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Author Topic: Four weeks into HRT… side effects  (Read 612 times)


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Four weeks into HRT… side effects
« on: February 06, 2024, 09:15:56 PM »

Hello 👋🏻
I’ve been browsing here a bit recently and I’m new so hope I’m posting in the right place! Thank you for all the wonderful information here, it all feels a little overwhelming!😳

I’m hoping some more experienced HRT users can offer me some assurance/advice!

Briefly - 42, periods “regular” but inconsistent in length/flow.
Symptoms: extreme fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, brain fog, mood swings, shortness of breath, palpitations. Minor symptoms joint pain, mild hot flushes around when periods is due, stuffy nose.

Luckily have  very supportive and quite knowledgeable gp, blood tests came back “normal” but with my symptoms and history of low AMH she offered HRT (after first trying me to accept the contraceptive pill which I declined as I don’t get on well with the pill with regard to mood etc.

Started 4 weeks ago 2 pumps oestrodose then 14 days of Utrogestan (I actually took it for 12 days)
All felt great to begin with then about 5 days into the utro I started waking up at 4am in an absolute panic, like a physical reaction - nothing like I’ve really felt before. The slightest noise sent me into further panic with racing heart and breathlessness. It eased off and as the day went on I felt better.
I felt groggy and headachey on it and a bit of upset tummy but nothing horrendous otherwise. I’ve taken other forms of progesterone for unrelated things previously and felt worse, so I’m tolerating the Utrogestan. However today, 2 days after taking the last Utrogestan of the cycle I feel AWFUL, the palpitations haven’t stopped all day, I keep catching my breath, I feel all over the place mood wise, constant feeling of jittery/jumpiness… I feel like I’m in physical danger it’s quite extreme.
Will this pass?!?! Is it this withdrawal I read about ? I’m so early on in the journey I don’t feel I should change anything just yet and see how it goes. I am considering taking the utro vaginally next month at the same dose to see if that helps.

Also any recommendations of supplements that work I’d be so grateful, currently take multivitamin daily with extra vit c and d.

Sorry if this has been asked a million times and thank you if you’ve read this far! Thank you in advance 🙏🏻

Arya Underfoot

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Re: Four weeks into HRT… side effects
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2024, 04:19:53 AM »

Hi boomerang.

I know a lot of people on here have problems with Utrogestan, so maybe it is causing you problems too. I take progesterone continuously for 25 days and the 3-5 days without it usually feels worse for me, I'm now wondering if it's some kind of withdrawal or is it my body screaming out for more progesterone please?

Like you, I couldn't tolerate the pill because of the terrible mood swings and headaches, that's why I assumed the bio identical hormones would work for me but I am struggling with the same symptoms as you. HRT is a lot of trial and error, I've been on it for 7 years and still haven't got it right. Just keep a diary of your symptoms and usually give your medications 3 months to see if they've made you better or worse.

It's also not a bad idea to look in to supplements, I take a memory supplement (noobru), fish oil, vit C & D, B12, collegan - these are all helpful as we can't rely on the HRT to do everything. There are also a lot menopause supplements out there, I've tried some but can't say they've been overly helpful.

It's a rough journey for us women, hang in there!


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Re: Four weeks into HRT… side effects
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2024, 06:02:32 AM »

Thank you for your reply Arya! I just wish I knew … like you say it’s trial and error.
Strangest thing is as well I am having way more hot flushes on the hrt than I did before.

It seems everyone woman is so different with their responses to the hormones…

It’s hard being a woman for sure! X