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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Weight loss difficulties  (Read 2346 times)


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #45 on: June 26, 2024, 02:23:41 PM »

In the end, it doesnt matter what you have to eat, you have to eat less calories than you're burning to lose weight. That usually involves more healthy foods though there are some dieting low calorie food products on the market that dont sound that healthy or that necessary. Some people eat healthy but drink a lot of alcohol which contributes to weight gain. I lost some weight when I switched to zero beers.  It's the stubborn bits that are hard to shift.


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #46 on: June 26, 2024, 03:47:43 PM »

In the end, it doesnt matter what you have to eat, you have to eat less calories than you're burning to lose weight. That usually involves more healthy foods though there are some dieting low calorie food products on the market that dont sound that healthy or that necessary. Some people eat healthy but drink a lot of alcohol which contributes to weight gain. I lost some weight when I switched to zero beers.  It's the stubborn bits that are hard to shift.

It's more complicated than just operating in a calorie deficit, it's what you eat too, according to several sources including people I know and things I've read. Your body can get used to certain foods and changing them can give your metabolism a boost. Some say the body finds it harder to burn calories from processed foods than whole foods. Some advocate fasting, some eating little and often. It's about finding what works for you and I'm prepared to try different things to see if anything helps. Except fasting as I can't operate when hungry :)


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #47 on: June 26, 2024, 03:52:14 PM »

Living with multiple health issues, one of which is chronic fatigue,the most important information I read was to ' Think Movement Not Exercise '

So on a day where the tired feeling rules , or motivation goes out the window, and formal types of exercise seem  unachievable, then anything is better than nothing. Do the best you can on any given day x

Hi Sarah, thanks for this, I hope you're doing ok. That's why I've bought a treadmill. I know that if I don't have to leave the house and just have to go to my machine I'm much more likely to exercise and if I'm tired I can just walk. And it measures calories too which will help motivate me if I can see the numbers.

Do you find your physical energy is sometimes affected by your mood too? I have found on a given day I can feel really sluggish then I get a text from a friend that uplifts me or something like that and I then feel like I have more energy! Other times I can go for a long walk, really enjoy it and think I'm fine then the next day feel like I've been hit by a bus, kind of.


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #48 on: June 26, 2024, 05:08:12 PM »

Next stop London Marathon then?! Good luck, and obviously if it's raining you can still work out. No excuses! And the more you do I think the more you enjoy it - especially watching those numbers moving.

Unfortunately my days can be measured fatigue wise as Good day =feels like hit by a mini bus or Bad day =hit by a double Decker! 🙄

It's a balance of listening  to your body,try to push yourself to do a little more before tipping over into needing 24 hrs or more recovery as you have done far too much. I must say I really miss my long solo walks more than anything. Hope it comes back one day.

But mood wise, yes, a good mood does motivate the mind perhaps a bit more than the body? And the mental/emotional sense and the physical sense both impact each other hugely I find. Have fun!


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #49 on: June 26, 2024, 08:02:11 PM »

A filter should be enough as long as the filter is washed regularly.

but doesn't that defeat the object, if you are washing it with tap water? (not being facetious, as I'm genuniely interested because I'm always wary when travelling somewhere new and drinking different water)


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #50 on: June 26, 2024, 09:42:10 PM »

Next stop London Marathon then?! Good luck, and obviously if it's raining you can still work out. No excuses! And the more you do I think the more you enjoy it - especially watching those numbers moving.

Unfortunately my days can be measured fatigue wise as Good day =feels like hit by a mini bus or Bad day =hit by a double Decker! 🙄

It's a balance of listening  to your body,try to push yourself to do a little more before tipping over into needing 24 hrs or more recovery as you have done far too much. I must say I really miss my long solo walks more than anything. Hope it comes back one day.

But mood wise, yes, a good mood does motivate the mind perhaps a bit more than the body? And the mental/emotional sense and the physical sense both impact each other hugely I find. Have fun!

I have chronic fatigue/ME. Diagnosed 22 years ago. I know what you are describing, it's a challenge but I agree that mood does affect your physical capability too but likewise your physical state drags down your mood. Ive had a bad 7 days but the day I got up and the fatigue had lifted I immediately felt in higher spirits and motivated so then start and overdo things. It's a balancing act Ive never mastered and just take the day as it comes now.


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #51 on: June 27, 2024, 01:03:34 PM »

Know it well Jules,I have just minutes ago written in a fibromyalgia forum I am rubbish at pacing!

 I do Exactly as you say, you do something,  you feel good, so you carry on and then it's crashing back down because we've overdone things. Again.

Frustration plays a part for me - trying to recapture what was once a different normal to how it can be now. Balance is my middle name now...
Take care


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #52 on: June 27, 2024, 03:08:55 PM »

Know it well Jules,I have just minutes ago written in a fibromyalgia forum I am rubbish at pacing!

 I do Exactly as you say, you do something,  you feel good, so you carry on and then it's crashing back down because we've overdone things. Again.

Frustration plays a part for me - trying to recapture what was once a different normal to how it can be now. Balance is my middle name now...
Take care
Yeh, and I had to return to work after 8 months off so couldnt do the pacing and back then there was no help whatsoever anyway. So now I enjoy myself as much as i can and accept the consequences if there are any and I dont fret so much that they are forever, I know it will pass because Ive learned my body and know what to do. It helps Im now retired so no work pressure. I very infrequently get the pain now and if I do it isnt as long lasting and Ive had adventures over the years so I did well to get back into life. But it is hard to recall what normal normal feels like.


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #53 on: June 27, 2024, 06:57:14 PM »

I think that's the hardest part Jules, accepting that this is the new normal. I'm getting there with that, because to rage against it makes things worse or as someone said you can visit Pity City, but you can't stay there. It's natural to be down on the really rough times. As you say physically and mentally it's knowing your own self, it's patterns.

I still get upset when I think how active I was even 2 years ago. I am certain perimenopause triggered the fibromyalgia and now the rheumatoid arthritis. The osteoarthritis is more an age degeneration so that's more ' acceptable ' in a way. But the chronic fatigue is a bitch all right!  And Unfortunately the RA has attacked me worse in my hands and wrists so it's very debilitating in many ways.

 Do we push things too far? Hell yes! Because an activity that's seems tame to most people is a wild day for those with chronic illnesses!

So weight as this thread started with, has crept on for me too and I know that doesn't help joints. However with losing the ability exercise enough, I have adjusted my diet again,but tbh, there's too much going on trying to stabilise the serious health things. The weight issue is at the back of the queue - but I hope it can be addressed at some point.



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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #54 on: June 27, 2024, 08:35:11 PM »

A filter should be enough as long as the filter is washed regularly.

but doesn't that defeat the object, if you are washing it with tap water? (not being facetious, as I'm genuniely interested because I'm always wary when travelling somewhere new and drinking different water)

Filters are usually replaced not washed 🙂


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #55 on: June 27, 2024, 08:39:17 PM »

I'm another that has put quite a bit of weight on over the last couple of years and am having trouble shifting it.

It's driving me mad and costing a fortune. I took one of last year's summer dresses out of the wardrobe the other day. I'm sure it's shrunk  ;D


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #56 on: June 27, 2024, 08:43:03 PM »

I think that's the hardest part Jules, accepting that this is the new normal. I'm getting there with that, because to rage against it makes things worse or as someone said you can visit Pity City, but you can't stay there. It's natural to be down on the really rough times. As you say physically and mentally it's knowing your own self, it's patterns.

I still get upset when I think how active I was even 2 years ago. I am certain perimenopause triggered the fibromyalgia and now the rheumatoid arthritis. The osteoarthritis is more an age degeneration so that's more ' acceptable ' in a way. But the chronic fatigue is a bitch all right!  And Unfortunately the RA has attacked me worse in my hands and wrists so it's very debilitating in many ways.

 Do we push things too far? Hell yes! Because an activity that's seems tame to most people is a wild day for those with chronic illnesses!

So weight as this thread started with, has crept on for me too and I know that doesn't help joints. However with losing the ability exercise enough, I have adjusted my diet again,but tbh, there's too much going on trying to stabilise the serious health things. The weight issue is at the back of the queue - but I hope it can be addressed at some point.

Im further down the line than you. At first it was, if I can just get the kids through university. But its 24 years since it started. I can now do things more than I could, I even have a dance, Ive travelled, had a long standing fling, still have the bad spells and aging is making it harder than it was, I get tired more easily but have hope. A positive mindset was one of the biggest factors in my getting back to life.


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #57 on: June 28, 2024, 02:15:14 PM »

I'm another that has put quite a bit of weight on over the last couple of years and am having trouble shifting it.

It's driving me mad and costing a fortune. I took one of last year's summer dresses out of the wardrobe the other day. I'm sure it's shrunk  ;D

I know the feeling  ;D


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Re: Weight loss difficulties
« Reply #58 on: June 28, 2024, 02:21:44 PM »

Next stop London Marathon then?! Good luck, and obviously if it's raining you can still work out. No excuses! And the more you do I think the more you enjoy it - especially watching those numbers moving.

Unfortunately my days can be measured fatigue wise as Good day =feels like hit by a mini bus or Bad day =hit by a double Decker! 🙄

It's a balance of listening  to your body,try to push yourself to do a little more before tipping over into needing 24 hrs or more recovery as you have done far too much. I must say I really miss my long solo walks more than anything. Hope it comes back one day.

But mood wise, yes, a good mood does motivate the mind perhaps a bit more than the body? And the mental/emotional sense and the physical sense both impact each other hugely I find. Have fun!

Ha ha, I can only run for about 3 minutes before I have to walk for a bit so a marathon might be going a bit too far! Sorry to hear you're struggling. I really think you will be able to do your long solo walks again. I think it's the hormonal changes as I seem to remember you're in peri same as me? The neurologist I was talking about earlier says that peri is the most difficult time for most women and post meno especially the 60s are much better. Because the brain adjusts to all the changes eventually. I've heard it said that mid to late 40s is the worst time, which includes me! When I needed a full days rest I had travelled for 6 hours, the other time I had walked about 18000 steps on my walk. Thanks for your good wishes xxx
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