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Author Topic: After removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes  (Read 545 times)


  • First Flush
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After removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes
« on: March 25, 2024, 02:16:29 PM »

Hi Everyone
I'm hoping someone can help me with my situation. Apologies for the following saga but thought it would help with a full background.
I underwent day surgery of laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts (Benign) and fallopian tubes on 25th July 2023. After I came round the gynaecologist came to see me and said he'd had trouble getting in at the abdominal port, it oozed a lot and that I would be more sore and bruised than normal. I could stay in if I wanted for the night but as my observations were all fine I went home. Yes I was very bruised like I'd had a car run over my tummy and very swollen but thought this was normal.
By the evening of the day after surgery I had become very unwell with projectile vomiting of a horrible dark colour, my blood pressure was up and I was in a good bit of pain and could hardly move. My husband had to bundle me in to the car as an ambulance would be at least 2 hours.
I was admitted to the gynae ward, IV morphine given, IV fluids started and I was in a terrible state still vomiting overnight and really feeling poorly.
MRI scan the following day showed I had a complication of a spigelian hernia and the surgical team then attended and took me to theatre to repair this. Thankfully it was uncomplicated so nothing cut out or a mesh put in. I remained in hospital for 5 days post op.
I was completely traumatised by this as hadn't had an operation since my tonsils were removed aged 7 and I'm now 63 ! Physical recovery took ages and the bruising was horrendous from laparascopic surgery. I then had a wound infection and couple of vaginal infections so felt completely worn out.
I saw the gynaecologist about October as some things were worrying me and he explained that the bruising was so bad as they think I had an extra little branch of an artery they don't expect to find at the umbilical port !
It took me till about December to feel physically stronger but I was prone to getting tearful when friends asked how I was doing. It's now late March and I am really feeling emotionally fragile. Very tearful, crying for no apparent reason and feeling unable to deal with the everyday matters that I managed no problem before all this. Decision making has become a nightmare and I feel quite flat.
I'm normally a very positive, cheery and outgoing person but feel that something other than my ovaries has been removed.
My GP suggested some HRT but I am not sure about starting it now I am 63 and I have heard the benefits are probably less now. She has also referred me for some CBT but I imagine the waiting list is very long for this on a face to face basis. She also offered fluoxitine but I really don't like the thought of taking medication like that.
If anyone has any advice for me I'd be very grateful. Apologies for the long winded saga, thank you for reading x


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Re: After removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2024, 02:54:09 PM »

You've been through the Mill!  Did U find the surgical team supportive all the way along?  Sometimes there are extra veins or blood vessels where least expected  ::)

You are probably still in a state of shock!  It's not a year since surgical intervention for what you thought would be a normal procedure.  U may feel like you need to grieve for those lost months and do U feel angray at times?  All normal I would say.

Your hormones will be up and down hence the tearfulness.  Don't kick yourself about that, it's normal. 

What would you need HRT to ease first?  Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use to chart progress.

....... and breath.  Which HRT does the GP think that you should try?


  • First Flush
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Re: After removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2024, 01:33:23 PM »

Thank you so much for your prompt reply, very much appreciated.
The surgical team only repaired the hernia and I was kept in the gynae ward until discharge. I did have a visit from the registrar the day after the repair op and he really just gave me usual post abdominal surgery advice.
Definitively feel some sort of shock state and yes I do sometimes feel less tolerant, irritated by minor things and can lose the rag more easily about things that would normally be water off a ducks back.
I lost most of last year as had a shoulder injury in the January and had only been back at work about 6 weeks when I went in for day surgery !
I'm thinking HRT would help emotions ? Not really keen to start if benefits lessened against risks now I'm 63. GP didn't mention which HRT she'd prescribe. I should say I'm currently using Vagifem(Estradiol) 10mg Vaginal Tablets for localised changes.
I have started to keep mood/symptom diary and trying to lose weight gained after inactivity post op and with shoulder injury.
GP has also referred me for some CBT and given me link to site where I can access all sorts of help with emotional/mental health. I'm going to make contatc and see what they can offer.
Finally I should add that 2021 and 2022 were very stressful as I was caring for one of my older sisters's who is now in a care home, family friend I looked after I had to move him in to a care home and he died while I was in hospital. Plus my oldest sister's daughter died suddenly when they were out in America visiting my nephew. I had to break the news to rest of family, help my sister deal with emptying her flat etc and just generally keep focused on the task to get through it.
Even on a holiday recently in a warm and sunnier climate I became tearful just sitting reading my book, got all uptight about something and couldn't cope with too much noise/crowds etc. Again normally wouldn't bother me.
Feeling less sociable too.
Also since lockdown alcohol intake has increased so that is not helping so we are making a big effort to cut rght back.
Oh dear I have moaned on a bit again- Sorry
Many thanks again for your advice x