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Author Topic: Merina coil, womb lining etc  (Read 2839 times)


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Merina coil, womb lining etc
« on: March 01, 2024, 11:17:09 PM »

Quick history, 37 years old, PCOS, IVF for children, Laparoscopy 2012 showed some endo.

2 years ago had bleeding for 7 months, scan showed lining of 13mm even after the bleeding. Referred to gynaecology, consultant took one look at my notes & said the bleeding was because of the PCOS & recommended the marina coil - I wasn't keen, but felt it was my only option. It did settle things down, and I've had no bleeding since.

Skip forward to 2 weeks ago, had pelvic pain, fever & started bleeding - went to the doctors, on examination she couldn't find my coil 🤦‍♀️, sent me to a&e where I was told I had pelvic inflammatory disease, likely to be due to the missing coil (which they also couldn't find) Given 2 weeks antibiotics. Had a scan on Thursday & told coil is in OK place. Womb lining 10mm which the lady scanning said is thicker than expected for someone who has the coil.

So I guess my question is - should I be worried about the womb lining being thicker? Should I ask for it to be looked into? it never was when I had the bleeding before. I'm still bleeding now, not much but it's still there, so that's nearly 2 weeks. And I'm still uncomfortable in my back & pelvis.

Sorry for long post.
Would be really grateful to speak to anyone who's been through similar or can offer some advice.


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Re: Merina coil, womb lining etc
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2024, 07:48:21 PM »

Just wanted to say hello and welcome,

Although I can't help you with a helpful answer or advice, I just wanted to bump your query and hope someone can help out.

I am sure  there must be posts about womb lining thickness. May be worth putting these words into the search bar ( the blue bar near the top of the page) in case there may be something to help you in the meantime. Take care


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Re: Merina coil, womb lining etc
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2024, 11:11:41 PM »

Thank you for your reply SarahT.

I have searched for related things, but all seem to be about post menopausal issues, which I am not.
Although I do think I may be peri menopausal- but I've not spoken to anyone about it. Really struggling with getting any help with health issues at the moment- like most - it's all just a fight 😢🤦‍♀️.
Thanks again & take care.


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Re: Merina coil, womb lining etc
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2024, 09:04:02 AM »

I know it can be hard to push for advice and answers from the medical profession sometimes.
I found it worse as my anxiety would get the better of me and face to face or telecons would make me nervous and not get my points across, I sort of have up.

 So what I do, and this may work for you, is to email your gp, stress your concerns, how it affects you etc. This way you have the time to write down your ' bullet points ' calmly without being flustered, or feeling like your worries aren't being heard. It gives you more  time to think things through rationally and delete or add relevant points.

You are going through a lot and your concerns are very real. You deserve some help and support.

So carry on fighting but try to see if you can do it in a way that benefits you, gives you a feeling of a little control back. I!ease ask for the help you deserve


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Re: Merina coil, womb lining etc
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2024, 10:43:10 AM »

Hedgehogal, do you have a follow up appointment booked with GP or gynaecologist?


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Re: Merina coil, womb lining etc
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2024, 11:13:13 PM »

SarahT - thank you for taking the time to reply again ❤️. I hadn't thought about emailing the GP, this could be an option. Although I really would like to speak to someone face to face - I would also like to ask about being peri menopausal- although I already feel I'll be laughed out of the surgery. Am I too young to get any help with symptoms etc?

Elliebee- no nothing at the moment. I tried getting an appt this week to discuss scan results (the lady who did the scan said results would be with gp within a couple of days). I left it a week to be sure. The Dr's said that my discharge letter from a&e stated the results  would go to the gynaecologist who ordered the scan. I told them that's not what the lady scanning told me & they said they don't have the results & I have to chase the hospital for them 🤦‍♀️😑😫.


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Re: Merina coil, womb lining etc
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2024, 09:11:28 AM »

In my opinion, and this is obvious from the ages of women just on this forum, there aren't any handy age brackets that we fit into for convenience.
Early menopause can happen even I some women as teenager ( uncommon I know ) or late onset menopause ... I am 57 and still in perimenopause!

Some drs are better than others and listen to symptoms rather than using ages. I found on my gp surgery a dr interested in women's health, she's my general go to, maybe ask if your own surgery has someone or a nurse for initial contact.

I must say, when I email I generally get a telephone call back or a face to face appt. The first email just helps me put my points across in a clear calm way.
And if you manage a face to face appt, take a little list with you, just listing worse symptoms and in your case, understandable concerns about womb lining, helps me keep on track.

We have all sadly felt a bit dismissed at times which is especially hard when we are already in a highly anxious state and not feeling strong enough to fight.