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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone  (Read 704 times)


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Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« on: February 19, 2024, 05:02:00 PM »

Hello - I'm at the end of my tether. I'm 49 and have been getting the entire remit of symptoms EXCEPT for flushes. I have a review appointment with my GP as I've just started month 4 on HRT (Evorel Sequi patches).  Due to past missed-diagnoses with something else, I like to get my ducks in a row before I go so I can pre-empt what they might say/do.  Hoping you lovely people will have some ideas!

Main symptoms: Dry eyes/dry nasal passage. Result in an inability to drive or sit at my work computer for about a week or more every month. Started snoring like a train out of nowhere. Married 20 years and hubby has never heard me before. I sleep on sofa most nights now - occurs at exactly same time as my eyes are at their worst.  I can wake in a morning with them 'glued' shut.  Been prescribed drops from optician. Didn't work. Then got some better ones from GP at same time as HRT. Still not doing anything.

Main Issue: After 3 months, I feel like the symptoms that are really affecting my quality of life (eyes/nose/lower-body pain) are actually worse having been on HRT.  Brain-fog is present but not nearly as bad as it has been and this is my only improvement. Also, having not had flushes, I've had a couple on the run up to the dry eye/nose/aches period (which usually starts on day 12/13 of my cycle and lasts about 10 days).

I feel like I'm going mad! This is not like me to feel so 'yuk' all the time.  Has anyone experienced similar? I'm fully expecting to be the odd one because it seems that's how I go these days :(  However, I'd love some input.  Higher dose of HRT needed? Even though symptoms appear worse since starting it? Different kind? Testosterone? I just don't have the mental capacity to investigate all this and certainly don't have time to waste being unable to work. It's starting to stress me out.

Hoping one of you can give me a jump start before I go to GP and tell her what I think.  Appreciate it and apologies for the long post!


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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2024, 05:21:01 PM »

You're not mad - it's The Change, does what is says on the tin  ::)

 :welcomemm:  you could copy/paste your introduction too which will give a full over view.  We have threads on everything here, even pets  ;D

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use.  Some also find that unless they are complaining to their GP about hot flushes, they are told that they are either 'too young' or 'can't be menopause'  >:(  ::)

MayB your body doesn't require replacement at this moment in time?  What were your periods doing for example B4 you opted for HRT?



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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2024, 07:37:22 PM »

Hi CLKD  :)

Periods are pretty regular. They aren't 'normal' when it comes to flow though. I get a full week's worth in 24 hours (change pads at least every hour during that time). How could I have forgotten to mention them because that's another reason I don't leave the house!  They haven't changed being on HRT. I was really hoping they'd lessen.

Forgot to mention the big boobs when I'm on the progesterone patches too! I've never been bothered with sore breasts but they feel like two melons fighting for the view for 2 weeks.

I'm really starting to think that perhaps these patches are not right, but my worry is, I did read somewhere that the eyes and snoring have been associated with a need for testosterone. That'd be about right because obviously I have zero chance of getting that from my GP.



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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2024, 07:42:51 PM »

here you go:

So desperate am I that I didn't introduce myself before my first post!  Forgive me.

I live in the UK and have 2 boys, 3 dogs, and a cat (and the husband who puts up with far more than he gives). I've rarely been ill, never had any issues with periods or hormones, and generally lived the life of riley... until I hit 47!  It's like it saved everything up to hit me all at once. I survived until I was 49 because I'm stubborn, but then I couldn't take any more (the sudden snoring did it!) so now I'm starting month 4 of HRT.

I feel like a hypochondriac and so guilty about it all the time! Hoping to restore some sanity by reading the posts here.

Shout out to all the other women who have lost all semblance of themselves. Please let it be done soon!  :bang:


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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2024, 07:45:10 PM »

I had very heavy, excruitatingly painful periods with clots for 2-3 days, then bleeding for 10 days.  For unexpected heavy bleeding in peri a GP can prescribe a drug to ease the flow.  Where did U read about the eyes and snoring requiring testosterone ? 

Once some1 has a oestrogen and progesterone regime that works, they may not need testosterone - which has to be suggested to a GP by a Consultant. 


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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2024, 09:00:08 AM »

Hi Piratepal, sorry to hear you're suffering.  When my periods started becoming irregular and heavy during perimenopause in my early 40s I was initially given tranexamic acid which was great at reducing the flow.  Then as I got older and went onto HRT the GP suggested switching to the mirena coil for the progesterone part of the HRT - again I've found that great and although I had light spotting for more like 9 months than 6 months it has been great to not have periods anymore.  Not everyone gets on with it, but for me it's been good.

Like you the minute I started HRT I experienced dry eyes/nose/mouth, which has improved as I've found the right HRT dose for me, and I guess I've learnt coping strategies too.  Due to some other symptoms the GP thought I might have an autoimmune condition, but the rheumatologist felt that my results weren't conculsive to make a diagnosis so after a thorough check I've been dealing with symptoms via the GP.  I take eyedrops during the day (thealoz duo) and another at night (can't remember the name) and use a heated eyemask when things get really bad (sometimes I admit defeat and retreat to bed with an audio book).  Luckily I don't use a computer for work as I think I'd find the dry eye a lot harder, but you could maybe try different eye drops?  They can be expensive, but I get them on prescription now.  Sea buckthorn oil which is expensive (and not on prescription) has also helped with dryness.  My husband now takes it too as he found it helped with his dry skin conditions.

I've always had a lot of allergies and persistent allergic rhinitis so I find that sticking to my antihistamines all year round, and never forgetting to take my nasal spray help with the nose dryness.  I've found the best thing for dry mouth was to massage my saliva glands (Youtube video for this - 'heal with Samantha' I think? (a lot of people get on well with chewing gum and special pastiles which stick on the roof of your mouth at night to keep it lubricated (xylimelts??), however, I find the xylitol upsets my stomach).

I've also found that CBT helps with anxiety and helping to put things in perspective.  Tapping and yoga nidra meditation have been great here too. Unfortunately HRT is one of those things that takes a long time and a bit of experimentation to get the right dose, but getting it right does make a difference.  I'm not on testosterone as I wanted to get the HRT correct before introducing another hormone (which took 18 months), although I am considering speaking the the GP about it as my libido has taken a battering.  Somewhere on MM forum there was a post about dry eye and how androgens can help (e.g. testosterone), but I don't think it's approved for this.

Good luck.  I know 4 months feels like a long time, but I think a lot of women take a long time to get the right combination of things to alleviate symptoms.  Let us know how you get on.
p.s. the boob thing is weird isn't it.  Over the past few years I've gone from a 32 B to a 32 F - I really recommend getting properly measured (and not at M&S - I use an independent lingerie store now and they really know their stuff - they even keep an individual record of clients as sizes can change).  I'm still not used to having a cleavage, but a good bra does help with discomfort.


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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2024, 10:44:19 AM »

You probably need an increase of estrogen. I think many many women do, and few are 'allowed' what they need due to these stupid licenced doses.

I am now on 8 - EIGHT - pumps of Oestrogel and I JUST HAD THE BEST NIGHT'S SLEEP IN 2 YEARS last night. Sorry to shout but very excited here....

I will probably need to switch to patches or Sandrena because 8 pumps is a bit ridiculous (4 AM and 4 PM) but I am soooo relieved. I also have another tip for sleep but I'll make a separate post about that...


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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2024, 11:41:17 AM »

An increase in oestrogen can cause your bleeding to worsen.  Oestrogen is the 'bleeding' hormone.  I would think you might have too much and need a lower dose patch alongside the mirena coil or utrogestan (progesterone capsules).  The combined oestrogen/progestin patches don't have a lower dose than 50mg.  Your own oestrogen probably increases during the second half of the month and that can cause sore breasts. 

Have you been checked for other conditions such as Sjorgens syndrome, which can cause dry eyes, nasal passages as well as aches. 

« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 11:42:53 AM by GraceM »


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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2024, 03:12:51 PM »

I'm inclined to think there's something else going on here too. Meno can cause dryness but this seems a bit extreme, plus it's got worse not better with oestrogen.


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Re: Unsure if need higher dose or maybe Testosterone
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2024, 08:00:55 PM »

Hi PiratePal,

I’m sorry to read you are having such a rough time of it. 

I am having real bother with dry eyes too, though I don’t have the dry nasal passages or mouth.  For overnight the optician gave me Hydramed night - it’s a thick gel that you put in just before you go to sleep and it stops your eyes drying out overnight.  I have since been buying it online and it’s a game changer, there is also a sensitive version which is a bit more expensive but even gentler on the eyes.

I have only been bothered with the eyes since I got the Mirena and switched to estrogen only patches last year but it’s getting in the way of everything.  Yours sounds even worse I really feel for you.

My lovely GP was convinced I needed more estrogen (I have read that any imbalance can cause the eye issues so I wasn’t sure) decided to give it a try going from 50 to 62.5 then 75. After 3 weeks of just the tiny increase to 62.5 my eyes got worse.  Maybe coincidence not sure so I am back at 50 for now.

The GP also said testosterone would just convert to estrogen as my estrogen is low so no point in even going there until the correct estrogen levels are reached.  I don’t know what to try next.

I thought it was worth telling you about the gel in case it helps and also that I have had negative symptoms from just a small increase in estrogen

Hope you can get some help
