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Author Topic: Bleeding on hrt.  (Read 619 times)


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Bleeding on hrt.
« on: May 04, 2024, 07:18:23 AM »

Hi everyone I’ve been on hrt for many years. After 5 years I tried to come off it but the hot flushes were horrendous so tried alternative remedies.
They didn’t work so I went back on hrt, after 2 years on it I suddenly started spotting. Doctor sent me for a scan and a internal examination.
Everything was fine and was told it could have been the hrt. So yet again I tried to come off it but the hot flushes were awful again.
I stayed on the same hrt and have now been on for over 2 years and suddenly started this week with spotting and now bleeding.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so what have you done?
Thanks, Linda.


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Re: Bleeding on hrt.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2024, 08:22:15 AM »

Hi Linda


Tell us a bit more about yourself eg your age and whether you are post-menopause, eg whether your periods returned after stopping HRT, and what type of HRT you are on.

If all was well after bleeding and spotting, and your investigation, then you should be able to continue with HRT but as you are bleeding again after two years, then you should consult your GP again.

It sounds like you are on continuous combined HRT - ie "no-bleed" HRT. Depending on the preparation, following investigation and if all is well, the recommendation is to increase the dose of progestogen if the oestrogen and progestogen are not balanced, and your endometrium is not over thin. Alternatively some women, like me and others, choose to stay on sequential HRT even into our 60s and 70's so that the withdrawal bleed is predictable (and also cos some of us hate progesotgens!) but I realise that may be unplatable after years of no-bleeding...

Hurdity x


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Re: Bleeding on hrt.
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2024, 11:11:55 AM »

Hi Hurdity,
Thanks for your reply.
I’m 61 and I’m on Kliofem 2mg/1 mg which is a continuous hrt.
I actually started taking this hrt in March 2020 then after 2 years I had the spotting.
Went through the scan etc and everything was normal.
That’s when the gynaecologist suggested trying to come off the hrt. For a couple of months I felt fine, no bleeding but then all the symptoms returned.
As I already had the same hrt at home I started on them again and was absolutely fine apart from the other day when the spotting started and now a bleed.
Perhaps I do need to look at another hrt.
Thanks, Linda x


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Re: Bleeding on hrt.
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2024, 07:34:29 PM »

I have always had on and off bleeding with conti HRT. I am 62. All investigations over the years have been clear.

The menopause clinic said that my options were to reduce my oestrogen (was on evorel conti at the time) or to have Provera. The hospital gynaes and the woman's health specialist at my GPs said I needed a Mirena if I wanted to continue with HRT. I couldn't have cyclic as Hurdity suggests due to fluctuations triggering migraine.

I was so fed up with all the bleeding and the cramps / headaches that seemed to accompany it that I finally agreed. It will be 6 weeks tomorrow since I had the Mirena fitted and the bleeding has finally stopped (fingers crossed).


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Re: Bleeding on hrt.
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2024, 01:00:31 PM »

Hi, i started hrt conti everol just over 1 year ago, no spotting but after 7/8 months i began to spot, i had checks and was told it was fine, hospital  suggested  pessaries, but gp said i am on a combination patch. Over easter i bleed a lot like a period, pains, and clumsy before it as well. The gp told me people can have false periods on hrt and to remove the patch and replace the next one as normal. But he also said  i am just prolonging having menopause syntoms as when i come off hrt i will get them all then. I replied i thought new advice was for bone and brain health to keep on hrt long term, he was no impress with that idea.


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Re: Bleeding on hrt.
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2024, 07:08:14 AM »

I have always bled heavily, even when my uterine scan showed no build up to shed, I bled and bled in the following days anyway.
I'm three years PM and have tried;
Provera - useless and horrible, repeatedly gave me a flu like illness on contact
Utrogestan - useless and painful in the tummy
Norethisterone - nasty & still bled
Cyclogests - I was fed up by now because each one needs three months trial, I gave up when cyclogest made me feel suicidal on day three. It might have worked, but I doubt it.
None of the above worked to alter my bleeding. Even taking doses so high I couldn't function for huge chunks of time and lost my job.

In my thirties I had a mirena coil and it stopped my bleeding completely from the four month mark until it was removed, a few years later.

I won't get another mirena because it caused me depression and the doctor refused to remove it for me, I had to do that bit myself, he gave me ADs instead.

Maybe if I could have tolerated the side effects of any of the other Ps long enough, they might have done something eventually, but it definitely didn't seem worth it to me. Bleeding is better than feeling like your life is worthless and all the Ps do that to me.

Now I'm on tibolone, it's supposed to be offered on the NHS to all PM women with progesterone intolerance who want HRT while keeping their uteruses. Even with that, I still bleed every month, but it's normal and it gets checked with scans.

It's not approved for use yet in the USA and that means there isn't the marketing for it, therefore the NHS forget they should use it, but they say that tibolone stops bleeding in most women.

I hate the way they state how the majority of women are this or that so let's put a full stop on the end and close the research because we found out how 80% of women react, like that should be enough to shut us up!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2024, 07:09:49 AM by merrygoround »