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Author Topic: Dropped from a great height  (Read 216 times)


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Dropped from a great height
« on: July 08, 2024, 10:53:13 AM »

Been browsing the forum over last few weeks desperately trying to pull myself out of a hole I have fallen into .

The story is I had pelvic radiation and chemo back in march , all was going well it was traumatic but I was pretty upbeat and positive through it all .
They warned me a full menopause was likely, due to damage to the ovaries.

First week of treatment I started with serious flushes , like I was on fire , they said it could be the treatment, they continued since.

Then two months ago when I started to reduce my morphine , the day after dropping slightly my mood dropped and I was very low amongst other side affects . Putting it down to withdrawal I plodded on .

I struggled since , with feeling not myself at all so I decided to try hrt , I am 51 and was still having periods until before treatment, they were a bit irregular but I had no menopausal symptoms at all . I have been sad , upset about stupid things , not looking forward to anything, waking up with anxiety, getting fixated on worries.

This post is more about venting my journey , I am feeling a bit better than a few weeks ago though not my self though some moments of normality are creaping  through .

I was put in evorel sequi because they said I am classed a peri , put patch on and my anxiety increased, sweats increased, I was taking yam capsule before starting and they had reduced the sweats can’t take together I believe

After some awful low episodes I halfed the patch , the progesterone patch I was not good but who knows I was up and down anyway.
I am on month 2 , and feel bloated womb wise and no bleeding at all

I started taking supplements various supplements a few weeks ago and mentally I feel better, things that have helped my anxiety are taking magnesium glycinate and l theanine , and daily eft tapping has helped me so much , but I am not myself still .I was considering Ad but have so far put it off , it’s the morning anxiety is making me not want to go to work .

I am wondering how will they know if my ovaries are completely done , at what point will it be best to go on a continuous progesterone?
I have a prescription for the utrogestan to try with the evorel 50 , but i somehow think i need to give the conti patch another try , it’s hard to know if it’s menopause or some underlying trauma response that’s causing my mental health issues , thanks for listening xx



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Re: Dropped from a great height
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2024, 10:58:46 AM »

Hi!  When do U get a follow up with the Consultant who did the surgery?

MayB an ultra sound of the ovaries will help judge how much 'damage' has been done?  Even after removal the stump left behind can be enough to pump out small amounts of hormone. 

Mood drop is probably to be expected when weaning off any opiates, who is over-seeing the delivery of morphine.  Your symptoms sound like peri-menopause if hormones have been affected by treatment/s medications etc..

Many find progesterone difficult ........  :welcomemm: hopefully some1 with more advice will be along!



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Re: Dropped from a great height
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2024, 10:59:39 AM »

They warned me a full menopause was likely, due to damage to the ovaries.

was this comment a passing remark or was there discussion about what you may require?


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Re: Dropped from a great height
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2024, 11:15:00 AM »

Excuse my inexperience navigating the forum not sure how to reply to particular posts , CLKD the consultant said before treatment that he was going to send me into a menopause because of the strength of the radiation, they said I could be seen by a clinic at the hospital, but it wasn’t mentioned at last appointment, as I had seen gp already ,maybe I should get in with a specialist? I believe the waiting lists are long .
I have an appointment in august to discuss my follow up scans which I have in the coming weeks, I had no help really coming off morphine they said just taper slowly, but I have been off it for a while now xx


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Re: Dropped from a great height
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2024, 01:31:30 PM »

U can continue replying as you are doing.

I would get to see a consultant taking a list of concerns.  That way there is a base line from which to work.

Hopefully your scans will give good results so that you can move forwards regarding further HRT. 