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Author Topic: Burning skin  (Read 1847 times)

Dorothy Gale

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Burning skin
« on: May 07, 2024, 08:53:15 AM »

HI everyone. Apologies long post.

I'm 50, 15 months since last period, suffer from M.E. Had the year from hell in 2023 as some of you will know from my various posts.

I've hesitated posting etc because as much as you're all amazing and supportive, I struggle with a load of conflicting replies and information overload and it adds to my anxiety so try to avoid googling or forums as much as possible. Not good for my health anxiety

Anyway, recently my mental and physical health has really improved mainly since starting citalopram. It's been a life saver for me. (Please no one say anything negative about it) I've been really happy and actually able to enjoy life again which I thought was something I never would again and Ive been coping with my menopause symptoms now that I feel better mentally with no suicidal or bad thoughts or crippling anxiety. It's been utterly wonderful.

Then last Saturday my partner and i went for a little walk. Within a few minutes the tops of my thighs started to got progressively worse...then all of a sudden extreme was so bad I had to come home.

I took off my leggings and all the tops of my legs the whole way round, down to my knees was bright red, really hot and so completely freaked me out. Never happened before.

It's not allergy. No change to anything ive eaten, used on body or in clothes detergents etc.

After half hour, the redness subsided and the itch....but since then the burning skin sensation has remained and is now in shins, feet, back..its so distressing.

I've not been able to be dressed since as fabric is too harsh on skin is so sensitive and hurts to touch...and constantly 'burns'....

My anxiety has sky rocketed which in turn is making the burning worse. (In the past when my anxiety is bad my skin has a burning sensation until whatever has caused the anxiety has resolved so I know my anxiety isn't helping)

I'm absolutely terrified at this new symptom. I've read that altered skin sensations in your extremities like burning or ****ling, itching, tingling common in menopause and I'm convinced it's that...

But now my anxiety and fears have returned and I how do I cope now with this......just when my life was back in track and for the first time in over a year, I'm actually able to be up and about I the world sometimes.I feel so devastated as I don't know how long this will go on.....if its a glitch or not....I always catastrophise but that's how I am.

I've done a search and found lots of ladies suffering similar burning sensations.....

I really didn't want to post as it only fuels my anxiety with lots of people replying...but I just thought I'd ask.

But can anyone reassure me? I'm speaking with gp but I know she can't do anything except maybe bloods. And NO I'm not on HRT and will not go on it before anyone asks.

Thank you for reading  :thankyou:



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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2024, 09:39:28 AM »

Perhaps a stupid reply from me but anyway, could it be the leggings. I can't wear anything tight on my legs as it does something to the blood flow. The model Abbey Clancy saw her GP because she was convinced she had ME as she struggled to walk and her legs ached. It turned out it was her skinny jeans causing the issues.

It doesn't matter if we have worn tight clothes with no problems but age has a habit of getting in the way here too!

Minnie Mouse

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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2024, 09:44:00 AM »

I've been very Peri for 5 years, now hopefully almost through it.
Burning skin has been one of my most distressing symptoms... hands, forearms, legs.
It's baffled the GPs, although my specialist Meno GP says burning scalp very common.
I so wish more was known about these lesser known symptoms.
Due to altered skin sensations, I've changed lots of my clothes to looser fitting. Endless new bras...
I wish I could say more to reassure, the only thing that has calmed me down about it is that it comes and goes, and sometimes doesn't appear for months.
Good luck with the GP

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2024, 09:51:00 AM »

Hi Ayesha

Thank you for your reply. So kind.

You know, it's funny coz the day before this happened I wore new jeggings that were really tight! Made of cotton but also half polyester with dye....Normally I wear cotton only leggings and never had an issue.

I did say to my partner could it be those new jeggings but it had been a day since I wore them and had no burn or issue whilst I wore them except they felt really we dismissed it.......but I thought maybe they had aggravated my skin......but it wasn't till the next day that going on a my normal kicked off the symptoms?

No idea...............just seems rather a bad/extreme reaction just from wearing jeggings but the more I think about it now you've suggested it.....the more I think you could be right.......seems very coincidental and maybe my super dry, sensitive menopausal skin couldn't handle these super tight synthetic jeggings...

Thank you hun. Appreciate it xxx
« Last Edit: May 07, 2024, 10:26:49 AM by Dorothy Gale »

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2024, 09:54:00 AM »

Hi MinnieMouse

Bless you for replying 🙏

I'm sorry its been a struggle for you too.

It has reassured me that it can ebb and flow. I can cope if that's the case hopefully.



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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2024, 06:47:04 PM »

Dorothy sorry I can't actually help with this symptom but I just wanted to say how wonderful the citolapram has made such a difference to you. For you to be  be able to do small walks is such a big and  positive thing.

I can no longer bear any tight clothing against any part of my body, the sensation is really distressing ( happens to some with fibromyalgia ) wearing loose clothing whilst not an answer to the redness or cause, may however alleviate some of the anxiety for you? I know this is what I need to do for myself.

I do wish you well.

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2024, 06:51:58 PM »

Thank you Sarah.

Yes I'm proud of how far I've come.

Thank you for the reply and kind words.



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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2024, 09:01:25 PM »

Hi Dorothy

I'm very sorry to read that life is so difficult for you at the moment.

Just making contact as I also have been suffering from burning/itching skin.

I've found a few things that help me, maybe they would help you too?

When my skin is burning hot, I use an anti-itch cream called Eurax. You can buy it over the counter at the chemist. Within a very short time, the burning and redness goes and my skin feels so much more comfortable.

If it happens in the evening, I take a Piriton antihistamine (the one that can make you drowsy) and it helps me get a good night's sleep.

Wishing you all the best.

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2024, 09:26:32 PM »

Thank you so much Rebecca. I so very grateful for your help and reply 🙏

Still in full force major burn......but added to that will be the burn I experience with extreme anxiety triggered by this initial burn I experienced at the weekend on my legs for some reason...funding it so hard to not feed into the fear...but its impossible when you feel on fire!

I've suffered extreme burn over my life which was all anxiety related as wasn't in menopause then.....but with the affect menopause has on the nervous system and skin....I suspect its aggravated my already sensitive reactive skin..

I just hope like my other menopause symptoms that it ebbs and flows coz I can't cope with this one!

It's so annoying...just when things were going so well after 12 months of hell.... will pass.

Cheers again xxxx



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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2024, 09:35:12 PM »

Hi Dorothy Gale

So sorry to hear this, hope ot gets resolved quickly for you.

I am thinking too that it's to do with the new leggings you wore the day before.  I have had a few things like this happen to me before, where it's the next day that I get symptoms.  I can't remember what they were but when I got the symptoms I always just knew it was from the previous day.

I was thinking you could try camomile lotion for the itching, and aleo vera for the burning, and the cream RebeccaD has recommended is a good option too. I would definitely try them.

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2024, 09:45:41 PM »

Thank you so much VioletAquarius

It's so kind of you to take the time to reply and support me and offer your view.

I think you're probably right....its too coincidental. I just would have thought it would have settled by now....but my anxiety is probably fueling the burn (I'm on anti anxietymeds which have saved my life but they don't take away anxiety fully)...but who knows with menopause?! You drive yourself insane with the 'whys???'.....

Thank you again for the help. Bless you xx

« Last Edit: May 09, 2024, 09:47:28 PM by Dorothy Gale »


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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2024, 09:11:23 PM »

Hi Dorothy Gale

I cannot really offer any advice on the burning but as an anxiety sufferer for years, I wanted to show support.  It sounds like your anxiety is aggravating the problem but I think you know that. I've worried so much over the years, worrying about the "what ifs", most of which have never materialised so I understand some of your distress. I would say, if you can reassure yourself that the burning is unpleasant but won't do you any harm then it may help reduce the anxiety a little and then possibly (hopefully) the symptoms won't seem as bad. This will pass and you will be okay. Hugs.

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2024, 09:27:38 PM »

Hi Peach8

Bless you for replying to my post and for your kind support. It's appreciated so very much.

Thank you.

I agree with everything you said, you're spot lovely to try to help me.

Dorothy xxx

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2024, 11:10:37 AM »


So its been nearly 2 weeks since all my skin burning/itching/extreme hypersensitivity began. Suspected cause new jeggings but my symptoms are no better so I now think the jeggings aggrovated skin that was becoming very sensitive and burny and I just hadn't noticed as I never usually wear anything so tight!...

I do feel that my menopause has 'gone up a notch' and my skin has been my nemeisis all my life and I know from extensive research on here and all over the net, that altered skin sensations are incredibly common and often exacerbate pre exisitinbg issues like eczema, allergies, heightened sensitivity, reactions to seemingly everything!

I took the advice given on this thread and tried the anti itch cream. No help. Made burn worse. I'm currently trying antihistamie too. No change.

I'm mostly house bound as I suffer from M.E/CFS so 'thankfully' I can get away with only wearing a soft, loose nightdress as I can't bear anything touching my skin. It's become so incredibly hypersensitive and feels burning all the time. Just sitting on a chair, hurts the backs of my legs and everything touching my skin (mainly legs) feels like sandpaper. Its really all consuming as all you can feel is the burning and discomfort. Skin looks normal.

My clothes consist of leggings and jeans. Tried them on yesterday and felt soooo uncomfortable. No way I can wear them so I'm now thinking 'what the hell do I do?'....Buying all new clothes...?? But everything hurts. Luckily its coming up summer so I can wear looser dresses...but I'm so upset. Never knew THIS would be a symptom....

I'm talking to gp a week tomorrow. But I know exactly how that will play out!!! (don't we all ladies!)....but I will request bloods to check.

I think we just come on here because we are in such distress with whatever awful symptom(s) we have and want to know WHY?? but the WHY never gets answered.

I was doing so much better mentally and physically too prior to this, my new meds (SSRI) had made such a huuuuge difference and was feeling optomistic for the first time in I feel really  upset that I'm in so much discomfort with my skin and the times I can manage to go out, I have no clothes to wear or even if I did, they just hurt my skin and it's all I can think about.

It's hard not to obssess and try to accept that it's unpleasant but not going to harm me, when it's all you can feel and everything your body touches is like glass cutting it...anxiety plays a part, obvs.....but who the heck wouldn't be?

I've come across sooo mamny women going through simelar with their skin. Lots on here in the archives...and on the net. All because of the hormones..and affect on the nerves and nervous system...blah blah.

Anyway, I'm mainly just venting as it helps to get it all out. It may be the case it ebbs and flows....Thank you for listening,

Love Dorothy xx



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Re: Burning skin
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2024, 12:30:02 PM »

Hi Dorothy

I just wanted to say I'm so glad you are feeling better. I hope you find a solution. Although I haven't had burning I have had itching feet which was resolved with a rich cream. I like Palmers Coconut Balm. I too have to avoid clothes that are tight or feel rough, so just soft fabrics and soft jeans with stretch. I too think it could be the jeggings that caused it. I find that the more tired I feel, the more sensitive I am to what I wear. I would avoid them and wear soft looser fabrics and keep moisturised and keep an anti-itch or similar cream in just in case it happens again. Also I know that when one has been feeling bad for a long time then feel good for a while but have a setback, it can feel like you're back at square one, as you are all too familiar with the bad feelings. But just remember it is just a temporary setback, it is probably just the jeggings, there will be a solution. You haven't gone back, you've made amazing progress and that is yours to keep. Wishing you the best. x
« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 12:34:31 PM by Katherine »
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