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Author Topic: New to this regime.....Help  (Read 1241 times)


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New to this regime.....Help
« on: January 31, 2024, 02:35:30 PM »

Hi everyone.
I'm in need of some advice please.

Quick info.........had to stop tablet form hrt due to thickened lining, had biopsy,  everything ok. ....
Nearly 3 months later,  symptoms came back, so saw a doctor who put me on 100mg utrogestion, & estrogel 3 pumps.

Started to get a shortness of breath nearly straight away, so dropped down to 2 pumps, it freaked me out.
So 2 pumps everyday now for the last week, and now I'm getting very bad heart racing and still the shortness of breath, feels like I can't take a deep breath in.
Today, my heart was going like the clappers, it really scared me, all of this morning,  its settled down now this afternoon, but still got what feels like a tight diaphragm which makes deep breathing hard. Maybe anxiety is causing that due to the drama of what happened all morning.  Christ knows. 🤷‍♀️
Should I stop it all, or wait to see if it all settles in a month or so. Its only been three weeks since Ive started it all.

My symptoms were bad enough for me to seek a doctor, so I don't want to cut my nose off to spite my face, if you see what I mean, and act too quickly in stopping it.



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Re: New to this regime.....Help
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2024, 02:39:48 PM »

I would stop 2 C whether the symptoms ease.   It mayB that 2 pumps initially is too much !

Sometimes I feel that I can't take a deep breath .......... usually when I have bloating for any reason: bad diet usually.  I also had this pre-periods ....... I suspect it was hormonal as it was cyclical.


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Re: New to this regime.....Help
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2024, 03:02:37 PM »

Hi Jillydoll
I occasionally get that air hunger that you describe. For me it does seem to be a tight diaphragm combined with intra abdominal pressure (bloating from food or due to swallowing too much air). Do you mouth breathe at all, as that can cause air to be swallowed, as can talking when eating or drinking. As you say, it could also be anxiety or fluctuating hormones. It usually happens to me once or twice a month, around ovulation or not long before my period- so something is high but I can't quite work out what!
I don't know about palpitations but estrogen can definitely give me a jittery feeling, sounds like your dose may be a little high still?


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Re: New to this regime.....Help
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2024, 03:32:13 PM »

I'm not aware if I mouth breath, but I'll watch out for that.
I do get it when I've an upset stomach or trapped wind, I always have, but this seems worse because of the racing heart thing going on. Which always starts after I've applied the estrogen in the mornings.
Apart from the racing heart and the deep breathing thing, everything else seems to be running smoothly,  my day time flushes have stopped, the night time bed sweats have reduced dramatically and my moods have definitely improved. So the hrt is working from that point. It's just those two things which are freaking me out.
In my logical mind, I know I'm not having a heart attack when my hearts racing because I have no pain, but nevertheless, it starts anxiety off and makes the whole thing worse.
I was ready to stop it all earlier,  now I don't know what to do. 🤷‍♀️
Thank you both for replying.  xx


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Re: New to this regime.....Help
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2024, 03:42:11 PM »

I wonder if perhaps it is anxiety kicking in then as a direct response to the racing heart. Have you ever had a panic attack? I've never had a full blown one so can't tell, but wonder if it is getting into a panicked state causing shallow breathing. Could you look up some breathing exercises and practice them when you are calm so that you already know how to do them and can apply them next time you feel like this? It sounds horrible x


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Re: New to this regime.....Help
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2024, 03:57:05 PM »

Yes I've had anxiety since I started meno 9 years ago now. Had the odd few panic attacks too. Unfortunately ADs i had a bad reaction too, so stopped them.
I know how to handle it, I'm an old hand at it,  ;D doesn't make it anymore enjoyable though unfortunately.   ::)
Could be all connected,  one issue starts another, what I'm concerned about is, will the racing heart stop eventually,  I know its early days for me, I'm just concerned if I'm having some sort of allergic reaction to which ever one I'm taking, the estrogen or the utrogestion. 
I was on femosten conti for years, but it seems I wasn't absorbing the progesterone in it and that caused my lining to thicken. Hence,  this new regime.
I read somewhere that estrogen has an affect on the heart when first taken, it made sense when I read it, but I've forgotten now,  ::) So maybe it's that. ..


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Re: New to this regime.....Help
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2024, 04:16:36 PM »

MayB put the product names into our search box and read any threads?  Make notes ;-). 


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Re: New to this regime.....Help
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2024, 08:54:26 AM »

Might be worth stopping utro for a couple of weeks in case it's  that? If that doesn't help try reducing oestrogen again. Gel doesn't often produce an allergic reaction but it's always possible - and we know you're unique  :).


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Re: New to this regime.....Help
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2024, 09:29:54 AM »


You know me soooo well.  ;D