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Author Topic: does anyone get tremor sensations?  (Read 10158 times)


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does anyone get tremor sensations?
« on: March 20, 2024, 01:25:04 PM »

Does anyone get tremor sensations internally and / or on skin? 

I had a weird case of labyrinthitis and migraine a couple of weeks ago, it coincided with me messing up the order of my patches (too much estradiol, didn't switch to combined in time). 

I also lowered the dose very slightly by just cutting a strip off a 25 estradiol patch.

3 weeks in I'm feeling like rubbish, still getting tremor sensations.  There are things in my new property that cause this too, but I can usually tell the difference, but at the moment I'm not sure what's me, what's that.

And my mood is very low.  I also have everyone waiting for me to run the show.  I have no emotional support from anyone but a lot of people draining me for what they need.  I don't mean that to sound like it does, I'm just too exhausted to write out all the detail.

I honestly don't know if it's menopause, or dying tbh.  And there isn't anyone in my life that's in the least bit concerned about me to ask how I am or anything.  I'm speaking to a counsellor, but 45 mins every few weeks leads nowhere, it's not changing all the problems I have at all.

Sorry, I am just having a hard time.


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Re: does anyone get tremor sensations?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2024, 05:18:00 PM »


You sound like me a few years ago.  I started off with lots of weird symptoms but none of them were what i would have thought to attribute to perimenopause.  I had palpitations, anxiety, electric shock like sensations when falling asleep, body tremors (which felt like I was buzzing internally).  I didn't have any hot flushes or night sweats.  I honestly thought I was dying of something, I've had so many tests in the past few years it's ridiculous.  And the only thing I've got is a hiatus hernia and benign PVCs.  Anyway, fast forward to now and I've slowly learnt to accept that this could all be due to hormones.  I'm now on 100 evorel patches and 200mg utrogestan for 12 days.  I'm also on testosterone now which I actually feel helped me the most.  It stopped that internal buzzing feeling and got rid of nearly all of my aches and pains, made me feel stronger.  I think for me, the biggest thing was accepting that my mind and body is changing.  I exercise frequently now and have cut out alcohol.  I also try to limit sugar as much as possible. Also, if i don't eat my sugar levels drop and this makes me feel really dizzy and shaky and trembly (especially first thing in the morning).  I developed awful health anxiety (mainly cardiophobia) which I am now working on with a CBT counsellor and has got much better.  Do you think you need your HRT dose adjusting?  Sounds like this could be low estrogen? 25 patches are a very low dose.  Are you on testosterone?  I know it's really really difficult to get from drs and I had to pay private in the end.  I really know how you feel.  I found myself in a very dark place a few years ago.  You're not alone and if you need to talk I'm happy to listen xx


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Re: does anyone get tremor sensations?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2024, 06:51:02 AM »

Sorry to hear you’re having such a rough time KaraShannon. All l can say is that the tremors are ghastly. I had them for years, starting in peri. I’m now 10 years on and they’ve finally packed their bags and gone!! Worst meno symptom by far for me.


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Re: does anyone get tremor sensations?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2024, 07:04:25 AM »

I would add that l have never been on HRT of any kind. Maybe that would have helped. Who knows.