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Author Topic: disappointing doctor's appointment  (Read 1008 times)


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disappointing doctor's appointment
« on: January 18, 2024, 11:20:10 AM »

Hi everyone, i'm so sorry but i really need to get this off my chest. I feel so upset/alone and low. I've been on Everel Seq for 12 months but starting to feel really anxious most of the time and very low mood when i switch over to the conti patches. So thought i'd make an appointment to see the doc again to discuss. My usual one was  not available and she has been good. I went this morning and i think deep down i knew i should just stick with usual doctor. So i went in and said how i was feeling. she said that no other HRT will help as its not going to fix the anxiety. didn't mention exercise or any of that just said she'd recommend beta blockers and anti depressants. Don't get me know these are good where they are needed but this is  not what i need right now. I was gobsmacked. I read somewhere there are over 70 different types of HRT. Could my symptoms be side effects. I think she just wanted to sell me these drugs and get me out of there asap. I feel so stupid. I should have been more prepared. My husband was furious. so now i feel like im alone, upset and that this is the best im ever gonna feel. I can't believe we have practicing GPs so incompetent.  I never moan about the doctors and am always so polite.  these are serious medications and need to be well considered. the care was terrible. but there we go. Sorry to off load. I called the docs to see my usual doctor but was told "you'll have to call back on Monday"!!! Much love x  :'(


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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2024, 11:52:09 AM »

Hi there are plenty of other hrt regimes to try. I think I was on 4 different ones before I found the right one x


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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2024, 12:15:44 PM »

Isn’t this just a typical post of yet another “can’t be bothered “ GP
Do they really think women enjoy traipsing along to the surgery, just to have a moan because they feel a bit off colour. What don’t they get ??! Drives me nuts
But don’t give up Make an appointment to see the GP that gets it
You’ll be glad you did


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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2024, 12:33:52 PM »

Sorry you're having such a rubbish time.  Some GPs just don't get it.  They're answer to everything is to prescribe Anti depressants.  I eventually went to see a private specialist, and I know it's expensive, but within 10 mins of talking to her she figured out what was going on.  I've seen her a few times now, but I found it to be a real driving force behind getting things done with my GP.  Im still not quite there yet but getting there.  It was so worth spending the money getting that first appointment.  I totally get that not everyone can afford it.  I still believe we should have dedicated menopause specialist that women can see through the NHS.  I really hope that things improve


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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2024, 10:40:30 PM »

So sorry you’ve had a bad experience. I’ve had some horrible experiences with GPs. The lack of education and awareness of menopause is truly astonishing. I get that being a GP is a very hard job but it doesn’t excuse how some of them make you feel like a piece of shit for daring to express menopause is tough. My boss who is way more assertive than me demanded her GP send her to a menopause clinic. I’d try to see your regular GP first and then try that x


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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2024, 04:19:33 PM »

The rate at which GPs will willingly hand out antidepressants is terrifying. Literally like sweeties. Im not saying these cant be helpful but side effects AND withdrawal from these type of meds can be very very challenging - yet its the answer to everything it seems. HRT is well known tried and tested treatment for peri and menopause - and there are so many different options. Why is the stock response lets get you on a psychotropic mediation??

For example my 15 year old son has had an ongoing physical health issue which has severely impacted his social life and therefore his mental health. This condition is treatable with medication which we needed to have him assessed by a 'specialist' for so unfortunately he was been suffering for 7 months on his own. On his assessment just before Xmas  - which was a nurse - he mentioned the impact of the condition to his mental health and he was immediately offered antidepressants! Hold on how about you give him the medication he requires to address his very treatable physical condition first?? His mental health is poor due to the restrictions of his health issue you are assessing him for!!!?? I was furious with them. After 3 weeks of medication he is a different person - he does not need antidepressants. The speed with which they offered these was appalling.



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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2024, 04:26:33 PM »

So pleased that your son has found relief with appropriate treatment.  Hopefully his mental health will improve, for me it's about being listened to!

The patient is no longer treated as a 'whole'.  However, it does depend on how a patient presents to a practitioner as to how decisions are made.  It is up to the patient to take/not medications that are suggested, I wish that there was more than 10 mins allowed with a GP.  Though I never feel rushed when I see mine face2face. 


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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2024, 07:48:51 PM »

Oh wow I’m so sorry you had to experience this…..

Echoing everyone else’s comments…so appalling that unless you have money for private healthcare it’s a lottery…..a lottery as to whether a GP has the slightest clue or inclination to actually help….rather than mask with whatever pharmaceutical’s are pushing that month 🙄

I take an antidepressant that I believe has got me through some of my darkest moments in perimenopause so far…but you’re absolutely right…you know your body & your mind and it’s not the answer for everyone xxx



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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2024, 01:44:45 PM »

Hi I was so fed up with my gp practice I managed to get referred to a Gynaecologist. Yes it was a long wait 14 months but the difference with how you are treated are totally different and with the respect that us women deserve.
I left my appointment which was at my local hospital with hope for the future.


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Re: disappointing doctor's appointment
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2024, 04:15:25 PM »

Menopause used to be an optional topic so many gps know absolutely nothing. You aren't the one that's ignorant here. I had a similar experience but bad temper was also one if my symptoms  :o >:(