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Author Topic: Testosterone without other HRT  (Read 1192 times)


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Testosterone without other HRT
« on: August 13, 2023, 10:05:37 PM »

Is it even possible?  Because the doc took me off O&P due to an adverse blood pressure reaction and I (now) don't seem to have any of the symptoms it's given to treat.  I'm curious, partly because I'd like to improve my libido, and partly because I'd like to rescue my brown muscle mass.  I still have a womb.  Also, several interesting articles about T and cardio vascular disease, including this one -


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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2023, 07:42:33 AM »

Hi Elk Warning

Thanks for posting the link. This is an observational study which shows that testosterone is more highly associated with visceral fat than oestrogen and the last sentence of the conclusion "Our findings may have direct implications in explaining the effect of menopause-related testosterone predominance on VF accumulation and subsequent cardiovascular risk." is key because it suggests that it is the higher ratio of T to estradiol that could be the cause. This is consistent with the well known observation of changing distribution of body fat as we reach menopause - our waists and middles get thicker and this is associated with increased visceral fat (and potentially increased cardiovascular risk).

This study, though not a trial, highlights the importance of NOT replacing testosterone alone after menopause - the opposite to what you are suggesting?

HRT aims not only to replace some of our estradiol but also to restore the female balance between oestrogen and testosterone to some extent. Because testosterone itself also declines as we age then for some women its replacement can help to some extent - but not at the expense of the balance between oestrogen and testosterone.

That's my take on it anyway!

Sorry to hear about your absent libido - just a thought, are you taking any other meds that might impact this eg some anti-depressants?

High BP is not a contra-indication to taking HRT - transdermal HRT is better for cardio-vascular issues and there are other ways to reduce BP . The contra-indications are here:

How old are you and how long since menopause. Great that you don't have other symptoms but some find that the added oestrogen itself helps with this. One thing I would say is that some find that continuous progesterone is a libido dampener - which stands to reason, given that during the menstrual cycle progesterone rises after ovulation ad oestrogen itself is at a very high peak around ovulation, when our bodies should desire conception...

Hurdity x


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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2023, 08:46:13 AM »

That's really useful, Hurdity.  I was confused by what I read and trust your explanation.

Libido's not absent, it's just greatly reduced.  On school hols at the moment (teacher), so have time to relax and libido is back.  However, I can't really just spend my whole life in relax mode.  Not taking any other meds - apart from a rescue Diazepam once every couple of months.

Re: HRT and contraindications, my issue is that I didn't have high BP, started HRT, developed high BP after 6 months, stopped HRT, high BP went away.  I saw a meno nurse, the GP and a consultant pharmacologist and all said it wasn't worth the risk.  I could never take the pill either as that would send my BP sky rocketing even in my 20s.  No idea.

I'm 54, almost 55.  The three symptoms that concern me are: lack of libido when leading an ordinary life, 'shrinkage' of my lady bits and weight.  I sleep well.  Do not appear to be overly stressed - peri was awful for me, thought I was losing my mind, since meno (and therapy) I can handle stuff loads better.  Get my 10,000 steps in a day.  Don't think I eat a huge amount of rubbish.

Thanks for your time.


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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2023, 12:21:31 AM »

Good morning

I have been on ‘testosterone only’ for 2 years now. It works perfectly for me. I only use it 3 times a week because if I use it any more I start to bulk.

I have tried many HRT combinations in the past but couldn’t tolerate them with the worst symptoms being tight throat/beating chest and panic attacks. I even tried one component at a time but still got the same horrific side effects.
The only other HRT that worked well for me was Livial, but I gained too much weight so I came off it.

The last time I posted my ‘Testosterone only’ journey I seemed to get a lot of negative feedback so I went quiet on this forum about it.

Please ask me any questions or even private message me and I will try to answer any of your questions.



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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2023, 05:40:25 PM »

hi Elk- thanks for posting this- it's something i am very interested in

I'm extremely interested to hear how much you're on and probably have a load of other questions!
I have no ovaries or womb and have been trying for many years (both prior to and after surgery) to sort out hrt. it's never worked- just makes me feel awful!!
i do remember you posting before- i was very interested to hear that you'd had a bad time on standard hrt and just knew that it wouldnt work for you. i feel exactly the same and i think it's really important to hear your experience.
i have actually located some androfeme and the private pharmacist has no issue with me trying it on its own.
i'm currently having last ditch attempt at oestrogen/prog (i dont need prog as such but thought i'd try anything!) but it's not working
i'm so bloody sick of this- my mood is awful
i tried testosterone with the current regime and felt crap but i do wonder about taking it on its own.
i honestly have nothing to lose- it's no bloody life as it is!!
is it ok to PM you? I'll try to be less ranty!!


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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2023, 10:20:04 AM »

Hi justyna1970,

I’ve recently been prescribed testosterone only HRT, mentioned it in another post and had a negative feedback too. I think the person assumed  I had it prescribed by a quack on the dark web. It’s sad I had to explain it was prescribed by an established and well respected menopause clinic.

Anyway, like you I couldn’t tolerate the HRT combinations I was prescribed, the side effects have been horrific.

I will definitely pm you to see how you you got on and anything I should look out for or be made aware of. I’m so glad I have seen your post. I thought I might be alone on being prescribed just testosterone.


Mary G

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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2023, 10:53:11 AM »

All HRT regimes should be open to discussion on here and nobody should feel they are being shouted down or feel they can't discuss a certain type of HRT. 

I have heard of testosterone only HRT and it can be very successful with migraine sufferers.  It increases seratonin levels which lifts mood and it can be the missing link when it comes to the success of an HRT regime.

It's definitely worth trying.


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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2023, 11:22:24 AM »

Agree with Mary.
All 3 hormones are affected during menopause. Why not experiment with T only, if you don’t get on with O and P.

T only could well be a suitable regime for many ladies ( well it is because posts have been made!)

One life, one body, take control I say.


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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2023, 12:12:18 PM »

good to hear others on the same page
i'm definitely discontinuing my O and P- just can't take it any longer! gave them 3 months this time- such a waste of time feeling utterly miserable!
am now going to cautiously take T- i'm talking teeny amounts maybe 3 times a week- i don't think i can handle proper doses
good luck to Ermin2trude- i'm really glad i saw your post as well as Justyna's :)


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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2024, 08:57:16 PM »

Hi I'm so pleased I found this thread.

I'm summary, I'm 9 years into surgical menopause and have real issues with oestrogen. I only feel the benefits when my levels are rock bottom for a couple of weeks, add a new E product, feel a bit better and then start to feel dreadful. I have very low quality of life since hysterectomy. I'm currently on low dose implants but at my appointment on Tuesday, I want to skip the E and just try the T. The only time I felt well was when my T got up to 3.0 which is classed as too high in the NHS.

I've been through and suffered with the specialists telling me I just need more E more than once and am at my wits end. High E actually makes all my body hurt and go stiff, fatigue and dryness goes worse, the opposite of what should happen but I've been in this game for so long and it happens every time.

I just wondered how you are doing with trialling T only?



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Re: Testosterone without other HRT
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2024, 05:39:08 AM »

I am taking T as part of HRT but I think if anything it has increased my weight and seems to make me hungrier. On the libido it seemed to increase it massively in the 1st month of taking it for 6 days around ovulation but ever since has been low again. I don't know if that is due to my body adjusting to the dose.

That said I think with hormones it is worth testing things on yourself as everyone's bodies react very differently. Have you had you levels measured? The prescriber will generally require this anyway for T before start, at 12 weeks, 6 months and at a year. My levels were low and shbg was high which prevents the absorption.

Regarding the shrinkage of lady bits have you tried a topical oestrogen cream? The doses are v low so much less likely to affect blood pressure than a patch.
