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Author Topic: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!  (Read 16900 times)


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Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« on: April 01, 2024, 05:13:37 PM »

Hi I’ve been in 15 mg mertazapine for 5 years and it’s been great over last few months my sleep has been eratic some nights no sleep at all, other nights very broken. This has led to depression and anxiety and racing thoughts! I’ve lost me I’m so sad and miserable. Anybody have any experience or got any ideas on meds that may help me, I’m not great with side effects! I just want to sleep!! 😴


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2024, 05:19:51 PM »

Hi!  MayB think back to why you began this medication? 

What R your periods doing?  How old R U?  Have U spoken to your prescribing practitioner about altering the dose of the Mertazaine?


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2024, 06:39:08 PM »

I wasn't aware higher doses of mirtazapine made insomnia worse. That's really interesting .
I began this towards the end of last year to help with severe cyclical mood swings, and due to its drowsy affect I took half a tablet i.e 7.5 the first night. It was awful. Was awake all night then needed to sleep the next day.

So the second night I  took a 1\4 tablet. Dropped off to sleep very quickly and had a deep sleep, except for arthritis and fibromyalgia pain awakening g me each time I moved. Seems to be a really good dose for me now.

Incidentally I asked the forum if anyone knew of an AD that didn't affect sex drive\ responses as much as other ADs can do. This was the only one seemed suitable.


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2024, 07:45:30 PM »

Hi Sarah , just want to clarify what I meant about the doses , it’s not that Mertazipine makes insomnia worse at higher doses, it just not as sedating above 15mg apparently it has higher sedative effects at 15mg and below, really odd how it works I found it out by researching it and reading forums , I thought at the time if I went up it would make me sleep better I started at 7.5 then went to 15mg and nothing happened for me sleep wise.
Glad it helps you sleep at a really low dose probably explains why you slept when you dropped the dose xx


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2024, 10:03:55 AM »

Got it,  thanks!

It can be frustrating trying to find medications that work for us, then needing to wait to see if they do take effect and then vary the doses to find that ' perfect spot that makes a positive difference and we can live with any side affects.

Wish everyone well


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2024, 12:21:13 PM »

Totally agree with you Sarah , you put it so perfectly about taking various medications, it can be a very long time trying to find what works for us.
Could I just ask you a question if you don’t mind you mentioned you have fibromyalgia, I was diagnosed with that a year ago after suffering for 4 years , do you take anything to help with it, my rheumatologist said gabapentin but given my long list of meds I already take not sure about adding anything else but I’m finding it so difficult to manage , I’m 50 and I feel like I’m 80 most days .
Sorry to hi jack you thread Cheryl , hope you are ok and are sleeping better xx


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2024, 04:02:50 PM »

Hi Abbey, no ask away!

I am quite newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia, so am still in the learning stages really. I have my first appt with a rheumatologist in a couple of weeks.
And this is where for me it gets a bit complicated..!

I have osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and am shortly having further tests for rheumatoid arthritis.

So currently I don't take anything for the fibro. I want to get the arthritis pain under control, so I can ' see what's left ' find I wise if that makes sense.

Like you I seem to be on So much meds wise I am reluctant to add more if I can help it.

I am on a fibromyalgia forum,  which gives some good info if you haven't been on it.

Feel free to PM me any time.

I have learned some good tips to help myself without drugs, though I would never rule things out down the future.



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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2024, 06:29:25 PM »

Thanks so much Sarah for the reply I too have osteoarthritis in my knees and lower spine , I only use Fenbid 10% gel for that works ok but not perfect.
Good luck with your future tests I really hope you don’t have rheumatoid arthritis on top of all the other things you have, not sure if you are allowed to put  it on an open tread but could you share the fibromyalgia forum you use, thank you so much for the offer to pm you , don’t think I have enough posts to be able to do that yet , but would very much like too when I am allowed to pm , it was very kind of you and very appreciated.
Take care and wishing you luck with your future tests xx


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2024, 08:11:47 AM »

Morning Abbey
Sorry I didn't get back sooner.

The resources I find most helpful are Versus Arthritis web site. They are very informative and cover all forms of arthritis and associated conditions such as fibro. It's well set out, clear to read. They will take questions as well.
This would be my first port of call, as I find it I take in too much info at once it gets overwhelming.

Then there's FMA UK who are great at downloading or sending booklets of info out. And they have a members forum

My gp gave me I do for Live Well With Pain web site, for any chronic pain conditions, but great tips.

My best site for me is just called Fibromyalgia Forum,  which covers worldwide members. This now an essential site for me. I cant recommend it enough. ( thread where we can vent and moan!)

Personally I have found it easier to accept these conditions, fighting uses too much energy. Slow pace, resting chronic fatigue is a symptom, be kind to yourself. Chair yoga helps me, as does slow breathing.

Add in perimenopause and it can be a bit of a powderkeg. So ask for help and advice.

If I can help you in any way, please ask. I am a bit new to this myself, but do a fair bit of research and fact finding.

Like peri it's highly individual to find what works best, and fibro is  a moving target, some times no day\hour is the same .

Take care x

« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 12:57:02 PM by SarahT »


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2024, 10:55:59 AM »

Hi Sarah , thanks very much for your kind reply and all the very helpful information you provided, I’m very grateful you took the time to do that .
Take care and wishing you all the very best .
Thanks for sharing I appreciate it very much xx


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2024, 01:00:01 PM »

Anytime,  Abbey

And as I say it I can help at all, feel free to ask. I've had some good advice myself, here hormones speaking  and fibro wise on the other forum I use,  and it just makes sense to share what we all know.
some things work better than others, but you already  know that with being peri and having  the OA to factor in as well.

All the best x


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2024, 04:21:33 PM »

Hi Cheryl, I was on Mertazipine it did absolutely nothing for me I felt sedated but couldn’t sleep, I believe it’s most sedating at the lower doses 7.5mg and the dose you are currently on 15mg going up to higher dose won’t help with insomnia there’s lots of information about the dosage and insomnia on Google just thought I’d mention that as my doctor tried to increase the dose but I’d already done a lot of research and knew a higher dose would help depression but do nothing to help insomnia.
I switched to amitriptyline only 10mg and I’ve been on it at the same dose for 8 years now and it works wonders for insomnia and I don’t have side effects at first for the first two weeks I felt a bit groggy in the morning but it soon went away , it’s not a drug that suits everyone but it might be worth trying, I had 4 years of crazy insomnia nothing worked, hrt at all doses did nothing for me , various antidepressants but finally amitriptyline worked , hope you find something that works I know how awful the insomnia can make you feel xx


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2024, 04:24:57 PM »

Hi Cheryl, I was on Mertazipine it did absolutely nothing for me I felt sedated but couldn’t sleep, I believe it’s most sedating at the lower doses 7.5mg and the dose you are currently on 15mg going up to higher dose won’t help with insomnia there’s lots of information about the dosage and insomnia on Google just thought I’d mention that as my doctor tried to increase the dose but I’d already done a lot of research and knew a higher dose would help depression but do nothing to help insomnia.
I switched to amitriptyline only 10mg and I’ve been on it at the same dose for 8 years now and it works wonders for insomnia and I don’t have side effects at first for the first two weeks I felt a bit groggy in the morning but it soon went away , it’s not a drug that suits everyone but it might be worth trying, I had 4 years of crazy insomnia nothing worked, hrt at all doses did nothing for me , various antidepressants but finally amitriptyline worked , hope you find something that works I know how awful the insomnia can make you feel xx


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2024, 04:37:47 PM »

Hi Sarah
Thank you for your message re mirtazapine, I’ve tried lowering the dosage which does make me sedated but still takes ages to get to sleep. I too have been inquisitive about Amitryptaline but read lots of stories about fast heart rate which freaks me out. Did you have to taper off the mirtazapine or did you do straight swap? Does it help with the depression and anxiety as I’ve gone down into that black hole at the moment so I’m in a bit of a grey area, I need sleep but don’t want something that’s highly stimulating either if you get me. I’m so glad you found your rescue med. mine WAS mertazapine but unfortunately it’s fallen out with me x


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Re: Mertazapine not working for sleep I’m desperate!!
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2024, 06:40:37 PM »

Hi Cheryl,

Before I began HRT in Sept 22, I was on Sertraline AD for anxiety and depression. I thought this  would be enough to to get me through the worse of peri symptoms - proved to be such a mistake. So when I began HRT I came off the Sertraline argue same time. I think the dr advised me wrong, in that I went from 100 dose to 50 in 2 weeks, then stopped all sertraline 2 weeks later. My body was thrown haywire.

So I persevered with the HRT on its own, gradually getting to the best regime for me ( Estradot 125 and mirena coil) plus topical treatment for VA, and testosterone this Jan.

But my cyclical moods swings had gone through the roof ( had severe PMS some 40+ years) and it was getting to a very scary time. So, with some research I started the mirtazapine to help combat the mood swings. It helps a lot, and for me the bonus factor is it does help me to to sleep.
I wake a lot, buybacks due to arthritis pain.

I literally took the 7.5 dose just one single night,  and the very next night halved it to 3.25 it has worked ever since.

Incidentally on speaking with my gp about future medication for my worsening arthritis symptoms, he has also suggested amitriptyline! I told him it concerned me as I felt so mentally stable on the mirtazapine, but he assured me I could take both of  need be. Maybe because I am on such a low dose??

Again, if I can help  further pls ask away
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