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Author Topic: 321 anti-anxiety exercise  (Read 207230 times)


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #90 on: February 23, 2015, 09:39:54 PM »

Oh God!  THis must be for people who are already easily relaxed!  I tried it and my mind started wandering to stressful things.......


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #91 on: March 01, 2015, 08:37:19 PM »

What I like about this exercise is that is fairly easy to remember which comes in handy when panic starts to rear its head. It really does work and has saved my bacon a few times over the past 3 years x


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #92 on: December 08, 2015, 06:32:37 PM »

thank you for posting this...someone else told me about it ages ago but you have reminded me at a time when i really need it  :) X


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #93 on: January 19, 2017, 08:01:54 AM »

Thanks so much for this. It helps to keep me sane in the middle of the night. Anxiety is the worst symptom I am experiencing at the moment, creating a vicious circle with some digestive problems. I have been given some beta blockers for when things get bad, but was wondering whether any other medication is helping people. I usually get my anxiety attacks in the evening and during the night, so its really disrupting my life at the moment. It's also making me feel very tearful and sorry for myself. I need to nip it in the bud before it really gets a hold of me.


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #94 on: March 31, 2017, 10:25:54 PM »

Hi there I am new to the forum to keep it brief I started at 39 years old and done and dusted with menopause at 42 blood tests confirming. I'm now 45 and I have crippling anxiety just started HRT elleste duet 9 days ago. Since the menopause I have had a complete personality transformation I am now have agrophobia  I have no self confidence no self esteem no libido why my husband is still with me I don't know. It's been a year! I feel closed off from the world not interested in anything or anybody I feel totally soul destroyed. I have always had anxiety and depression but was controlled pretty well till menopause I don't know who I am anymore. I used to be pretty confident sociabe enjoy going out etc. I've been off work so much with anxiety I'm suprised I've still got a job but may not have soon as I will be on a stage 4 sickness. Can anybody out there relate to this personality change cos I feel like I'm the only one as all people I've spoke to who have gone through it people I know personally not on a forum have just mentioned the hot flushes  soaked in sweat dry down below etc none seem to have experienced the things I am going through I'd love any reply of support and understanding xx


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #95 on: March 31, 2017, 10:50:14 PM »

Hi there I am new to the forum to keep it brief I started at 39 years old and done and dusted with menopause at 42 blood tests confirming. I'm now 45 and I have crippling anxiety just started HRT elleste duet 9 days ago. Since the menopause I have had a complete personality transformation I am now have agrophobia  I have no self confidence no self esteem no libido why my husband is still with me I don't know. It's been a year! I feel closed off from the world not interested in anything or anybody I feel totally soul destroyed. I have always had anxiety and depression but was controlled pretty well till menopause I don't know who I am anymore. I used to be pretty confident sociabe enjoy going out etc. I've been off work so much with anxiety I'm suprised I've still got a job but may not have soon as I will be on a stage 4 sickness. Can anybody out there relate to this personality change cos I feel like I'm the only one as all people I've spoke to who have gone through it people I know personally not on a forum have just mentioned the hot flushes  soaked in sweat dry down below etc none seem to have experienced the things I am going through I'd love any reply of support and understanding xx

Hi Shecham

I too have experienced a shift in my anxiety for the worse since starting perimenopause.  I feel like a shadow of the person I once was and am struggling to keep normal life going.  My only hope is that things will change for the better again.  I hope your HRT helps you soon .  (((Hugs))) Susannah xxx


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #96 on: April 08, 2017, 10:11:05 AM »

Hi Shesham & Suzannah

I am also struggling with this crippling anxiety have never experienced anything so bad before in my life, I feel I am just existing some days & don't know whow I am  :'( I have lost my confidence & very sensitive I go from being a bit calmer to wanting to shout, scream or cry in an instant just to get this anxiety out of me. I don't look forward to anything & cannot be bothered with people sometimes, I am 9 weeks into hrt & feel I will nevery be normal again, today I am feeling sedated & not quite here, this is scary stuff, I wake every morning with the dreads & go to bed with anxiety, this does not feel normal if only people knew how deliberating this is.


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #97 on: April 08, 2017, 10:26:23 AM »

Hi all - Yes I'm with you! I've just tried this exercise in the garden and it works but I'm not having a wobble at the minute so will keep practising! Someone also mentioned using the alphabet - 3 names with a etc. I understand though how things go out if the window when anxiety gets the better!! Xx


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #98 on: April 08, 2017, 11:14:04 AM »

I also tried this exercise & then tried to remembering it one day & then the brain fog kicked in & I forgot  ;D. I use the  calm app which can help but when anxiety is high nothing seems to work it goes out the window like you said Jo!   :( .The sun is beautiful today so that definitely has an effect on mood shame my body & ;mind is not what it should be, another day off the meno calendar though!


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #99 on: September 04, 2017, 04:39:38 PM »

Hi, all I'm new to the forum and and frantically reading to see if anyone else feels the same as me....insecure, sad, jealous, awkward, boring....all the horrible things that I don't want to feel. I'm normally outgoing and bubbly. What's the calm app everyone is talking about?


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #100 on: September 04, 2017, 05:07:55 PM »

Hi  :welcomemm:

Introduce yourself in the new members section then you won't get missed out by folk.😀
To answer your question lots of us have felt just like you so I'm sure that you will find some kindred spirits here .


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #101 on: April 06, 2018, 11:04:42 PM »

This Anxiety frightens me. It seems to be worsening.  Other menopause problems are bouts of onset nausea .... hot flushes terrible, mood swings terrible ... feeling really unwell on this menopause ... new writes symptoms every day !


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #102 on: April 12, 2018, 05:25:52 AM »


I joined this group only yesterday and already had a few great "insights"!

Thank you for this anxiety exercise! I commute by train most days and I had been given a similar exercise before but forgotten about it!!!

It is great to get grounded and change focus, when you are overthinking/worrying etc.

Maybe it can be combined with that calming breathing: 5 seconds in, 7 seconds out. I think it should be longer: 7 seconds in and 11 seconds out, but I don't seem to have the lung capacity to take such long breaths ....  :'(




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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #103 on: April 12, 2018, 06:23:37 AM »

Hi ladies and welcome to every one of you.
Everything you are experiencing is part of the 34 symptoms of menopause and it's not something that will just suddenly disappear but it is something that can be managed with the right help.the problem is finding a regime that's right for you it all takes time and 61 next month and had a surgical menopause at 42,I've just recently had to restart hrt after a 5 year break as over those 5 years things got steadily worse and it gradually creeps in,you kind of accept things as in oh I've got a new pain today or a low mood today but when it gets to crippling joint pain so you struggle to walk or function or horrible anxiety and panic attacks over nothing then you realise it's time you need are in the best possible place here to get that help and support so read and post as much as you like don't be scared to ask “daft” questions or personal questions because we all have to do just that at times.use every trick in the book to keep yourself well wether it's hrt or mindlefullness or alternative therapies and remember it's just hormones and with a bit of effort you can get help to at least ease your symptoms.I am so much better than I was 6 months ago I take Oestrogel two squirts on thighs each morning and vagifem pessaries for V.A which also helps with the urogenital problems,no more uti symptoms since starting it,I'm fortunate in that it's very clear cut with having had hysterectomy I only need oestrogen it's a bit more complex for many other ladies but if you post on the new members section and give a bit of background info then some of our more enlightened ladies will come along and help you.good luck everyone xx


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Re: 321 anti-anxiety exercise
« Reply #104 on: March 08, 2020, 02:58:08 PM »

Really good technique. Thank you :) I'm having a very stressful day today with anxiety high and sadness too. I find sometimes it's good to have a really big cry and really feel sorry for yourself. When this happens I wrap my arms round me, like I'm giving myself a hug and talk to the 'inner child' of which I am sure everyone has. I tell her it's ok and everything will be alright soon, a bit like a mum does her child when they are soothing or comforting them when they are upset. I find that helps too, usually when I'm feeling overwhelmed or down or sad xx
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