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Author Topic: Utrogesten Cyclical question  (Read 156 times)


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Utrogesten Cyclical question
« on: July 23, 2024, 08:49:21 AM »

Hi ladies
I’d really appreciate your help. I’m relatively new to the group and have tried to search for answers but cannot seem to access through the search option?

I’m 66, post menopausal and recently had an ultrasound lining diagnoses of 10mm😱
 I’m going for biopsy late August. My GP has suggested I continue my HRT until then.

I take 1 pump eastrogel and 200 mg ultageston vaginally over 12 days ( can’t cope with burning cystitis symptoms any longer than that)
She did suggest I take it every day, but just can’t cope with symptoms when it builds up.

I’ve agreed to do cyclical every 6 weeks but am unsure when this should start.

Should the 6 weeks  be counted from after the withdrawal bleed or from  Day 1 of taking utrogesten for the 12 days……
I hope that makes sense. I couldn’t think how to word it, in a way that explains exactly what I mean ( It’s an age thing 😂 )

It just feels that there’s hardly any time off, so to speak. By the time I take 12 days, withdraw for 5/6 then bleed for 5/6… Ive only got about 2 weeks TOTALLY FREE before it’s time to start again 😫

How do other cyclical ladies work this ?


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Re: Utrogesten Cyclical question
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2024, 08:57:10 AM »

I also use it cyclically every 7 or so weeks. I try to get a specific date to remember such as the 1st of the month, say 1 July then then next date 15th August and then 1 Oct and so on, if that makes sense? Do you get a heavy withdrawal bleed as 1 pump is very low dose so shouldnt be building up too much lining if  you getting a few days of bleeding.


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Re: Utrogesten Cyclical question
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2024, 09:01:51 AM »

Hi jacig

The cycle starts from the first day you take the utrogestan. Cassie's suggestion sounds good but I tend to tweak mine if I'm going away so it's sometimes shorter, and so the 1st and middle of the  (to start the cycle) wouldn't work for me. I just note in my calendar - sometimes working out the year quite far in advance to accommodate my plans!

Unfortunately that is the downside - not too long with the benefits of oestrogen only, though for me it doesn't take 5-6 days to withdraw - generally only one day which is usually the following day after I stop taking it, and my bleed is really short so I only notice it for one day really - so I feel the benefit of oestrogen only for most of the 4 weeks, in my case 3 if I do a 5 week cycle...

Hurdity x


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Re: Utrogesten Cyclical question
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2024, 09:17:31 AM »

Cassie and Hurdity

Thank you both for your help.

I thought it was as you both said, from day 1 of taking utrogestan. It just feels as if there’s hardly ant TOTALLY FREE time off, before it’s time to start again.
I guess I’ll just need to put up with it so I can hopefully stay on a cyclical regime.

I’ve been told by GP to take 200 mg vaginally every other day, but can’t cope with symptoms involved with this.


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Re: Utrogesten Cyclical question
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2024, 02:29:06 PM »

Hi jacig1957

At what point in your cycle was your lining 10mm? It seems quite high for just 1 pump of oestrogel.

I have just had an ultrasound done, which showed my lining to be 11.7mm, which is clearly too high but I am on 4 pumps of oestrogel and just 100 mg of Utro for 14 days per month. I expect I will be having a hysteroscopy to look into this further and discuss other options because I can only tolerate 14 days of vaginal Utro for the same reasons as you and oral use just knocked me out.

My specialist it trialing me on Cyclogest, which, in her experience, is much better tolerated than Utro. However, not all GPs will prescribe it, as it not licenced for use as HRT in the UK yet. It is listed as a progesterone option by the BMS though.


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Re: Utrogesten Cyclical question
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2024, 03:15:05 PM »

Thank you chop Suey …
I was only a couple of weeks away from re starting utrogesten, but I have been on a 12 day 100 mg only every 3 months for many years. I’ve recently realised this is way too low a dose and not nearly often enough.
I was on Provera for years before this, but was changed to utrogesten 2 years ago due to dvt clot in my leg!

I can only have body identical progesterone now due to my blood clot.


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Re: Utrogesten Cyclical question
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2024, 03:36:55 PM »

Would that exclude a Mirena coil? I know it's a synthetic but I understand it acts fairly locally, certainly after the first few months, so little should go into the general circulation. I am not keen but am probably heading that way... I have to avoid synthetics as well because of high cholesterol.


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Re: Utrogesten Cyclical question
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2024, 05:01:55 PM »

Chop suey

I really don’t want a mirena coil. I don’t like the idea that I can’t tweek dose if it doesn’t work for me, or I have horrible side effects. Progesterone isn’t my best friend!
 I also nearly passed out with pain when trying to have one fitted many years ago and am not going there again 😱
I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, it’s a nightmare trying to sort it all out for the best.


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Re: Utrogesten Cyclical question
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2024, 05:28:40 PM »

I do share your concerns on the Mirena and having done a bit more reading, it seems a fair bit does end up in the general circulation anyway.

Agree it is all a bit of a nightmare if you're progesterone/progestogen intolerant or have other health issues. I'm not at all sure what to do but hope you manage to find a solution that works for you.