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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Totally fed up of feeling crap  (Read 450 times)


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Totally fed up of feeling crap
« on: June 25, 2024, 07:56:16 PM »

I don’t really know what I’m asking here but I just don’t feel like anyone I know understands me.
I’ve been suffering from perimenopause symptoms for years now and I’m just so fed up of it.
The latest symptom is a flare up of vaginal atrophy symptoms and tinnitus. I’m not sure if it’s allergies/ hayfever but my ear has started hurting. I have terrible healthy anxiety so can’t stop thinking of all the things that might be wrong with me.
The GP offered me systemic HRT and against what I know is logical, I was too scared to try it so didn’t.
It just feels like it’s one thing after another and I’m totally exhausted by it.
I absolutely hate going to the GP and avoid it mainly because I always leave feeling demoralised and much worse. I don’t really know what I’m asking but maybe whether anyone has had success with systemic HRT after being really worried about taking it.


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Re: Totally fed up of feeling crap
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2024, 08:20:18 PM »

Hi there.  So sorry you are feeling like this, I understand completely.  I was in a bad place a couple of years ago and also suffer with health anxiety.  I honestly thought my symptoms were something terrible and I was convinced the dr was missing something despite having lots of tests done and being told it was perimenopause.  I struggled to believe that hormones could cause the symptoms I was having.   I really didn't want to take HRT as I seem to be really sensitive to medications.  Anyway I got to the point where i was in a bad place mentally and couldn't see any hope and even told my husband I didn't want to be with him anymore.  My dr convinced me to try HRT and I'm not going to tell you it's been a magic fix and to be honest I'm still trying to figure out what works for me,  but it has definitely made a huge difference with my mental health and I can rationalise things much better now.  I can also now see that fluctuating hormones cause havoc!  I started off really slowly with the HRT (I cut a 25mg patch in half) and each time I increased, it was only by a small amount so that my body could get used to it.  What's stopping you from trying it?  You could start on the lowest dose and if you feel it's not for you then you can always stop.  You never know, it might just be amazing for you!  xxx


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Re: Totally fed up of feeling crap
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2024, 08:31:17 PM »

I don't have any answers for you but I can tell you lots of us feel the same as you do. Anxiety and overthinking the worst is just so draining.
I haven't been offered HRT yet as GP suggested antidepressants but after reading the leaflet and side effects I don't think they are for me. I'm unsure if I get offered HRT and read the side effects if I will take them either.
My GP are rubbish for in person appts but they have econsult which is like an email I can write all my issues and symptoms in, this means I can re read it before sending to make sure I have put everything in and I get an email response so I don't mis hear things or forget them. Maybe this service is available at your surgery?


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Re: Totally fed up of feeling crap
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2024, 10:18:11 PM »

I'm sorry you feel lousy, we've all been there. If your ear is sore and you have tinnitus I would see your gp in case you have an ear infection. It can be a meno symptom too but I have it because of damage to the inner ear following an infection years ago. Is your anxiety a long standing issue or did it arrive with peri?. Mine did and has been completely cured by hrt. Do you topical oestrogen for va? It will only get worse if it's left. Why not give hrt a try? You can stop at any time if you find it doesn't suit you. For me the decision was easy, I felt so bad before it life was hardly worth living.


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Re: Totally fed up of feeling crap
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2024, 06:54:07 AM »

Hi Bella247, I'm so sorry your suffering this way.
I also understand what you are going through, with lots of symptoms and it hit me mentally also with severe general anxiety..I didn't like anything or anyone, felt alone and was an awful time..I'm not quite there yet but have been on hrt for a year and it has made a huge difference, I am also on a low dose of anti depressants...
Consider hrt as some other member here have said you can always come off it if you don't like it :) :)


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Re: Totally fed up of feeling crap
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2024, 03:15:43 PM »

Have you tried topical HRT for the vaginal atrophy? If not that would be a start.


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Re: Totally fed up of feeling crap
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2024, 04:00:20 PM »

Hi I am sorry you are suffering.

One way to think about it that might put your mind at rest is that if HRT for you involves estradiol and micronised progesterone, these are substances that your own body produced for decades.

They were flowing throughout every blood vessel, tissue and organ throughout your teens, 20's 30's and if you think back to the time in your life when you looked, felt and functioned your best, chances are they were at their highest level.

And you were not in a state of panic or dread about it, you were probably laughing dancing and generally loving life.

Like others have said, you can start with just a quarter of a patch if this makes you feel more comfortable (however this would not be expected to relieve your symptoms) and you are not committing to taking it forever, if it is not for you just stop.

I think you are far more likely to regret not trying it, than to regret trying it.