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Author Topic: migraines getting worse, HRT could be the culprit  (Read 7613 times)


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migraines getting worse, HRT could be the culprit
« on: April 06, 2024, 12:28:49 PM »

Thinking back over my HRT journey (which I am still on), I have looked back over the last 18 months migraines have been getting worse and also more severe. I can't poinpont any HRT in particular as I have tried various types.
I can only migraines as the horrors, I'm sure many here have experienced the same thing.
So now I am thinking of trying life without HRT to see if the migraines become less frequent. However menopause has been severe on me, chronic fatigue, weight gain, constipation, nails turning to paper and hair stops growing etc. I'm not one to suffer much from night sweats or hot flushes thankfully.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and after the last migraine I am ready for the hills...I just can't function.
Has anyone else been in the same position?


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Re: migraines getting worse, HRT could be the culprit
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2024, 03:21:14 PM »

Absolutely been in tat position and I was so ready to give up (well actually did for 3weeks but went back on)

So am on the patch Everol 50 started on 25 and was on at first then started with headaches which GP diagnosed migraines however I had them daily for weeks came off the HRT but the  headache/migraines carried on so after 3 weeks went back in the HRT as my menopause symptoms were returning but started Amitriptyline which did help with and eventuon I came off the Amitriptyline which I was so scared because the headache/migraines where affecting my daily life.

I have now increased my patch but did it slowly by cutting my patches in half.

Sorry might not help but that was my experience x

Mary G

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Re: migraines getting worse, HRT could be the culprit
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2024, 03:50:11 PM »

It's not at all unusual for migraines to start or get worse at menopause.  They seem to be triggered by a complex combination of diminishing hormones, hormone instability and blood pressure. 

Maintaining stable hormones via transdermal HRT is important but very often it's not enough on its own and you will need to introduce a migraine preventative.  The most effective migraine preventative is propranolol (you can go to 300mg per day) followed by amitriptyline or nortriptyline and then if that doesn't work you can add a calcium channel blocker. 

I started having silent migraines (aura without headache) at the onset of the menopause.  I had hoped they would improve post menopause but unfortunately they are a sub type of migraine that gets worse post menopause and without hormones so I will be using HRT and the other preventative meds for life.


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Re: migraines getting worse, HRT could be the culprit
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2024, 09:30:47 AM »

Hi sunriser

Sorry to hear your migraines. Can you say what your hRT regime is and can you pinpoint what triggers the migraines?

I started getting them for the first time after starting HRT and due to some progestogens ( norethisterone) and also progesterone withdrawal (I take HRT cyclically despite being at an advanced age).

Also alcohol started triggering them after starting HRT, and especially the progesterone phase as well as the withdrawal......

Do you take anything for the migraines and how often do they occur?  Mine are fortunately not very frequent and I am very  careful to ensure, where possible that I can avoid the triggers though taking progesterone unfortunately is a necessity. Mine aren't severe but they are prolonged (usually 3 days at least from start) and debilitating in the sense that I am fatigued throughout and my head is like lead, and the needling headache  wakes me in the night. Becomes banging if I don't take meds...

I am attached to my HRT though, at 70, and especially to help prevent osteoporosis!

Hurdity x


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Re: migraines getting worse, HRT could be the culprit
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2024, 06:45:23 AM »

Hi all and thanks for replying. Been down with a dose of the lurgy but feeling a bit better now.
Basically my abusive marriage ruined my health and is the reason for the chronic migraines. I’ve never had an issue with hormones and migraines.
I’m going to try coming off testogel and focus on the new oestrogen gel plus utrogestan and estradiol. A friend talked me out of stopping hrt completely. 
I have tried all medications for the migraines but nothing works.
Have piled on weight too so am hoping if I exclude the testogel I’ll see if it is the culprit for that too.
I went to see a meno consultant privately and she wasn’t great. If it wasn’t for this forum I don’t know what I’d do.
Anyway thanks all and have a great day xx


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Re: migraines getting worse, HRT could be the culprit
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2024, 11:38:35 AM »

Sorry I have no answers. I also suffer from regular severe headaches and on occasions silent migraines. Mine were related to hormones and always bad just before a period. I went on HRT to help to improve things (now post menopausal) which it did to some extent. I changed to a conti regime in order to have a more stable hormonal regime and things improved. However things have worsened of late, not sure if other factors are involved, stress, posture, hayfever etc.

Like you I have tried various things. I  was on amitriptyline for over a year which just made me groggy in the morning and also take bisopropodol for mild high blood pressure. Neither led to any improvements and pain killers just don't touch them. I  have also considered reducing / stopping HRT . The dr says they are related to too much oestrogen which I don't think is right. I have recently changed to a mirena so will see if that helps but currently I wake up with a headache every morning which gradually clears through the day (this is a different pattern to my usual headaches which can last days).

If you do stop HRT please let us know if it has any impact and anything you find that helps I'd be grateful to know. Good luck.


Mary G

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Re: migraines getting worse, HRT could be the culprit
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2024, 02:09:57 PM »

Sorry I have no answers. I also suffer from regular severe headaches and on occasions silent migraines. Mine were related to hormones and always bad just before a period. I went on HRT to help to improve things (now post menopausal) which it did to some extent. I changed to a conti regime in order to have a more stable hormonal regime and things improved. However things have worsened of late, not sure if other factors are involved, stress, posture, hayfever etc.

Like you I have tried various things. I  was on amitriptyline for over a year which just made me groggy in the morning and also take bisopropodol for mild high blood pressure. Neither led to any improvements and pain killers just don't touch them. I  have also considered reducing / stopping HRT . The dr says they are related to too much oestrogen which I don't think is right. I have recently changed to a mirena so will see if that helps but currently I wake up with a headache every morning which gradually clears through the day (this is a different pattern to my usual headaches which can last days).

If you do stop HRT please let us know if it has any impact and anything you find that helps I'd be grateful to know. Good luck.

Sorry to hear you are a fellow migraine sufferer.  If you started having migraines at the onset of the menopause then it's unlikely to be caused by high oestrogen.  It's more likely to be caused by a combination of spiking oestrogen, sudden drops in progesterone, generic hormone instability, low seratonin levels and unstable/high blood pressure. 

Have you tried to increase your beta blocker dose?  Have you tried adding a calcium channel blocker? 

I thought stopping HRT might help but when I took a break to get some baseline hormone blood tests it actually made the migraines worse. 
