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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.  (Read 102058 times)

coffee mate

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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #105 on: July 13, 2011, 07:34:47 PM »

 Go and give 'em hell Stella   :ola: :veil: :veil: :veil: 

report back tomorrow. I love your posts, they cheer me up no end.

cm xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #106 on: July 15, 2011, 03:36:44 PM »

Cheers again Coffee ! LOL I'm glad you appreciate the ravings of a mad old cow ;D ;D

BTW used to do belly dancing (you must have such a weird mental image of me ;D ) years ago so appreciate the smilies .

No Juan Sheet at Salsa I'm afraid - but strained a vocal cord screeching at my husband who was going the wrong way.

How many cigs are you down to - if you dont mind me asking?

Al xx

Um Bridget Jones V. naughty last night. Fags = ermmm lost count - must have been > 10. And had beer  :-\ Was a wake for an old friend yesterday, as well as a leaving drink up for a workmate in the same pub. Couldnt really not go - wanted to pay my respects to both of the guys - and people just kept buying me beer. Couldnt say No after it was bought, and couldnt really explain why I was trying to be good.
But onwards and upwards - hopefully the extras will balance against the ones I DIDNT HAVE  ;)


coffee mate

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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #107 on: July 15, 2011, 04:17:51 PM »

Hi Stella,  Firstly,  yes I do think your a mad cow [but not an old one]  ;D 

Secondly, it doesn't suprise me in the least that you used to do belly dancing...dont know why it just doesnt, think maybe I can just imagine you in your seven veils,  teasingly dropping them one by one! ;)

Thirdly, course I dont mind you asking how many I'm down to, I'm trying [and I do mean trying] to stick to about 10 a day now, I was smoking about 25 a day before so not too bad considering, and I'm sure you know how it is some days I sneak a couple more, I say sneak cos OH is watching me like a hawk. ::) 
We will do it at our own pace Stella we will get ther one day...if we dont...we dont!! :D 

Oh dear his lordships just come in , [can you hear his belly rumbling?]..catch up later  ;)


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #108 on: July 18, 2011, 05:08:04 PM »

That is sooooooo fab - was going to say thats less than half but calculated 60%.......thats mahooosive ! :congrats:

It can work cutting......surely....

Mr. Walnut Whip is diabetic + we had to go to a nutritionist to check what he was eating etc....(BTW all was perfect cept for portion size  ::) ;D ).

Anyways, she told us the story of one of her clients who was eating a giant bar of chocolate everyday - you know the ones I mean - the extra large ones that are a couple of £.

She was really happy with him cos he USED to eat 7 of them A DAY  :o :o
(makes my teeth ache just thinking about it!)

Hope Mr.Coffee enjoyed his dinner......poor old Mr. Walnut Whip got told a portion of rice is 2 large tablespoons  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Mad Cow xx



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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #109 on: July 19, 2011, 02:27:41 PM »

Well done girls, you are all doing really well.

So what if you can't kick it completley yet - you are cutting down (rather than smoking more) & that's gotta be good for you. Stay positive & take one day at a time.

Havent mentioned have knocked booze on the head too (at the same time), not that I am a ****head just very  ;) sociable beer drinker "

Yep I've cut right down on the booze too - blimey we don't do things by half do we girls. I do feel a lot better for it though - well apart from the increase in weight from giving up smoking. It does get me down as I feel so horribly fat, everything wobbles & flaps about.....

Love Cazikins xxx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #110 on: July 19, 2011, 07:05:27 PM »

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Cazikins!

Yes we are mad arent we  ;D ;D ;D

Forget the flab - I'm sure there's nothing there - its that you are so relaxed and chilled that your muscles are relaxed too  ;)


coffee mate

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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #111 on: July 19, 2011, 08:30:44 PM »

Dont worry about the wobbles Cazikins,
when stella and I have finally quit for good we can all measure our wobbles and have a good old belly laugh together :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #112 on: July 20, 2011, 10:08:25 PM »

Honestly Ladies I nearly died this morning. I was getting dressed ready to go to work but first I had to take the dog for a short walk. I put my trousers on & a button falls off  >:(. I change in to another pair & set off around the village. The dog does a poo so I bend down to pick it up & the button on the cuff of my blouse pops off  :o :o so now I'm thinking I've not only got fat thighs, legs & tummy but also fat arms. It never blooming ends.
The other week I had to buy some new bras. I was always a 34B but knew they were too tight, I am now a 38B. Hubby is well chuffed but I aint.
Still one thing at a time girls eh?
Love Cazi xx

coffee mate

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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #113 on: July 21, 2011, 04:40:18 AM »

Of course Cazikins, one thing at a time.

Ive always been a 34b as well, now I'm 36c, so I'll probably catch up with you soon.

My jeans though are my biggest headache, Ive had to get rid of all my lovely jeans, I have one pair which still just about fit, and I squeeze myself into them, they're my favourites and I'll be damned if I'll throw them out

I've always been a size 8-10, now I'm a 10-12 and I really don't want to put on anymore weight, so I'm keeping a close eye on my weight now!  :o 

Onwards and upwards girls, and I do not mean our weight!  ;)


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #114 on: July 21, 2011, 06:26:17 PM »

34/38Bs ? - you lucky c*ws ! ;D

Being able to buy "normal" bras in "normal" shops ?

Cazikins - enjoy your new boobies gal  ;) Noone will look at your other bits - flaunt it -  You are now entering your J-Lo season  ;)

Coffee - its the jeans fault not you.....they're just a bit "too dry" - not tight!

Actually I embrace any weight gain - means I have to go shopping. I havent any money, and too big for "normal" places so its just Peacocks, as they are the cheapest for my size 20 tops.
But they are soooo cheap you can buy a new wardrobe for £50  ;D

Alright - I may look like a bag of King Edwards but havent got any style so dont know the difference  ;D :boobs:


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #115 on: July 23, 2011, 09:24:00 PM »

 ;D ;D ;D

I have gone from a size 14 to 16 (verging on 18).
I have had to almost clear out my wardrobe as nothing fits unless I squeeze into it & don't bend over or stretch - if I do I am asking for throuble.

JEANS - JEANS what are they? oh yes I remember  ;D ;D. I have always had problems with jeans as I have a scoliosis hip (wonky hip/spine), but I use to be able to get away with it. Well not any more I can't. Jeans feel so tight around my crutch nowadays. I wonder if it is anything to do with my flabby thighs (inner & outer)  ;D ;D

Stella, I have bought a whole new load of clobber from the charity shops. I love shopping there as you can get such a good bargain. Matalan are good too.

Well it will be 10 months tomorrow that I had my last roll up. God I do still miss them sometimes but then I remember how well I've done & how much easier it is to say NO these days.

Love Cazi xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #116 on: July 23, 2011, 11:24:39 PM »

Well done Cazi  :foryou: :foryou: :foryou: :foryou:

coffee mate

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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #117 on: July 24, 2011, 05:40:04 AM »

Wow 10 months...well done cazikins, :congrats: I think that's great!!........[she says while smoking a ciggy  ::)]


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #118 on: July 26, 2011, 05:03:18 PM »


Blimey Girl - that is phenomenal  :) Well done you.


Time for a treat methinks  ;)

Whatever you enjoy it cant be as bad for you as our weed.



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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #119 on: October 03, 2011, 12:54:12 PM »

Well done you!!!

It will be a year for me giving up on the 11th October!! Can't believe I have not had a ciggie for nearly a year!!!

Still miss it though, still dream about it, but know that if I give in I will never have the willpower again (has been the hardest year, suffering with anxiety etc). 

Bit annoyed as my children (aged 16 and 12) nagged at me to give up and now my son (16 year old, nearly 17) has started smoking!! Got him all the leaflets and told him the cons of smoking but he is like me and has social anxiety so I sort of understand where he is coming from.  He is trying to stop, bless him, but he is nearly 17 and old enough to make up his own mind, he knows how bad it is for you. :(
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