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Author Topic: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!  (Read 107250 times)


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #285 on: May 22, 2011, 12:00:35 AM »

Yee gads, CLKD, I had that and it is the worst non fatal pain many say.  Mine was finally called atypical facial neuralgia and I was scheduled for a trigeminal nerve ablation.  But, miracles of miracles, it finally got better.  Also they called them cluster headaches.  Have they damaged a nerve?  If so, hopefully it will heal in time - lots of time.  I took self hypnosis classes to learn to 'control' the pain.  Oddly, when done with meno, it got better.
I sure hope you do not have this.  I had it for years from, I'm guessing 35-55.  Wouldn't wish it on anyone. I also had one pupil that blew (turned eye completely black) and they diagnosed brain tumor and it was a reaction to the brain scan dye i think.  It got better over time.  Gosh, being an old battle ax, I have had a few things.  This is one I'd just as soon forget.  Hope it is just swelling on the nerve and that it will go away!  Sorry.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #286 on: May 22, 2011, 11:47:51 AM »

Taylor I had this in the 1990s but can't remember which side of the face.  Looking at the UK Support web-site there's lots of gloom and doom as to how medications do/don't work.  One reputadly gives a 'life threatening rash' to some sufferers  :o :o  ..... WTF!

Fortunately, either the spasms are getting fewer and/or the Nurofen is controlling the pain better.  It is excruciating, I was crawling along the lounge floor yesterday waiting for the meds to kick in.  I've stopped the ABs as I could no longer bear the heartburn; it was that or stop eating and as a recovering anorexic [see other thread] .......

Hey Ho! we've been shopping for more Nurofen but only allowed 2 packets a day from Tesco  ::)


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #287 on: May 22, 2011, 12:23:57 PM »

How are you getting on with them Susan? The first time I took them I had no real ill effects apart from thrush in the mouth but the second time I came out in a really itchy rash as my body recognised it and sent out warnings. I can't have it now. One good side effect though was that my fungal toenail infection has begun to clear for the first time in years!

CLKD - how many nurofen are you taking if you need to buy more than two packets at a time  :o

Taz x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #288 on: May 22, 2011, 12:26:18 PM »

CLKD, I woke up at 3am and thought of your pain.  I think I want to share something that may sound crazy, but honestly it might help.  There are trigger points (tiny contracted tissue within muscles or fascia) at the base of your skull for head/face pain (found everywhere in body for other stuff) that if you press with your finger tips will be sore and will send shooting pains to the area behind your eye, in your temple, on your cheek bone.  TPs (trigger points) cause referred pain.  One day a physical therapist was trying to work with my bad neck and she hit this point and I was really shook up as it was the exact pain pattern I had.  I saw the neurosurgeon and cancelled my surgery.  The TPs recur, especially after dental work.  

TMJ is also totally involved.  It is like which comes first chicken or egg or whatever the heck it is.

So please massage the back of your head, bottom of skull and if you find a sore spot, press it in and hold seven seconds and gently release, followed by a warm wash cloth or towel.  You can also roll your knuckles across your forehead, cheek bone and find same TPs.  Wherever you find them - same thing - press and hold and release and warmth cloth.  Press hard enough to hurt..

I wonder if I can copy and paste to pm.  I think I tried and can't once before.  I'll try and find a link for here.

Google books usually lets you read a lot of pages, unlike Amazon.

Anyhow, please try and maybe I can get some sleep tonight.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #289 on: May 22, 2011, 12:39:12 PM »

Good Heavens, Susan, not to worry.  I blather on and don't expect responses.  Just wish we'd all get to feeling good.  I'm getting an inversion table to use very, very mildly 20 degrees max as physical therapist tried me on one and it gave some relief.

Well the world didn't end OR is it possible we are the "Left Behind".  Oh my, too much to ponder.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #290 on: May 22, 2011, 02:44:36 PM »

Thanks for the info everyone.  We were shopping so stocked up on Nurofen, we usually buy it in packs of 50 ....... I notice the good effect doesn't last as long in the day-time, probably as I'm moving around more.  No obvious triggers yet.  Only background throbbing which isn't painful as well as altered sensation over the whole cheek which feels huge but on looking in the mirror, appears normal  ::) now that I know the pain can be controlled I feel less anxious.  It's such a busy week for us, Himself retires on Friday so we have 'dos' to attend which would be anxiety making under normal circumstances  >:(


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #291 on: May 22, 2011, 03:07:10 PM »

Big changes coming then CLKD. Retirement parties and the gold watch thing.

I hope it all goes well for you both and that more importantly you both settle down to your new life style.



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #292 on: May 22, 2011, 03:56:45 PM »

Foxy: have read that using a B12 tablet (the kind you are to dissolve under tongue) but using it right against the ulcer really helps.  I just let the tablet stay until it dissolves as the ulcer was between the back of jaw and cheek and it would stay.  Glad you found the culprit - my mouthwash also had flouride in it.

Also Ferrum Phos Tissue Salts dissolved on the mouth ulcer helps ease the pain and heal.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #293 on: May 23, 2011, 07:53:56 AM »

I've started Arnica tablets, footery little things, trying to get six doses a day took me almost 4 days. But manged it yesterday so today it's four doses. Hope this works, really not looking forward to the surgery.  :( :(
Hows things today CLKD?
Eddie. x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #294 on: May 23, 2011, 08:35:16 AM »

Better :-).  Woke in the night with pain but not as acute and I managed to go back to sleep.  This morning a dull ache around the area and I'm off to see the GP later this morning for advice.  There are so many drugs for TN which cause horrendous side effects  :o


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #295 on: May 23, 2011, 05:35:26 PM »

Susan,  SIDE EFFECTS: Adverse reactions include skin irritation, allergic reaction, and candida vaginitis during or shortly after therapy, vaginal vulvar itching, gastrointestinal cramps or pain, nausea, and metallic taste.

Everything has side effects it seems.  I'm violently allergic to crab (hives)


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #296 on: May 23, 2011, 05:53:08 PM »

My Mum gets breast lumps when she eats shellfish, then has to undergo surgery  ::)


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #297 on: May 23, 2011, 06:54:56 PM »

While eating my dinner tonight I thought the chicken had suddenly got a bit crunchy. I have lost what feels like a huge bit of a back tooth. OH assures me its not as big as I think, but its not small. Now its rubbing off my tongue. I have an appointment for a check up on Wednesday so I will wait until then. Just hope my tongue survives the rough edges until then.

Note to on the right side not the left.  :-\



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #298 on: May 23, 2011, 07:03:06 PM »

I was told by dentist stepson to use nail file as temp solution - might be hard to get to - mine was in front.  Might stab self - nope, not a good idea.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #299 on: May 24, 2011, 08:49:29 AM »

I've seen my Dentist this morning and he is re-arranging my treatment plan  ::) ......... he's been very confused all weekend as to what might be the pain but agrees it's likely to be neuralgia, think he's relieved that it isn't his fault  ::)
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