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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Mirena coil  (Read 1433 times)


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Mirena coil
« on: February 27, 2024, 01:25:50 PM »

Hi I've posted on here quite a few times about bleeding while on hrt I'm nearly 60 and have been seen quite a few times in gynecology for bleeding issues on conti hrt sometimes there's been a polyp so had that removed but mostly they have changed my hrt, this time I've been great on kliofem for 7 months and I've now been spotting and alot of stomache cramps for the past 6 weeks seen gynaecology 10 days ago lining slightly thickened hysteroscopy and biopsy done no polyps could be hrt but I also had overgrowth shown on vaginal swab so it antibiotics was given just in case infection was there still waiting for results on biopsy, and I'm really frightened and don't want a mirena coil but i also can't stay off hrt I've tried before please anyone's thoughts of mirena coil as I'm running out of choices now as I've tryed quite a few different ones over the years and they want me to try mirena coil


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2024, 01:43:11 PM »

I'm in a very similar situation to you. Age 61 lots of bleeding off and on on a conti regime. Currently waiting for an urgent hysteroscopy under GA with a mirena following a "worrying" scan.

I was persuaded to try the mirena by several drs and I am fed up of the bleeding and hormonal issues. I am also quite anxious about it, but the menopause specialist seemed to think it was really the only way to control my bleeding.

On a positive note, my 45 year old daughter has had a mirena for years and she speaks very highly of it and has had no issues. I realise this is very much an individual experience but I'm trying to hold on to that. Good luck with your decision.


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2024, 03:00:57 PM »

Hi Jan1234,
I had a slightly thickened lining and bleeding at 60.  Biopsy all clear and the gynaecologist thought this was most likely to me not absorbing Utrogestan well and suggested the Mirena.

Spoke to the menopause nurse at our surgery at great length, went in armed with a long list of questions which she was very happy - and able - to answer and decided to go for the Mirena.  Unpleasant but not painful having it fitted and I had some slight cramping and bleeding for the first few days and then very occasionally since over the three and a half months since I've had it.  I really don't know it's there so I am hoping I've found a solution that works for me.

I appreciate it's not for everyone but if you decide to have it, I hope it works for you.

Search Mirena on this forum, there are lots of posts with good information.



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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2024, 03:03:38 PM »

If you have a separate progestin such as utrogeston you can increase the dose, 200mcg daily is a known strategy for problem bleeding. Are you definitely meno? Some aren't until their early 60s so your age alone doesn't mean you are. Just wondered if the stomach cramps might indicate a period. I'm also considering a mirena as I don't get on with utro but haven't been brave enough to take the plunge. If you do please let us know how you get on.


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2024, 03:40:58 PM »

My experience is very similar to Dazedandconfused - I was 59, 10yrs post meno and 10mths into HRT when I had post menopausal bleeding. Vaginal scan showed slightly thickened womb lining so I was booked for a hysteroscopy and biopsy.

The gynae-cancer nurse who spoke to me a week or two before my appt suggested the coil to me, listened to my concerns - which were related to having a coil in the 1980s and not getting on with it but she reassured me that they are different to years ago. She explained that they could fit a coil during the procedure and told me I could make my mind up on the day.

The gynae consultant who did the biopsy also talked to me immediately before the procedure and took me through the steps and, again, reassured me so I decided to go for it. Procedure was easy, a bit uncomfortable every now and then but bearable. I didn't suffer from any cramps but did spot on and off for three months or so.

Twelve months on I really have no idea that it's there, silently doing its job! If I had to make the decision again I'd definitely go for the Mirena. And don't forget, it can be taken out again if you don't get on with it!



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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2024, 08:03:39 AM »

Thankyou all for the replies I had to ring gynecology yesterday as was getting worried as bleeding is still ongoing 10 days after my hysteroscopy and before that procedure I was only spotting, I spoke to clinical nurse and she reassured me that bleeding can go on for 3 weeks after but I've had 2 hysteroscopy before and only bled for the 1st day after so I am worried, we spoke about the coil she said not to change anything until biopsy results are back then to ring them and they will sort a coil out for me, I even suggested stopping my hrt now as I can't cope with this spotting and bleeding been like this since beg of january and im getting sore through wearing pads everyday and I'm really down, all your replies helped me understand that perhaps a coil will help me thankyou I really am worried about trying it but I don't think I got much choice as the last time I came off hrt I was a total mess I had every symptom return and couldn't cope


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2024, 09:35:22 AM »

Sheila99 hi im on kliofem conti so can't add any extra progesterone and yes started hrt for menapause at 49 so def postmenopausal, I was acually told by gp they thought that my spotting was to do with a infection as overgrowth was on my vaginal swab results penicillin was given and I finished that weeks ago so if all comes back OK from   biopsy it must be the hrt as I've had it before but this. time it's slightly different I'm having a lot of pain high stomache crampy feeling and lower back pain and all in my sides with the constant spotting, yes I will def let. yes I will update if I end up getting coil but I really dont want one.


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2024, 12:39:58 PM »

Hi Shiela99.  Like you the mirena was going to be my last resort.  I had been using utrogestan vaginally, but had had a couple of bleeds.  I had an ultrasound which showed my womb lining was just over 6mm.  Although not that bad I had a biopsy done and the consultant put a coil in at the same. Its early days yet, I have my 6 week check next week.  Having been so against it I have had no problems so far and feel well in myself.  I'm also on 75mg estraderm patches.  So far so good I've struggled with progesterone in the past, but hopefully this might help.  I Hooe this helps you too


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2024, 02:24:50 PM »

Hi everyone

Ive been off hrt since november due to heavy bleed and thickened womb lining.

If I do go back on hrt my gynae want me to have a mirena coil.

Can I just ask I already have generalised anxiety does the coil affect anxiety or mood and does it affect sleep? as these are my two main symptoms.

thanks x


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2024, 03:54:01 PM »

Hi discogirl

I've had my Mirena for about three and a half months and appreciate it's early days but so far so good. 

I know everyone's different but from my point of view it's made no difference to sleep, anxiety or moods (I'm a pretty anxious person but it's certainly not made it any worse).  I did start to sleep a bit better when I started Utrogestan and was worried that stopping it and changing to the Mirena would affect my sleep but it hasn't at all.

If you go with it, I hope it works for you :) x


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2024, 04:16:16 PM »

Hey discogirl.   That worried me too.  I'm sensitive to progesterone, and worried about having the coil.   I'm only six weeks in and I'm feeling OK mood wise.  I struggle to sleep also, but have started taking Magnesium and it's helping after a short time.  I struggled to sleep on utrogestan funnily enough.  I'm hoping that will get better.  My Gp also suggested taking venlaflaxine and that has really helped.  I guess it's just figuring out what's right for you.  I was so worried that things would nosedive when ì got the coil inserted, bit hopefully things have been all good.  A lillt cramping and spotting but nothing too bad.  I hope this helps xx


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Re: Mirena coil
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2024, 06:07:21 PM »

Hi Nellf

Thats so encouraging to know.  Im just trying to keep all my options open in case I do need to go on it.

The coil would be a last resort but its good to hear your experience of the coil is positive x