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Author Topic: last ditch attempt!! any views on ELLESTE DUET CONTI, EVOREL CONTI or TIBOLONE  (Read 611 times)


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I've been mucking around with HRT for years and never got it right!
I'm probably going to have to throw in the towel but want to try one or two last things.

I have never tried norethisterone in my HRT- despite it's being quite common- as I thought I'd better steer clear of synthetic progesterones- had bad time on mirena and with femoston
BUT!! I have tried both cyclogest and utrogestan (and bijuve)- so, bioidentical progs- in a variety of measures and ways and they always make me feel crap in the end- depressed- also tried various creams

Ironically I don't actually need progesterone as no womb- or ovaries (had it all out so wouldn't need prog!)
But, I find that oestrogen HRT on its own is intolerable and I have tried every permutation of that, too!

So, would be grateful for any comments on either evorel conti or elleste duet conti, both of which I gather have norethisterone plus oestradiol

I realise tibolone is altogether different- I did have it very briefly some years ago- I threw a lamp across my room!! and I'm normally very passive. But I'm not sure if it was the tibolone or the fact I'd had a chemical menopause that made me do that. So, obviously I'm a bit scared of tibolone but I might be giving it an unfairly bad name and I'd appreciate any thoughts on that, too.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 01:27:38 PM by vintagefiend »


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I was on evorel conti for several years. I have just started using a mirena due to ongoing bleeding issues.

Re side effects from evorel. It did make me feel better but I continued to have headaches and stomach issues but no where near as bad as pre HRT. I did get flushes from time to time, but mainly when exercising or having a hot bath.

It really didn't seem to have any impact on my mental health, certainly didn't make it worse. If anything my anxiety was improved.


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thank you for replying, shropshirelass, really appreciate it  :)
amazing to hear it didn't impact your mental health.
can I ask, are you peri or post meno- hope ok to ask!!
hope the mirena works well for you.


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I am 62 and post menopause. First went on evorel conti age 57, still having regular periods so don't really know when I became menopausal but only in the last couple of years I'd say. I have always had issues with anxiety but HRT seems to have made me calmer, though may also be the fact that my boys have left home too!

The mirena hasn't affected my mental health either and its too early to say about other symptoms I'm having.

My issue seems to be oestrogen particularly fluctuations. I don't think I'm particularly sensitive to progesterone's so I may not be a good example.

Good luck


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thanks again, Shropshirelass  :)


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Hi VintageFiend

I'm on Evorel Sequi, probably will soon change to Conti, but I'm on the conti part for half of the cycle with Sequi anyway.

If anything my mood used to really lift once the conti patch was used.  Like you I think oestrogen on it's own is more stressful to my body. 

I've tried Utrogestan and felt so bloated within minutes and slightly wheezy, so I'm not in a hurry to try it again.

So, yes Norehisterone is a synthetic progesterone but as a patch, and perhaps what it actually is as well, it seems to do me a lot less harm. 

I hope Conti really works for you.  I have not had bad moods on the conti patches at all.  Maybe (I don't know) you could cut the patches in half and start on a really low dose?

Let us know what you decide.  :)


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Hi KaraShannon,
Thank you so much- that's a really helpful post.
well, I'm actually getting some tibolone through the post- it was easier to get online than the evorel conti as I've had hysterectomy and it's hard to convey to online doctor why I need prog, whereas tibolone not really a prog, as such (i think??)
so, i'll trial the tibolone but have the evorel conti as back-up- once i get a friggin' real-life GP appointment!
I did read on here of a lady who used half a conti patch/half an evorel (just oestrogen) and, without a uterus, that's something I can think about doing if evorel conti too strong or, as you suggest, I can just cut it-
dare I feel hopeful?! had so much disappointment but it's so great to hear that things work for others and maybe, just maybe something will therefore work for me :)
once again, thank you- I kind of wish i could get the patches first but never mind- good to have a couple of things to try


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Hi vintagefiend

I'm currently on tibolone, though it's only been for nine days so far and there's not a lot to report! It kind of feels like I'm not taking anything, though I have an absence of meno symptoms and feel... normal, I guess, which must be good! But no surge of energy or libido (or moustache growth lol). I was scared of tibolone too, but so far it's been rather gentle for me. The blurb says it has 'weak estrogenic, progestinic and androgenic actions' and I agree that 'weak' is the operative word, though it's probably all I need personally, as with hindsight I felt the 50mcg oestrogen-based patches were too high for me.

It's difficult to calibrate though as I had been on HRT for a few months and when I came off it (for investigations) it was only for six weeks and many of my meno symptoms hadn't returned (apart from headaches). I'd been on Everol Conti first and then Everol 50 + utrogestan but had a lot of bleeding due to very reactive fibroids, as well as bloat and boob pain (which the consultant said was a side effect of the utrogestan).

However after my gynae follow-up and while waiting for the tibolone prescription to arrive, which took two weeks, I freestyled and started cutting Everol Conti patches into thirds and I did get some headache relief with no bloat or bleeding. If I'd not had the tibolone I'd have wanted to continue and see if half a patch might be the perfect balance. And while norethisterone is synthetic, it does seem to be better tolerated in some, maybe because it's more powerful than utro, and therefore you need less.

My view is everything's worth a try because the side effects are reversible - if it doesn't suit, you can always stop. If tibolone doesn't work out for me I will definitely try half a Conti patch.


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thank you so much, Violetta- that's a really positive message :)

and you said the magic word: "normal"- god how I dream of feeling normal!!
I think I might get my tibolone this morning in the post- I've stopped my estradot patch in anticipation and feel a but flat (and unable to sleep), but still better than when I'm on the stuff so it's clearly wrong for me
It's really interesting that you feel you might also be ok with the evorel conti- I'm certainly going to try that if the tibolone fails (and, like you, I'm pretty sure I don't need much oestrogen)
very best of luck to you with the tibolone, it's reassuring to hear that it's been gentle for you so far.