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Author Topic: Severe IBS  (Read 426 times)


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Severe IBS
« on: June 30, 2024, 09:13:06 AM »

Hello all, has anyone suffered or suffering with severe IBS during menopause? For approximately 2 years now my IBS is literally ruining and ruling my life. Every single morning my stomach feels upset and out of sorts until around midday. I'm now struggling to go out, having panic attacks because of my stomach issues and feeling totally at a loss.
I've had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and scans and all I have been told is it's IBS which can be worse for menopausal ladies. I'm taking buscopan but I'm interested to know if any of you have gone through this and found a solution? I've tried diet changes and lifestyle changes but literally nothing helps and I'm feeling desperate now along with my panic attacks increasing.
I also suffer with lower left hand back pain, hip pain and severe coccyx pain, which interestingly seems worse when my IBS is bad during the mornings. The doctor can find no cause or link, I've even had an MRI on my back and coccyx.
I don't want there to be anything wrong of course and I've accepted this is all down to IBS/menopause but I do want to find some help.
I don't know whether to try anti anxiety medication, HRT or a stronger IBS medication?
My doctor is pretty useless sadly and I'm thinking should I pay to see a private menopause specialist in order to get some advice on which medication would help best.
All I ever hear from my doctor is "well it's probably just down to the menopause", which really isn't very helpful!


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2024, 10:04:39 AM »

My nice GP once suggested a low dose anti anxiety medicine for my IBS during a bad spell.  He explained how your gut is physically connected to your brain by a nerve and so anxiety can exacerbate the condition and IBS does cause anxiety just as you've described.  You are anxious about needing the loo or feeling ill when you're out, eating out with others etc. Mine eased a lot when I retired. I used to have it bad every Sunday night and Monday morning. My sister is the same I'm sorry I have no other solutions. I also use buscopan and if I'm having a night out, I eat early and very light to give time to process.


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2024, 10:06:43 AM »

Hi LottieB. I know how you feel as I've had IBS (d) since I was 11 and this has gone through periods of not too bad to 'Nope can't go anywhere today! ' It can rule my life. I didn't find menopause made any difference personally and I am on HRT. I can't post a long response as I'm busy at home this morning but wanted you to know I'd read your post. Food triggers are important but can be time consuming to discover. Soya is a big problem for me and the rather innocuous looking garden peas! Who'd have thought such a small thing could cause havoc. Onions too and raspberries and unpeeled apples (cooked apples are fine)  I wondered if you had read the info from the Gut Trust? Will post more later

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2024, 10:15:46 AM »

Have you looked at dairy being a potential trigger? Thinking in terms of if you have tra or coffee with cows milk in the morning, or on cereal? I developed lactose intolerance in perimenopause,  never had issues before but now it gives me cramps and rushing to the toilet within 20 minutes.
Digestive enzymes before meals also might help in general, I take one by Wild Nutrition when I get a flare up.


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2024, 10:33:31 AM »

I'm always wary when someone has been told they have IBS,it covers a multitude of symptoms. I was told I'd IBS in my 20s and accepted that diagnosis but when I got to my 50s and it was getting progressively worse, I did an allergy test through the nhs(LONNNGGGG WAIT) and an intolerance blood test online and wheat was a huge trigger as was peanuts,cut them both out and have never looked back,no more excruciating pain etc. IBS is an easy diagnosis but sometimes there is a reason your gut goes into spasms,so it's well worth finding out if you're intolerant/ allergic to any food stuff x


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2024, 10:36:08 AM »

Thank you all for your kind and helpful replies, I really do appreciate them.
Jules - I do think I'm unfortunately making mine worse with my anxiety and I agree with trying a low dose anti anxiety med, I think I'd rather that than HRT, hopefully that will then also help with the panic attacks. It's good to hear yours eased, gives me hope. You hit the nail on the head about me being anxious when I'm out and about and also eating, I now dread every occasion and feel like crying as my life has changed so much. I too now eat early.

Taz2- thank you for the really helpful link and information, I'm so sorry to hear you've suffered for so long and really appreciate you posting even though you're busy, thank you. I'll definitely take a look at the link.

Penguin - thanks so much for your suggestions. Sadly already tried the non dairy route but it didn't help unfortunately.
Digestive enzymes sound really helpful, I've never heard of them but will definitely take a look.

Jaypo - you're so right, the doctors literally do fob people off and IBS is an easy diagnosis as nothing can really be proved. An allergy test is an option, I'll happily pay if I can get some answers  thank you for suggesting. Glad you found it has helped you, gives me a little hope.

Thanks again all xx

Mary G

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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2024, 11:52:56 AM »

I've always had IBS but it got worse once I hit the menopause.  I saw a gastroenterologist a couple of years ago and he said bowel issues are extremely common at menopause and women who use HRT (including transdermal HRT) often go on to develop IBS - he was not anti HRT by the way.

Something else to consider is bile acid diarrhoea which often develops post menopause and in most cases, there is absolutely no underlying cause. 

So often we have women on here who have suddenly developed raging diarrhoea and IBS type symptoms and are terrified they have bowel cancer but 9 times out of 10 it isn't. 

Stool tests are very accurate and very sophisticated now and they can check for inflammatory disease and cancer.

Does anti diarrhoea medication like Imodium work for you? 


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2024, 12:33:08 PM »

Hi Mary G, it's good to hear I'm not alone.
I do get diarrhea, which over the counter meds help, ive had a colonoscopy so thankfully bowel and colon cancer has been ruled out.
Although it's the other symptoms that affect me the most, churning tummy, bloating, pain, uncomfortable feeling, needing the toilet very often and urgently and the nausea is dreadful.


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2024, 01:00:24 PM »

Hi lottie B
I had the same symptoms when i started post meno but once i got put onto the ovestin thankfully it has settled a few of my symptoms  and this was one i still get a touch around my old cycle time but no were near as much or as bad it took about 6mths but has definately  done something just a thought hun


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2024, 01:30:58 PM »

'The runs' can certainly be hormonally linked though IBS covers a multitude of symptoms.   10 mins B4 a bleed I would have to dash to the loo, no arguments! even when a period wasn't due.

MayB make notes of what you eat/drink for 5 days/nights.  Food sensitivity can become problematic as we age anyway, throw hormones into the mix and the gut - the 2nd brain - can become really upset.  My worst time is from 3.30 a.m. until the evening as anxiety controls my bowels.  As I suffer with slow transit ........ when my bowel wants to empty but won't  >:( going places is very difficult sometimes.  Then I will have a few days when everything works better. 

Since gradually changing from ultra processed foods to more fresh fruits/veg my whole body has felt better.  As a teen I could eat anything  ::) but as I have aged, I've had to review what goes into my gob!  So after you have made your notes perhaps decide to ease off UPFs ......... other than chocolate, I've found it not too difficult to swap.

Let us know. 


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2024, 01:49:30 PM »

I have had stomach issues for years which got worse with the menopause. I went on HRT and it did help, but is still troublesome at times. Mine seems to be caused by a combination of diet and anxiety.  I have modified my diet and have mainly a plant based diet but in some ways I think this has made it worse, maybe too much roughage. I eat little and often in order to avoid issues but have trouble maintaining my weight, I'm currently 7 stone 9lb. I was diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder about 15 years ago and am also considering a low dose anti anxiety med but am reluctant to do this.

My sister has IBS and she was often unable to leave the house as she needed to be in close proximity to a toilet. After many years of her life being limited she was prescribed amitriptyline (medium dose). This changed her life and she rarely experiences severe symptoms.


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2024, 03:34:04 PM »

I was advised to cut out wheat. It made no difference at all so I know its not that. I tried most things including dairy free. Mine isn't as bad now, but I have upper gastric problems.  My gastric doctor told me as the digestive system is one long pipe from one opening to the other, it's basically an irritable/sensitive digestive problems. And mine isn't related to menopause

Mary G

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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2024, 04:19:38 PM »

I have had stomach issues for years which got worse with the menopause. I went on HRT and it did help, but is still troublesome at times. Mine seems to be caused by a combination of diet and anxiety.  I have modified my diet and have mainly a plant based diet but in some ways I think this has made it worse, maybe too much roughage. I eat little and often in order to avoid issues but have trouble maintaining my weight, I'm currently 7 stone 9lb. I was diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder about 15 years ago and am also considering a low dose anti anxiety med but am reluctant to do this.

My sister has IBS and she was often unable to leave the house as she needed to be in close proximity to a toilet. After many years of her life being limited she was prescribed amitriptyline (medium dose). This changed her life and she rarely experiences severe symptoms.

Good point, I forgot to mention amitriptyline or nortriptyline!  They are the first line ADs to try for IBS-D.


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2024, 06:21:32 PM »

I'm truly very grateful for everyone's advice, help and comments, definitely made me feel I'm not alone in having severe IBS and gastric issues.
I think the first thing I need to do is get a doctors appointment and discuss some mild anti anxiety meds, something I probably should have done a long time ago xx


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Re: Severe IBS
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2024, 06:52:51 PM »

As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  I injured my coccyx aged 12 and when my periods were due and as I went into peri with fluctuating cycles, I was aware of an ache or pain in that region.   Do U take any pain relief?