Sorry for all the moaning..



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Re: first post
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 12:29:20 PM »

Hi Lel, welcome to the Forum.

It sounds like you are definitely going through the menopause as I too have all your symptoms. In fact, I was also awake ALL night and that happens to me a few times a month and is so draining especially when I have work the next morning. But you're correct in that being tired then leads to lack of concentration etc. I feel awful today from my lack of sleep and was tearful this morning and feeling stressed.

I had a lot of aching and blood tests showed I was deficient in Vitamin D, so I took 3 months of supplements and the aching significantly reduced. My practice Nurse said it is very common nowadays in the UK so not sure why your GP is against giving you supplements? However, if you mean your blood tests for vitamin D were OK then you're not deficient and the aching is possibly just down to what happens in menopause.  Do you know what else he tested you for? I had tests for signs of arthritis and all sorts.

Unfortuantely, some GP's just seem to have no clue. I am lucky in that my GP was wonderful and the first time I went saying I thought I was in peri, she offered me HRT (which I have not opted for as yet). I would suggest you see a different GP in your practice or the practice nurse or even change GP Surgeries.

Good luck..



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Re: first post
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2016, 12:48:34 PM »

Hi Megamind, thank you so much ! for your reply..

I feel like I'm not so alone, hearing that you too have all my symptoms ! not that I ma glad you do.. but..

My GP said the results for the VIT D test were on the low side, but that he dont believe in Vit D defiencys, he believes it to be the new fad to get people taking more meds that they dont need !!  My mum was told by a specialist years ago that she had a  VitD deficiency and advised that her daughters, sister etc be tested. they all were tested and all found to be extremely low hence needing to take Vit D. But GP said he dosent believe in all that.

Anyway the practice I'm with has 2 GPS - him (the owner) and another male GP who I dont see because unfortunately I do not understand what he says (english very poor) I wish I could go back to my previous GP surgery, who had a very caring, and good female GP but cant because live too far away now.

My hip has now started hurting ;( do yo get this?

Do you take anything for your symptoms??

I will check what else I was tested for.




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Re: first post
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2016, 01:43:57 PM »

Thank-you Sparkle.

I rang my GP surgery and asked what I had been tested for.

It was, Cholesterol, Vit D Levels, FBC, Liver, Glucose, Vit B12, Folate, PSH Level, T4 Level, Plasma, Calcium and more.. The receptionist was busy and seemed a bi confused as to why I wanted to know what I had been tested for. I asked was it my right to know and she said yes. Do you know what Vit D level you were when you were prescribed the Vit D tabs? I am ringing back to see if I can find out what my levels were.


Megamind - yes please if you could let me know what the tabs are that would be great.. cant hurt me to try surely?  No, no other local GP practice I would be happy to go to. ;( rubbish... may have to just move !! x


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Re: first post
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2016, 01:48:14 PM »

I have crippling aches. First thing in a morning I feel soooo stiff. Once I've moved around a bit I improve but the ache is there all the time. Getting off to sleep can be hard as that's when the hip starts to throb! My vitamin D is fine so just down to menopause. Sometimes feel my body is just broken :(


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Re: first post
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2016, 01:51:41 PM »

I was never told my level just that it was low. I've messaged you about the Vit D supplements.


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Re: first post
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2016, 02:03:27 PM »

I had the same tests and it came out with borderline vit D (in October when it should be high after the summer).  I was aching badly and the nurse told me to ask for tests for arthritis.

I was told to buy 25ug/1000iu and take every day.  You can get them from supermarkets.  NICE advised that vitD supplements should be readily available at a reasonable price after some high profile cases (like the baby with rickets that was taken from its parents)

The daily recommended amount is 10ug, which is considered a bit low.  Some people say it should be a lot higher than 25ug!  I take it all winter and the daily amount in the summer.  It has helped me, but I now find that I also need magnesium supplements too.  I also take an omega3 oil capsule.

You can also increase your intake by going out in the sun (just about some left!! No use October-March though as the angle of the sun is too low to get the right sort of light).  Tinned oily fish like sardines are good.  If you are a brave sort, large tins of pilchards are very cheap indeed, and there is a recipe for curry made with them, on the website of the manufacturer.  Otherwise, sardines in tomato sauce, mashed onto toasted muffins and put under the grill to heat through are a lovely winter delicacy.

You need three good portions of oily fish a week just to maintain levels, so supplements are worthwhile.


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Re: first post
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2016, 02:29:37 PM »

Also, I have a friend who asked to go on hrt but has been given the same tests and is on Vit D now.  I will keep an eye on this thread and see how you get along.

Same problem with small surgery - other GP does not do 'womens stuff'. :-\


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Re: first post
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2016, 02:32:14 PM »

Thank you everyone.

Cecelia - me too !! at times I feel like my body is just broke.. well to be honest most of the time i feel like that !!

I am fine when I am resting as in sitting down (which I don't get to do often) as soon as I get up, i hurt...;( my ankles, my heels!! and now my hip.. ;( in bed my hips started hurting, so much so that my heel and calf pain is not so noticeable, i have never been one to take painkillers at the drop of a hat but have started to take ibuprofen just before bed in the hope they will stop the aches to allow me to fall asleep.. then when/if I fall asleep, I wake up hot or achey and even though I am soon tired I feel wide awake ;(

Where have 'I' disappeared to ;( I don't feel like 'me' anymore.. someone stole my happiness, sleep, laughter, strength, toned body, patience and so much more..

This does end doesn't it ? one day we wake up and this menopause thing has finished and we are ourselves again.. this is how it is isn't it?? please say yes... because i cant do this forever ;( 

I look at older people, say in their 60/70's and they are happy, laughing, not fanning themselves etc so this must end and we find ourselves again....  :-\


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Re: first post
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2016, 03:11:36 PM »

 :welcomemm:  sounds 'within normal limits for perimenopause' from where I'm sitting  ::)

As oestrogen levels drop off apparently muscles become lax = aches and pains.  Also, the body dries out: skin, nostrils, deep in the ears, vagina ……. we have threads on all these here somewhere  >:(  ::).  An over the counter pain relief should be enough to ease aches and pains; this weekend it's been my ankles, shins and sciatic nerve [though the latter is my own fault] ……. next week it could be wrists ….

Have a chat with a Pharmacist about VitD supplements.  You could ask if there are any GPs which support menopause treatments more readily than others …….

Your GP is not there to pass judgement on what he believes/not, he's there to listen, advise and prescribe.  Go back and ask for Research which tells patients that VitD is not required because it doesn't work???  ;)  Wonder if he would tell someone with a serious condition that treatment isn't necessary because he doesn't believe in it?

Is there a Practice Nurse available BusyLel?  Someone with a bit of knowledge?

HEY not so much of the 'old people at 60/70'  ;D  :P  …… it's a number, some mornings I wake feeling 90  :-\

We have a funny room here too do have a browse ;-).


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Re: first post
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2016, 03:41:32 PM »

I look at older people, say in their 60/70's and they are happy, laughing, not fanning themselves etc so this must end and we find ourselves again....  :-\

not old people ! CLKD  :)

As oestrogen levels drop off apparently muscles become lax = aches and pains. 

It feels like something bad is wrong though.. It hurts so much to walk after i have been sitting or laying down. does this mean that I need to work harder to hang on to the muscles then ?? maybe start doing aerobics again - even if it hurts because of my aches and pains as in no pain no gain.. i stopped exercising because didnt really know what was going on with all the aches and pains....

my GP is very very opinionated which I did think was a good thing now I am not so sure.. I gave him a list of Vit D deficiency symptoms and my symptoms at the time and he just brushed them off and gave me my list back ;( feel so unimportant at the moment and I guess a bit sorry for myself..  :'(

the practice nurse looks about 20 (younger than my daughter) and i just couldn't ... maybe wrong attitude but its just how i feel....



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Re: first post
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2016, 04:26:47 PM »

Off to the Pharmacist then, they should have private consultation rooms.

Try an OTC pain relief too again ask for advice from the Pharmacist.  If necessary refer yourself to a physiotherapist for advice on lifting, general movement, exercises …….. pain is a warning but we do stiffen up if we don't exercise.


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Re: first post
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2016, 04:28:25 PM »

When I read your posts it like you're talking about me. I've tried more walking/cycling but when I do I just hurts all the more. I'm 54 now. The aching started about 2yrs ago almost warnings..nothing, then boom. At first I thought I'd damaged my achilles heel but couldn't think how. I too look at older people and can't even imagine getting to that age :'(



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Re: first post
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2016, 04:50:47 PM »

When I read your posts it like you're talking about me. I've tried more walking/cycling but when I do I just hurts all the more. I'm 54 now. The aching started about 2yrs ago almost warnings..nothing, then boom. At first I thought I'd damaged my achilles heel but couldn't think how. I too look at older people and can't even imagine getting to that age :'(

I googled and researched and decided at one point that I just must have achillies heel.. My pains also started suddenly. its rubbish...   :-\


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Re: first post
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2016, 07:06:09 PM »

It's deep in my groin which aches on rising