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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 720650 times)

Libby Babe

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #75 on: June 04, 2007, 01:35:46 PM »

Hi Marymouse :)
Yes it is a pity that I stopped the HRT as it had helped me a lot.  The week that I had the 'bleed' was horrendous though - it wiped me out for days and I am not used to that anymore.
I may go back to see my GP next week and talk about trying another one.  She said that once I got to June/July which will be 12 months since I had a period, I may be able to take one of the ones that doesn't give you a bleed so that may be better.  I am still thinking about it.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #76 on: June 04, 2007, 02:10:25 PM »

Just over a week till my "bleed" (how horrible does that sound?!).  Fingers crossed!!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #77 on: June 11, 2007, 08:28:00 AM »

Just had an extroadinary week of no joint pain, it was like a switch turning off a light.  The previous few weeks had been awful with increasing neck and shoulder pain, and must admit I had been upping the painkillers to get through the day.  Then last week it just went, however, what I did have though was period type pains all week, but with no period.  Went to the docs who did an examination and couldn't find anything wrong, just said I was most probably going to have a period, but if the pains continued to go back.  Wondered if anyone else had experienced this.  For me, the joint pains are the most debilitating part of it all, as they really stop me doing things.
Am taking the Glucomasine, but to be honest am not noticing the difference, read on an earlier posting someone mentioned about Glucomasine and IBS, I have IBS also, which has been giving me problems of late and hadn't realised it might be a problem.

Libby Babe

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #78 on: June 11, 2007, 08:34:43 AM »

Tanny, that's interesting what you say about the Glucosamine and IBS.  ::) I have IBS and I was taking it up until a few weeks ago and decided to stop because I think it was upsetting my stomach too.  Now I come to think about it, things have settled in that department since I stopped the Glucosamine.  I can't honestly say it was making a great deal of difference to my joints either.

Pink Lady

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #79 on: June 15, 2007, 02:38:31 PM »

Hi All,

I have only just found this site and at last I have found there are women out there who seem to be having the same symtoms as myself !!! I am a 51 year old and had a hysterectomy in my mid 30's.
I find I can cope with the hot flushes etc. but the terrible stiffness and pain I have (especially in my fingers, back of the ankle and down my arms and legs) can be agony.  I also wake in the morning and walk bent over and limp until my joints start to loosen.  When I have asked my friends who all say they suffer with hot flushes, not one of them have the joint and muscle stiffness that I am experiencing. I went along to the doctor who tested me for Rhuematoid Arthritis which came back negative (thank goodness !) and although she was not happy about putting me on HRT due to my mother having had a masectomy (breast cancer) I persuaded her to let me try it.  Having got the HRT patches yesterday I have been reading the leaflet in the box and the side effects read like a horror story and I am not sure I have made the right decision. I can't tell you how relieved I am though to hear other womens stories and how they are dealing with it, I was beginning to feel I was the only one experiencing such intense stiffness and aches.  This is a great site, and its good to know I am not alone with my symptoms !
Pink Lady


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #80 on: June 15, 2007, 07:15:31 PM »

Dear Pink Lady,

Just to say  :welcomemm:.  I have experienced mild stiffness in my back on waking which thankfully goes after about half an hour of being up and about.  I found my feather bed purchased from QVC helped a good deal but after the heat of the past two weeks OH complained and took it off the bed.  Now that we have had a wet and wild week I'm thinking of sneaking it back on at the weekend as I've been so cold.

There will probably be a few of the other ladies around later who are taking HRT and finding that it has been a great help with their symptoms.  There's lots of info on different subjects which is really useful and helps you to understand that there are others in the same boat as ourselves.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #81 on: June 16, 2007, 11:25:20 AM »

 :)Hi everyone, i've just spent an hour reading all your stories and it really was time so well spent. Wish i could wave a magic wand for all of us!  I have had back and hip aches for yeeears and doc told me 'just have to live with it'!! i guess we've all heard those words at sometime.  well now i'm 6 months off the big 50 and the aches have spread everywhere, arms, wrists, hands, legs it's like having perpetual flu, oh and i forgot the headache.  It seems to come in episodes, if i'm really tired and can't wake up then i know i'm going to have a bad time, i'm still in bed right now cos i just couldn't wake up this morning. I had a MEA procedure 18 months ago (basically they microwave the lining off the womb) which has had bril results, no periods at all! not sure but maybe it triggered these symptoms further. I'm intrigued by the magnetic therapy so i'm off to the herbalist this afternoon to see what they've got. will let you know how it goes,  :)keep smiling everyone


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #82 on: June 16, 2007, 07:16:18 PM »

Hi Daisy &  :welcomemm:, glad you have found us. I can sympathise with the joint aches, (I am 50 in 4 weeks time). Mine started about a year ago & I really did not assosiate it with the menopause until I found this forum, people just use to say its old age when I moaned  >:( >:(. My own personal experience was that the aches & pains got worse before they got better - sorry, but I am only talking about 8 - 9 months oh sorry again... I have taken Femal since December last year & HRT for the last 5 weeks but to be honest & thinking it through the Femal must have helped with the aches as they stopped before I started taking HRT.
Hope you managed to get out of your jim jams & pop down to the herbalist this afternoon to get a magnet, do let us know how you get on.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #83 on: June 16, 2007, 07:30:19 PM »

Hello Daisy,

Just like to say  :welcomemm: and I hope you have had an informative trip to the herbalist.  It's awful when aches and pains start to appear as you end up feeling as though you're starting to imagine things.  I bought a magnet recently and only used it for 11 hours.  I have high blood pressure and my reading went up and I wasn't sure if the magnet had been responsible or just the fact that I had a cold at the time.  I emailed the company that I bought it from and was very disappointed that they hadn't the manners to answer my question.  I've been afraid to use it since and feel as though I've wasted my money.

I think everyone is affected differently at this time and what works for one person may not suit another.  Good luck anyway and keep logging on to this very useful site. 


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #84 on: July 03, 2007, 10:49:25 AM »

Hi i have osteoarthitis in my Knee i take chondrotin for it,i find this very helpfull indeed,its really worth a try  :)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #85 on: July 03, 2007, 01:53:20 PM »

As you know ladies I have been suffering these past few weeks with pain in my arms and hands due to RA, well last Friday I decided to try "whatdoyoumacallit", blank mind for a minute hang on need to look back some posts and see if I can find the word ;D ;D ;D that's it Glucosamine Sulphate, sheesh if I had half a brain cell I'd be dangerous ;D ;D ;D, I really do think it is starting to work I am still taking my fish oils EPA therefore I am wondering if both together are helping, as you can see I have been able to get back to posting which is great :peace: I did try Glucosamine some years ago when I first developed RA but it did nothing for me at the time, but maybe with the fish oils it is working better, who knows but lets just hope it keeps working.


Triciaxxx :peace:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #86 on: July 09, 2007, 09:45:49 AM »

HI Tricia - its great that you think Glucosamine may be helping you - you have sounded so down with your pain recently. I just wanted to say I take it - with Chondoitrin - in a liquid form( flavoured) and it is really helping me. I notice it if I do not rmember to take it for a day or two. Lets hope it keeps on helping. love Sue

sharon a

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #87 on: July 13, 2007, 05:00:40 PM »

Hi All      :D

I've been suffering with joint pains (seems to be all over-must have joints that have been dormant for 50-odd years!!!) for almost a year now. Mine is a combination of meno & a bad fall which really knocked me for six.      :(
Can heartily agree about glucosaumine - really helps with knee pains but not so sure about other joints.

Anyway, Dr Chris on This Morning has raved about a product called LITOZIN which is derived from Rosehips (don't confuse it with normal rosehip supplements, Litozin is made from a product within the rosehip).  Apparently its been proved to really help with joint pains especially Osteo & Rheum Arthritis & has been on sale in Europe for about 10yrs - we've finally got it in the UK (why are we so far behind all other countries when it comes to getting medical help???)       :-\
Its on sale in Boots & Superdrug & is in capsule form but you can break them open & sprinkle contents on food. I've just started taking it but it takes a while for body to absorb & apparently you notice the difference in a few months (DAMN!!).
You take 6 caps a day for 3-5 weeks then a maintenance dose of 4 caps a day - its pretty pricey at £19.99 for 120 caps but if it works then what price pain relief, also as its natural it doesn't interact with other medication - but check with pharmacist etc about this if anyone is going to try it.  I'll let you know how good it is (or not!!)  :)

Have also started having private physio for the neck/shoulder pain & immobility - referred to NHS physio but had to wait 7 weeks for first appt (Dec 2006!!) then had another 5 week wait for next & only allowed 3 sessions spread over a month. Needless to say didn't do much good & had to go back to GP to be referred back to physio again - another long wait & again only allowed 3 sessions.
BUT - NHS physio went on hol for 2 of these sessions & a private physio covered - what a difference!!  After just 1 session there was a definate improvement (he works on Squaddies & really gets things moving!!), so have gone private with him - this is my 2nd week & I can turn my head with no problems, 70% of pain has disappeared - he's going to start really working on my poor shoulder next week. Apparently this is going to be a big job & be really painful   :'(  due in main to the lack of physio from NHS in the first place which has made the joint lock up - I'm now stocking up on Kleenex & will only wear waterproof mascara for the next few visits! Ah Well - no pain, no gain.

Anyone who is suffering with joint pains even though it may be due to meno should take a look at a free booklet from the Arthritis Research Council detailing exercises to keep joints moving - some of them really help. The drawings seem to show elderly people but who cares!! A friend of mine who is in her early thirties with a young child does them as she has a painful knee & they help her.   :)

Must go now as I feel as though I'm writing a novel!!!

Cheers everyone

Sharon A



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #88 on: August 03, 2007, 11:29:19 AM »

When I got my calcium tablets the other day, the chemist was extolling the virtues of a supplement for joint aches and pains called Celadrin.  Don't know how new it is.  Seems to be a mixture of oils.

Not selling/promoting anything, just thought it worth a mention.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #89 on: August 07, 2007, 11:35:39 AM »

I've no idea whether this is just a coincidence but I recently increased my intake of Glucosamine from 1000 mg to 1500 mg and have noticed a real improvement in joint and muscle stiffness. These therapies, like drugs, are not random - the dosage really has to be right to get the desired effect. I had taken 1000 mg for months with little difference until now. Luckily I seem able to tolerate Glucosamine without ill effects.  :)
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