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Author Topic: Aching legs and feet hurting  (Read 3342 times)


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Aching legs and feet hurting
« on: April 12, 2024, 07:57:49 AM »

Good Morning Ladies
I am new on here as I didnt know where else to turn.  i thought i was sailing through the Menopause but it has suddenly hit me!  I tried HRT but i didnt get on with it unfortunately.  I do get hot flushes at times but my legs and feet are the worst, they hurt constantly and my legs ache and go stiff when i sit down for a short while, it hurts to even walk up the stairs at home,  I looked into it and magnesium seemed to be good so i have brought some and started taking them, we shall see if this helps.  I just wondered if anyone else has suffered with this and what they did to help ease it.   I dont get any support from my partner and dont really have close friends that i can talk to about this.  Thanks in advance for your replies.
Have a good day  :)


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Re: Aching legs and feet hurting
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2024, 08:21:43 AM »

Hi Jen54. You'll get lots of support and understanding on here.

Most of us will recognise the hurting legs and feet especially when first getting up. I call it The Monster Walk  ;D. The only thing that cured it for me was HRT but I see you've tried that. Do you mind telling us which ones you have tried and for how long? HRT can be tricky to get right and needs patience which, in meo, can be difficult to find of course.

There is a section for alternative therapies which you might find helpful. Also is your vitaminD level good? Low vitaminD
can lead to stiff sore muscles and fatigue. Maybe you could check this if you are not sure. This is the alternative therapies thread (hope the link works!),17.0.html

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Aching legs and feet hurting
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2024, 08:50:07 AM »

Hiya and thanks for replying.  I tried  Evorel Conti patches, but they made me very bloated and gave me an upset tummy and i didnt feel that they were helping with any other symptoms so thought i would try and go without them.  I think i may have to go back to my dr and see if there is something else i can try.  I do seem to have digestive problems at the moment and a lot of things upset my tummy and make me very bloated.   Thanks for the link i will have a read through. Jen


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Re: Aching legs and feet hurting
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2024, 09:29:10 AM »

Hi. I can relate to that. I have had an unexplained foot issue for a long time. Both feet. Absolute agony but comes and goes. I was hoping it was meno related but HRT hasn’t helped. I’ve had xray, scan blood tests all normal. It feels at times like someone stabbing a knife through the top of my foot!

Minnie Mouse

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Re: Aching legs and feet hurting
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2024, 09:18:31 PM »

OMG, I am (almost) an expert in foot issues...
Major problems in last 18 months that have even taken me to a foot surgeon for advice.
Things I have learned...plantar fasciitis quite common in peri as fluctuating hormones (grumpy ligaments, tendons) combine often with weight gain.
The impact on the arches is painful and persistent.
Game changers include insoles, supportive shoes (all the time) and very regular calf stretching.
I was told that flashes of pain across the top of the feet are connected to over tight calves, preventing correct placement of feet when walking.
I could go on, this has been my life, trying to walk without pain again   :'(
Also have lots of weird leg stuff also, massage and regular exercise help...


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Re: Aching legs and feet hurting
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2024, 11:46:21 PM »

Hello! I'm new here also, I've had the same issue with my legs and feet. My legs are achy, twitchy, and my feet hurt all the time! I try to stretch my legs every day, and I have purchased some really good support shoes that seem to help with my feet. I can't even walk around my house without shoes anymore! My doc mentioned Magnesium too, hopefully that helps you!


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Re: Aching legs and feet hurting
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2024, 08:24:40 AM »

Hi and thanks all for the answers, it looks like i am not alone  :)  I am sticking with the Magnesium and hopefully that will help, and i have given in and gone back to HRT for another try to see if that helps at all.  I have put on a bit of weight so i need to try and loose that and do some exercise, which is hard as i feel that everything is such an effort at the moment.  Oh the joys of being a woman  :(


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Re: Aching legs and feet hurting
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2024, 06:01:46 PM »

Hi and thanks all for the answers, it looks like i am not alone  :)  I am sticking with the Magnesium and hopefully that will help.

I suddenly started to get very tight painful ankles and calves, especially after a walk or a run. It got really bad so that every time I got up I’d hobble until they eased off. Did some research and started on magnesium glycinate. Found it pretty amazing. I give up on most things but I’ve taken this for months, probably a year.
I found it great for my ankles and calves, they hardly ever hurt now and if they do I’ve either missed a dose or I take 1 take extra and mostly it keeps it at bay, it’s also fantastic for brain fog, hardly get that now either. A good meno multivitamin also helps, I take menopace original.
I’ve continued to run and i work in accountancy and I haven’t noticed any drop in physical or mental performance where as before magnesium I was running on empty. So for me it’s worked. Started on 3 a day to get it working and into my system and now I take 2 a day. It doesn’t affect my stomach which is normally sensitive, glycinate is said to be one of the gentlest forms.
I took it for my ankles first and foremost but the mental clarity was a game changing bonus so Ive stuck with it.
I also take sage daily and no longer have hot flushes. These two supplements I would not do without.