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Author Topic: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.  (Read 102053 times)


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #120 on: October 03, 2011, 06:47:18 PM »

20th August, the year anniversary came and went and I am still marching on the nonsmoker trail.

It has been a long and rocky trail and year, one I would not want to repeat.  I am still going through lack of confidence, panic attacks,, low self esteem, a lot of it I think is because I cant lose the weight.  BUT I do nibble when I used to smoke.  I have tried to nibble healthy things. my weight is yo yo ing so much getting nowhere.  New clothes, but I long to lose the weight and feel confident again.

Julian Lennon was on the sofa on the BBC News this morning and he packed up several years ago and described his quitting as losing a friend and very dark and depressing days. Spot on Julian!!

How is everyone else coping?? 


coffee mate

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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #121 on: October 04, 2011, 06:03:41 AM »

Hello Jane,  this is for you :medal:  Hope you treated your self to something special on your 1st anniversary!

I think you have done brilliantly.

I think rather than "losing a freind" it's more like losing an enemy! BTW I am a smoker and I do envy you for quitting - wish I had your will power girl!

As for the weight issue, look at it this way, if you can stop smoking you can definitely lose the weight - just give yourself time, don't be so hard on yourself, you have done wonders.  Little steps...

cm xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #122 on: November 01, 2011, 09:34:52 PM »

Another good point:

I went to my nieces 30th birthday party at the weekend & I hadn't seen her in over a year but she knew I had packed up smoking. Anyway she looked at my face & said "oh aunty Caz your skin looks so much better, you look really well". I was chuffed to bits.
Love Cazi xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #123 on: November 01, 2011, 10:25:00 PM »

Nice one Cazi, its great when someone acknowledges a positive result of quitting.

Thanks for all your support all who have commented on my misery, but I do have to report that I have been through a very stressful time during this last week, I was ill with it all, panic attacks, anxiety all to do with my relationship with my partner mixed with copious amounts of wine, not a good mix I found, but result is I have lost some weight and still losing, couldnt eat properly for days, I am now I hasten to add and am really back in the swing of dieting properly, nearly back to what I was before I packed up.

BUT the biggest thing I have to report is I went through all this and suddenly realised on day 5 of all this I had managed without wanting a ciggie to help me through the stress.  Now that is really something.

So there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Is there any natural herbal way of helping my panic and anxiety attacks, anyone know please??

Thank you


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #124 on: November 01, 2011, 10:29:23 PM »

BUT the biggest thing I have to report is I went through all this and suddenly realised on day 5 of all this I had managed without wanting a ciggie to help me through the stress.  Now that is really something.

Oh well done Jane - you should be really pleased with yourself. I know I have had a few days where I would of grabbed one of the old weeds & lit up just like that, but as soon as it came into my head it went again.

Is there any natural herbal way of helping my panic and anxiety attacks, anyone know please??

I find Bachs herbal remedy pastilles help a bit. They just take the edge off things.

Love Cazi xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #125 on: November 01, 2011, 10:35:44 PM »

Hi Jane
I found that Rescue Remedy and Lemon Balm helped with anxiety and also this exercise is great:-,8454.0.html
Bette x


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #126 on: December 03, 2011, 10:49:26 PM »

Hi everyone, how are you all getting on.
I cant get into the link that will get me to the above, but managed to find a name I recognised and here I am!!

I have three lbs to lose, and I have lost the stone I put on giving up smoking.  I am mega chuffed!!  I go for weigh in on the 12th so keep fingers crossed.  Its taken me well over a year, its ,been really hard work, but all done without a ciggie.

I am still getting awful anxiety attacks, I wake up in the morning tummy churning, anxious and some nights I cant sleep with the same thing.  Is this part of the menopause??

Thanks for the advice of the Bach, I have a spray now, I have been able to control the panic attacks a lot better since I have been taking that

Thanks to you all for your continued support.

Jane xx



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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #127 on: December 03, 2011, 11:11:18 PM »

Hi Jane
Yes the horrible anxiety thing is definitely a meno symptom - you'll find lots of threads about it.  :(
Things which can help are keeping your blood sugar level - try having a banana or ginger biscuits by the bed to eat as soon as you wake up. Lemon Balm tablets (and tea) are good but best of all is this exercise:-,8454.0.html
Bette x


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #128 on: December 03, 2011, 11:30:04 PM »

Thank you Bette, appreciate you getting back to me, I really ought to dip in more often and check out the threads.  I will most certainly look at the other threads, but thanks for your advice, I had started eating bananas as found it helped my tummy. 

I have checked out your exercise, will defo try it out, thank you.xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #129 on: January 13, 2012, 09:54:59 AM »

That is a great post, Cazi - thank you and  :congrats:  :peace: :ola:
Bixby x
Wow amazing, well done, there is hope for me yet!
I am desperate to give up, it is all I think about lately.


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #130 on: January 25, 2012, 09:18:25 PM »

Hi Maxine1,
I'm sure you can do it (if I can then anyone can).
I started at the age of 14 & apart from a 4 year gap, continued till I was 53. I was on almost 30 a day towards the end.
It takes a lot of willpower & you have to be in the right frame of mind, so try not to beat yourself up too much about it, just keep planning it.

I still take one day at a time & my motto is "today I have decises not to smoke".
I don't think about it much these days. Yes I still miss my old smelly buddy (it was a big part of my life for such a long time), but I know it was the best thing I have done in a very long time - even hubby has packed it in.

Love Cazi xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #131 on: January 25, 2012, 09:46:17 PM »

Hi Maxine,

I agree with Caz, you most certainly have to be ready to quit, you will know when it.  Its been 17 months now and I miss my smelly friend too on times.  Stressful times are particularly not good, but each one that passes, I pat myself on the back and think "I made it without smoking".

I did save my money, putting it away every day at the beginning.  Resulting in the purchase of several new electrical items, rather than buy secondhand, a real treat.  Still putting away money when I remember, for my next treat.

Caz, you are doing so well, not been on for a while.  Keep going, keep strong.

Mazine, when you make that decision to start, you will get lots of support from everyone on here.  Good luck

Jane xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #132 on: October 04, 2013, 10:20:47 PM »

It is just over 3 years since I last smoked a ciggie. (24.09.10)

Good points:
I do not have the smokers cough I seemed to have had most of my adult life.
I can go anywhere without worrying "will I be able to light up for a fag when I want to, or is it no smoking"
I must be better off financially - but it doesn't seem like it as we still struggle every month.
My skin & gums are better (or so I'm told)

Bad points:
I still can't lose the extra weight I put on (about 1 1/2 stone).
Back ache & knee joints painful due to the extra weight I have to carry (even had to change my car as the old one was too low down).

I certainly do not regret giving it up as I know I feel better for it - but oh I still do miss those darn things.

I hope that everyone else who was considering giving it succeeded, if not give it another go.

Good Luck.



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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #133 on: October 05, 2013, 02:45:28 PM »

 :congrats: and well done from me too Cazikins!


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #134 on: October 05, 2013, 03:19:15 PM »

I am one of the giver uppers and starter overs again. I can go years and then back I slide and then I stop again. It's really stupid but they become a bit of a crutch.

Well done to the stoppers who stay stopped.

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