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Author Topic: HRT--good or bad?  (Read 845806 times)


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1170 on: June 12, 2021, 11:10:57 AM »

Sad for you, Denise Didi. I'm guessing the more stuff that's piled in, the harder it is to know what's doing what; helping or isn't. Is there any way of simplifying things right down and stripping back to some level of basics? Sounds like your oestrogen levels may not be sufficiently evened out to tolerate the testosterone yet? It's horrible feeling like it's an endless process of trial and error without any sense of steady progress which is what we all want to realise! Where are your gains right now? Can you develop those in some way? The depression may need an approach separate from or in addition to hormones? Otherwise it's, again, determining what's helping. How do you work with it holistically? PM me if you like? Take care.

Denise Didi

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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1171 on: June 13, 2021, 09:22:41 AM »

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I am due a review at the meno clinic soon I think. The consultant is very good so here's hoping she can help, think I need more oestrogen. I have been thinking I need to start my cbt act techniques again. I booked a holiday yesterday to help me focus on something positive. Thanks again for your kind thoughts. We are all in this together - has been my moto for lockdown and certainly applies to menopause! 👏😊


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1172 on: June 17, 2021, 07:43:16 AM »

For me---GOOD!! Definitely GOOD..changed my life when I went on it, no hot flushes at all, able to sleep, CRIPPLING anxiety , low mood, tearfulness and catastrophising lessoned massively.... I dread the day I come off if it all comes back cos to be honest my life was half a life, not the full one I have now. 
For me....quality of life


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1173 on: July 06, 2021, 01:58:03 PM »

Seeking advice.  I'm concerned my HRT is no longer working and wondering if I should switch to a patch or higher dosage.  I've been on the Mimvey pill (1.0mg estradiol/ 0.5mg norethindrone) for almost 2 months.  During the first month, I noticed an immediate mood and energy boost and got a period after about two weeks.  This past month, my mood felt flat again (like pre-HRT) and I did not get a period.  I'm wondering if my body is not absorbing the estrogen anymore and if I should switch to a patch?  Or perhaps I need a higher dosage?  Can anyone recommend a different prescription?  Or some bloodwork I should request?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1174 on: July 06, 2021, 02:18:25 PM »

Hi! sometimes HRT needs a boost ........ especially as ovaries can continue to pump out oestrogen in spits and spurts.

A patch may help as 1 can add/half some types of replacement therapy.  Perhaps put the Mimvey pill into the search box on the forum 2 C what pops up?  Do start a thread of your own so that you get more responses.



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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1175 on: July 06, 2021, 11:03:10 PM »

Thank u!


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1176 on: October 12, 2021, 02:27:15 PM »

I think HRT is good. It took me a long time to get a GP to take my symptoms seriously and I went through some irritating times until I found a lovely GP who listened to me. I have been on Kliovance for seven years now and have felt much better, though never perfect. My weight has stabilised and my skin and hair look good and people are often surprised that I am 62.
I have had long term mental health problems with a decade long low mood/depression and I wonder if a more interested GP would have been able to prescribe a different HRT to alleviate this. I recently enquired about Tibolone and the 'female' GP I spoke too said NO NO that gives you blood clots! My own research hasn't flagged up Tibolone as being any more of a problem with blood clots and I just think she had her mind closed to HRT full-stop,
On getting my usual prescription approved last week I immediately got a text from my own 'male' GP asking me to make an appointment for an HRT 'Review'. I am now sure he is going to ask me to stop taking it and this fills me with horror! He's a very unpleasant man who I tried to get a face-to-face appointment with about my severe arthritis and who was very short with me. I've had several blood tests recently as I was getting severe joint pain and they all came back normal. My only health issue is low mood and joint pain for which he recently prescribed Naproxen.
I know that without the HRT my life will become unbearable and my mental health will deteriorate. I also believe my weight will go up and I will age overnight. I can't imagine why so many women I meet are so down, sometimes even treat me like some sort of weirdo because I'm on HRT.
I often feel some women suggest you are 'afraid' of getting old if you're on HRT or that you're sex mad! I have one 'friend' who is only 53 and talks about sex as 'that thing she doesn't bother with any more' and I think that is so sad.
My husband and I have been married for 33 years now and although not perfect - his libido is as low as mine quite often - we do at least have a sex life.
I'm terrified that I won't have anything left (my children have already disowned me for no real reason) and because of the menopause (before I got treatment) I couldn't cope with my job and we eventually lost our home (as I was on a high salary).
I doubt I am going to be able to keep my temper with this doctor and his 'review' (especially when previous GP's have said I don't ever need to come off it if I don't want to). I genuinely think GP's have lost the plot at the moment and are trying to save money left right and centre.
I personally would prefer to remain on my very low dose HRT which will keep my weight down and help me keep active. Without it I will eventually become a problem for the NHS as I will put on weight, get depressed and more than likely end up with diabetes and heart disease. It makes no sense to me why GP's think they know best when it comes to HRT. >:(


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1177 on: October 27, 2021, 05:28:09 PM »

Hi everyone
Have only just joined this forum.
Don't know where to start but here goes.
Several years ago I tried different hrt and had to have a combi as I still had a period. I suffered the most horrendous side effects when it came to take the progesterone tried several different types aswell as patches but as I say had terrible side effects.I then decided to stop taking them as I had persevered for several months but did not feel any better.
I am now a few years on and am really struggling and considering trying hrt again. The perimenopause has definately got worse I am still having a period but they are very erratic and I am suffering chills,extremely sore joints, really low mood and self esteemand dreadful anxiety and basically feeling really horrible. I lost my husband very suddenly at the age of 49 and I care for my adult disabled son so I am really under a lot of stress. I was wondering if anyone has had a lot of side effect with progesterone and if they have found an hrt that didn't cause the horrible side effects or is there an alternative for progesterone. I have spoken to my gp and I have to have bloods done in 3 wks then we will discuss hrt again but there seems to be so much help on the forum thought I would look for sone advice. Sorry for the long post Thankyou in advance xx


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1178 on: October 29, 2021, 01:45:49 PM »

I am 56 and saw a gynaecologist recently as I was having problems with Vaginal Atrophy, lack of energy, and hot flushes.

I was prescribed Oestrogel, 75 micrograms 2-4 pumps daily along with 100mg Urogestran pessaries to insert into the vagina, also vaginex to insert into the vagina 3 times a week.

The first two weeks were amazing my hot flushes stopped and I had a lovely calm feeling when I went to bed. I thought I had found my HRT heaven. I am postmenopausal 2 years and have also had an Endometrium Ablation so my lining is very thin but was still recommended to take Progeresterone which I take every other night.

I have been on HRT for 5 weeks now and not feeling as good, my energy levels are poor, I seem to be tired all the time, I have brain fog, breast tenderness, havent been able to sleep for a couple of nights. Still no Hot flushes but I was hoping HRT would improve my quality of life. Any advice would be helpful, like many women on hear going through the Menopause I have tried several HRT's, Evorel Conti, Femoston, Tibolone. I wanted to try the Biodenticals as the best option for minimal risk.

 :-\ ::)


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1179 on: November 01, 2021, 08:51:53 AM »

Hi everyone
Have only just joined this forum.
Don't know where to start but here goes.
Several years ago I tried different hrt and had to have a combi as I still had a period. I suffered the most horrendous side effects when it came to take the progesterone tried several different types aswell as patches but as I say had terrible side effects.I then decided to stop taking them as I had persevered for several months but did not feel any better.
I am now a few years on and am really struggling and considering trying hrt again. The perimenopause has definately got worse I am still having a period but they are very erratic and I am suffering chills,extremely sore joints, really low mood and self esteemand dreadful anxiety and basically feeling really horrible. I lost my husband very suddenly at the age of 49 and I care for my adult disabled son so I am really under a lot of stress. I was wondering if anyone has had a lot of side effect with progesterone and if they have found an hrt that didn't cause the horrible side effects or is there an alternative for progesterone. I have spoken to my gp and I have to have bloods done in 3 wks then we will discuss hrt again but there seems to be so much help on the forum thought I would look for sone advice. Sorry for the long post Thankyou in advance xx

Hi there and welcome to the forum. First of all, sorry for your loss, Hannah09.

I've been recommended the Mirena coil for the progestogen/progesterone element of HRT for similar reasons. I can't tell you how it works yet as my first coil fitting is actually today. Plus Oestrogel and Vagifem for the oestrogen elements.
GPs made me try three other HRT regimes first, with increasingly awful mental reactions to the progestogen part, before I was referred to a menopause clinic and recommended to try Mirena coil. You don't say what your side effects were with the other HRT you tried, but for me, the thinking/hope is that because the coil delivers a constant regulated amount of hormone, I won't get the peaks and troughs of extreme mood swings that I had with other types of HRT. Good luck!


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1180 on: November 01, 2021, 12:13:59 PM »

My doctor referred me to this forum/site. I am having hot flushes,no sleep,my body aches,headaches,sweats,weight gain and itching. I need advice on hrt. The doctor gave me antihistamines for the sleep problems but now I am tired all the time.
Help. TIA


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1181 on: November 30, 2021, 03:05:51 PM »

Hi I’m very new to this and have only been on hrt for just over a week now, my gp has given me estradot patches 50 mg and utrogestan tabs 100 mg. My boobs are beginning to feel sensitive but I’m also feeling a bit constipated and when I pass urine it’s almost like the feeling is there is more to pass but there isn’t, my stomach is feeling quite bloated, just wondering if this is a normal effect as I haven’t had a period for 7 years?. Thanks


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1182 on: December 10, 2021, 12:09:08 PM »

HELP. Advice needed. 47,  Perimenopausal symptoms but nothing dramatic. I started HRT just 1,5 month ago. 15  days oestrogen, 15 days with progesterone as well. I guess classic HRT for a newbie. The first week/ 10 days I felt depressed like never before, got better and first week/10 days of this month, again, I was awful to the family (first time my husband told me I was being a bitch!), I had to move out....should I stop HRT or this happened to other women who persevered and gained from it?
Thank you and sorry if this is not the place.......


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1183 on: February 01, 2022, 09:14:45 AM »

Without HRT I would have had to give up my career.  The anxiety, mood swings and hot flushes along with sleep disturbance had turned me into a crazy lady.  Within a couple of weeks of HRT I felt like me again with my symptoms almost completely cleared up.  I think my only issue is the lack of structure to obtaining HRT and then having it reviewed.

My symptoms recently started back and GP has now added in AD but I do believe my issues are hormonal, so have to rely on forums for advise more than the GP rather than the GP doing blood works etc to see if possibly I need more oestrogen now that I’m 3 years on since my symptoms got really bad the first time around.


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1184 on: February 24, 2022, 12:32:49 PM »

Hi I’m new here only in my 30s and been on hrt patch’s for a year nearly now it’s calmed down my mood , sweating , restlessness, I currently had no period for over a year before the patch started and a year now on the patch.
Can I ask does anybody else suffer with dark facial hair growth and what do you do to help this 😭 . I’m feeling so low recently .
But I think hrt patch for me as worked so far 🙏
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