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Author Topic: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?  (Read 1437 times)

Keep On Swimming

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Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« on: January 20, 2024, 11:52:54 AM »

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I posted, so I hope you are all doing well. I'm trying to recover from post-Covid ME/CFS which has catapulted me into accelerated perimeno so it's fun fun fun at the moment!

Anyway, I seem to have joined the ranks of women who can't take Utrogestan either orally or vaginally and I'm so disappointed! I am under the care of a fantastic meno specialist (the perimeno care in France is dismal) so I know she will suggest something else but I want to see what my options are before my appointment. I'm feeling very nervous of progesterone yet at the same time I love my Estréva (oestrogen gel) and am not giving it up. I'm going round and round in circles wondering what to do...

So, I'm 49 and still on Cerazette (I tolerate this ok) and 1 + 1/3 pump of oestrogen gel. My FAI is very low and I've been told I'm getting testosterone at my next appointment.

I obviously want a bio identical progesterone and from what I gather the only option is Cyclogest or Lutigest - is that right? No bio identical gels or creams yet? I read that some women use 50mg of Cyclogest every evening - has anyone else had a horrendous experience with Utrogestan but is ok on this option?

Many thanks for your help!


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Re: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2024, 12:22:27 PM »

Look up posts by discogirl as I think she moved to cyclogest

Keep On Swimming

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Re: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2024, 01:01:53 PM »

Thanks Penguin.

Mary G

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Re: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2024, 02:24:30 PM »

Keep on Swimming, I can't go anywhere near Utrogestan because it triggers my silent migraines but I get on well with Cyclogest as long as it's no more than a 50mg dose.  Fortunately it's a wax pessary so cutting it into 50mg doses is quite easy.  I cut it up and store it in foil.

I'm just over the border from you in Spain and it's very easy to buy Cyclogest here so I imagine it's similar in France but you probably need a prescription. 

I have interspersed Cyclogest a couple of times a week with Darstin progesterone gel (because I felt like trying it and just for the sheer hell of it really!) and I found it very easy to tolerate vaginally but it's not as user friendly as the transdermal gel.

I would definitely give it a try.

Keep On Swimming

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Re: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2024, 04:01:33 PM »

Thanks Mary G,

I also have the option of taking a double Cerazette every day but that wouldn't be as safe I reckon as using Cyclogest. And there is Progestogel here but it isn't bio identical and it's for boobs!

I'll update this post after I see my meno specialist!



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Re: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2024, 12:16:05 PM »

I couldn’t tolerate utrogestan orally or vaginally but have been on 100 cyclogest nightly for a week now and it’s not perfect but a lot better. Sleep is broken and very vivid dreams and some grogginess until mid morning, but nothing else at all. No bad impact on mood, anxiety and no gastric issues. I’ve been prescribed continuous regime with a 25 estradot patch for a slow build up, as Newson Health GP thinks I have histamine issues which is why I react to a lot of medication. Good luck with your appointment!

Keep On Swimming

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Re: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2024, 11:48:35 AM »

Thanks AM16,

Glad you got off to a good start with Cyclogest - are you still doing well? I hope so.

So I had my appointment with my meno specialist and she told me to first double up my Cerazette and see how I got on. I managed 10 days of that but I felt almost as bad as with Utrogestan...

She said if the double pill didn't work we would try Cyclogest 50mg every evening as long as I have my yearly scans here in France. For those of you who cut up your Cyclogest - is it easy enough to do? Did I read somewhere that you have to store it in the fridge?

Thanks xxx

Keep On Swimming

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Re: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2024, 06:36:13 PM »

Hi everyone,

Just an update in case it helps anyone.

So, the double Cerazette was also a disaster and my meno specialist said it was too much progesterone for me.

She is happy for me to stay on just 1 Cerazette pill as long as I have regular bloods done to check my oestradiol levels are not too high and a yearly scan.
She said that if we need to add in extra progesterone then we will do so with Cyclogest 50mg (by cutting the pessary in half) every evening.

She said that not all women need such high doses of progesterone - I just wanted to let everyone know that some meno specialists get that not all women can cope with 100mg of progesterone every day. Obviously she asked me lots of questions and this is an individual prescription for me.

All the best xxx

Mary G

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Re: Anyone switch from Utrogestan to Cyclogest and feel ok?
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2024, 08:41:27 PM »

Keep On Swimming, that's great news!  It's good to hear that your specialist is flexible and not sticking to guidelines for the sake of it.  Not everyone needs a high dose of progesterone so it's good that she is prepared to acknowledge that and check you with regular scans.

I've said it on here so many times...if you have problems with progesterone, don't guess how much you need, find out and chances are, you will be able to take a lower dose safely that you can tolerate.  Of course there is always a chance that some women will need a higher dose but it's much better to know for sure.

Please keep us posted on your progress.