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Author Topic: Coming off HRT  (Read 15309 times)


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Coming off HRT
« on: January 17, 2024, 07:34:08 PM »

I have been using HRT (Kliovance pill 1mg) for about 5 years (or so) I have never really suffered from serious side-effects of Menopause except the hot flushes and brain fog (which subsided after a year or so) I've been looking into coming off HRT for a while now and as I have ADHD have forgotten to take my tablet on a daily basis, have noted that I don't suffer any side-effects. I am concerned about Osteoporosis but take regular Vit D due to living up North and working from home everyday, so wondered if anyone could give me any advice regarding other health issues I should be aware of and any alternative remedies that may help? I am overweight, so I know that losing weight will also help. I recognise that this is a big topic, so any links to useful articles will be highly appreciated too!

Thanks for the advice in advance.


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2024, 08:22:08 PM »

Hi!  Get into the ☀️ as often as is possible.  Brisk walking 10 mins a day helps keep bones strength and eating well maintains healthy jaw bones by chewing.

Be honest with yourself and make a note of everything you eat/drink for 3 days. 

Decide which food stuffs you really enjoy. 

Then decide how much of those food choices are processed rather than fresh. 

I allow myself pizza and occasionally cheese ..... I have fads  :-\ 'marmite' on toast a few times a week. 

The idea is not to deny what we enjoy but to eat less, i.e. I have a small piece of chocolate for pudding at lunch and tea time.  It's the crunch of biting the twirl that I feel is addictive  ::)

I have irritable bowel problems - unless I keep to non-processed foods my bowel slows up and I get really really ill  :'(.  Over the last 5 years DH has added a lot more colourful veg to our evening meal: either stir fried with grilled meat/fish fingers or roasted in the oven .......... I love roasted veg and any left over goes into his soup pot.

Soup bloats me so I avoid that!   White bread can cause problems for some, DH makes his own mix of white/brown flour which is lovely warm with fresh butter.  As a treat.  [that's what I tell myself].

Ultra processed foods can be addictive in that they are manufactured to encourage a certain taste = shoppers buy more.  However, many of these UPF don't 'fill' the gut enough so we may feel hungry = more UPF because they are quick to cook. 



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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2024, 08:24:41 PM »

Watching a programme last night filmed in Japan, where foods are brightly coloured and eaten with chopsticks - now there's an image which would mean my meal times would be messy  ;D, because chopsticks = slower eating, the body digests differently than when we eat continually.  Also, they don't feel full at the end of a meal and I do remember my Grandma always leaving the table as though she could eat 'the whole meal again'. 

Personally when I wait about 20 mins between main meal and pudding, I often find that I feel too full for pudding! 


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2024, 09:02:00 PM »

Any news, how have U got on ? 


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2024, 08:10:46 AM »

Hi KayemBe
Good advice already
I would add to this by just warning you that you need to watch your oestrogen levels. As this disappears as we age, there are other conditions that can occur, the worst being Vaginal Atrophy which is really life altering. Not everyone will be affected, but you need to be aware that it exists, because the medical profession will not tell you about it
I can honestly say the thing I regret most is that I was taken off HRT being told I had had it for long enough, as now this advice has been changed. My life would be so different now if I had stayed on. Have a good think before you make the decision. Best wishes and Good Luck