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Author Topic: Resuming normal activities following hysteroscopy, fibroid removal and mirena  (Read 2078 times)


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Had my procedures last Sunday and just wondering when I can get back to normal. There wasn't much after care info but the impression I got was that it would be a couple of days. However I'm finding it difficult to do a lot of physical tasks and even standing  and walking any distance are challenging.

I wondered if it will be ok to go to my Pilates class in a weeks time. We have the builders in on 8th and I need to strip the wallpaper before then, next Thursday maybe, but this is quite a physical task and I don't want to make things worse.

Also, Id love a bath but things Ive seen written say wait 2 weeks. I also really need to restart vagifem as soon as possible.

I am getting much better day by date but am shocked at how much discomfort and difficulty I am having with basic tasks. I am fit and a busy person, so it's not like me. 


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Hiya, sorry to hear it’s taking longer than you hoped to recover - but it’s not been a week a yet so do take it easy. Are you still having any bleeding from the fibroid removal? I did for about a week (plus cramps) when I had one removed 10 years ago. And you’ve been under a lot of stress.

Pilates - go on how you feel and take it gently, but personally I’d avoid stripping wallpaper under any circumstances, even when 100% fit ;)

Do you have ovestin cream you could use on external areas?



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If it was me I'd avoid anything you don't actually have to do until you feel better. In general doing too much too soon can make the healing process take longer. Perhaps in a week you'll feel better in which case perhaps go but stop if it hurts.