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Author Topic: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache  (Read 516 times)


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Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« on: July 12, 2024, 10:09:14 AM »

Hi Ladies,
I previously posted following an endoscopy diagnosed with a small stomach ulcer and hiatus hernia being prescribed 30 mg Lanseroprazole.  I have persevered with the medication and have cut out wheat and dairy. I believe my ulcer has healed as I no longer have the horrible stomach ache but I still get indigestion, sometimes in the evening and sometimes during the night. I have adjusted my tablets, taking one late evening and one at breakfast and have not had the indigestion during the night for the last few nights, however, I get backache about an hour after eating anything and this is more uncomfortable than the indigestion as I can take Gaviscon for that. The Gaviscon does ease the backache but doesn’t remove it entirely.  I am not sure why I have to take gaviscon as well as the ppi but that is what the Dr recommended when I told him I still had the indigestion.  He had no idea about the backache.  I have another endoscopy at the end of the month so can try to get some answers then.  Has anyone else suffered from acid backache and if so how do you treat it?
Thank you x


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2024, 10:52:37 AM »

I had back pain from acid reflux and trapped gas. Could it be that? I also use gaviscon and omeprazole.  They do different things. One reduces the amount of acid produced, the other forms a raft over stomach contents to prevent it refluxing


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2024, 01:57:01 PM »

Jules, I think it is because when I haven’t eaten for a while or first thing in the morning it is not as bad as after I have eaten.  Do you take the gaviscon after meals or just when you need it?


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2024, 02:46:56 PM »

I take it after food or when i feel acid when I need it, not regularly but I carry it with me in case of reflux. It helps to eat small and more frequently. But because I have to prevent acid reflux I don't eat in the evening.


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2024, 08:49:52 PM »


I get backache with indigestion.  I also have HH and reflux.  The backache is higher up (behind my breasts).  If it's bad it also radiates into my shoulder, neck, jaw and ear.

I take lansoprazole as and when needed and also gaviscon daily.  I've cut out gluten and most diary and this has helped a little.


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2024, 10:55:00 PM »

Wheat or dairy don't make a difference to me but high fat foods do, pastry does, gassy drinks definitely and strangely if I eat apple after a meal. Probably because ots acidic. I was advised to avoid fatty and acidic foods and drink and sparkl8ng or gassy drinks. Cutting out alcohol has made a big difference.  Fortunately I wasn't a big drinker and don't need it to have a good time so don't miss it


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2024, 09:18:14 AM »

I don’t think the wheat and dairy is making a difference to me either. I don’t drink or smoke and I have been waking up again during the night for the last few nights with indigestion and then can’t get back to sleep. I take the gaviscon before I go to bed but it seems to only last for 5 or 6 hours and the indigestion starts again.  I am not sure the ppi is working for me as i have taken them for nearly 10 weeks and am still producing acid towards the end of the day and into the night. I just don’t know what to do to sort it out.


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2024, 09:59:57 AM »

Is it indigestion or reflux? I'm not sure gaviscon helps to settle an upset stomach. I perhaps wouldn't take it as a preventative thing if you haven't got symptoms. It doesn't last forever so if you're symptoms start in the night I would take it then unless your doctor has told you differently.  What symptoms do you have in the night?


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2024, 11:13:44 AM »

I am pretty sure it is indigestion. My endoscopy report only mentioned a small stomach ulcer and reactive gastritis but the consultant did say I had a small hiatus hernia during the examination and prescribed 30 mg Lanseroprazole.  My symptoms usually start just after I am thinking of going to bed, about 10.30 pm and I take some gaviscon and that usually makes me burp and I go to sleep.  I then wake up feeling uncomfortable (almost like I am hungry ) after about 5 hours and sit up for a while hoping it will go away but eventually take some more gaviscon and after about 30 mins it settles down and I go back to sleep.  I have tried to raise the bed at one end as that is supposed to help but like most divan beds they come in two parts and so only the top half raises up and I end up with a bad back! I am seriously looking at buying a new bed.


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2024, 01:25:53 PM »

So you're not getting acid reflux then? No point raising your bed if thats the case. Your symptoms sound like gastritis. I've had spells of that feeling. Hunger pain.  It's when your stomach is empty and the acid has no good to digest so is burning at your stomach lining. The acid produces gas too so you'll have that feeling.  It can also be triggered by stress. If you're stressed it gets you stomach acid going.  So the more you're worrying the more it's aggravating your stomach. It can take a few weeks to heal gastritis. It really is trying out what works. But if you've had your checks, be reassured that all is well and try to relax. I sometimes find a hit water bottle helps, it relaxes my stomach.  When I had my endoscopy I was prescribed 20mg omeprazole twice a day for 8 weeks for gastritis then dropped to 20mg a day. But it still wasn't healed after 8 weeks so occasionally I had to take extra obviously with my GP advice.


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2024, 02:45:03 PM »

I am really not sure what I have, I had assumed I had some reflux as I have acid in my throat when I first get up in the morning but this wasn’t mentioned after my endoscopy. I know I had reactive gastritis because that was mentioned in the report but I don’t drink alcohol or take ibuprofen etc and there was no sign of h pylori so assumed it was acid that caused my ulcer. I am carrying on with the lanseroprazole and will have to see what the endoscopist says in 2 weeks time. Thank you Jules I am going to try eating a little bit of supper tonight to see if that helps as I had stopped eating after 6 pm as recommended for reflux.


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2024, 10:56:13 PM »

Acid can cause an ulcer. I had one from taking anadin. I didn't realise it has aspirin in. I wouldn't like to advise you but sometimes you've to just try different things. Maybe just a cracker or two. If that causes reflux then stop. I don't eat supper. I've just started having a ryvita though. If your stomach lining is irritated it will cause that empty hungry feeling.
« Last Edit: Today at 11:49:26 AM by Jules »


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #12 on: Today at 10:37:50 AM »

Hey there! I've been through something similar with acid-related issues and backache after eating. It's frustrating, isn't it? Regarding your symptoms, it sounds like your PPI might need some adjustment or additional medication like Gaviscon. I found relief by eating smaller meals, avoiding trigger foods like spicy stuff, and propping myself up a bit when sleeping. Hang in there till your endoscopy, it should shed more light. Let's chat more if you need. It's always helpful to share experiences!


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Re: Hiatus Hernia/Indigestion/Backache
« Reply #13 on: Today at 02:06:09 PM »

Thanks Minicat, I really don’t think the Lanseroprazole is working for me as the indigestion still happens during the evening and at 3 am every night.  The hospital prescribed 30 mg presumably to heal my ulcer and I am sure it has done that so I asked my GP for an alternative ppi and he has prescribed omeprazole to try until my next endoscopy but 80 mg a day.  I checked that with the pharmacist and it was correct but I think that is very high so am going to wait until the endoscopy before i do anything.  I think the backache is related to the Lanseroprazole as I didn’t have that until a few days after I started it.  It is all quite bizarre!