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Author Topic: Thickened womb lining  (Read 6404 times)


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #45 on: January 10, 2024, 09:22:39 PM »

Well I've finally got a date for my biopsy....January 31st, can you believe it 3 weeks away, that is a 5 week referral and not 2...just shows the NHS is in such a bad state. That will also be about 7 weeks since I was told my lining is 8mm. I am still going to see the private consultant on Monday to see what he says as I'm so desperate for this to be done asap. My mental health is still taking a beating at present...the thought of having cancer is terrifying me. I have just realised I must have some sort of health anxiety.
MrsMitch thank you for your advice lately, its much appreciated and I hope you get results soon.
Ladies thank you for trying to keep my spirits up and all your support. Don't know what I'd do without this forum glad I found it when I did.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #46 on: January 10, 2024, 09:38:55 PM »

I’m SO glad you have a date Northerngirl.. thank goodness for that.

Definitely see your private consultant next week to see what he says, but at least there is now a date to focus on.

We are all behind you Northerngirl, take each day at a time and then you are a day closer to the 31st.

I feel sure it’s a post code lottery with the NHS, but either way, a 5 year week referral is not acceptable.

Sending support and good wishes 🌺🌸



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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #47 on: January 17, 2024, 09:42:52 AM »

Hi Northerngirl. I hope you are doing ok today. Just been reading through your story and I can totally relate to what you are going through. I would be the same.
However, I just wanted to say, don’t focus on the 2 week wait referrals too much. GP’s use it all the time just to hurry things along because waiting lists are long. Not because they think it’s going to be cancer.

I’m in the north too and work reception in a hospital. I also used to book endoscopy appointments and the clinical staff used to comment on the amount of 2ww referrals that came through which were really just routine. Also every breast referral in our trust is treated as a 2ww regardless. 2ww means that you have your initial appointment within 2 weeks, ideally, then it’s taken from there.
I also imagine if there had been any red flags along the way in all this then you would have been in straight away.
I know this won’t make you feel any better but I hope you get through the next few weeks and get a favourable result.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #48 on: January 17, 2024, 12:38:49 PM »

Hi blot, thank you for your advice. I do understand what you mean by the referrals but you can't help but worry when you are on number 5. It's more the waiting for everything and I do have red flag symptoms. I know that I just have to wait and take each day as it comes but it's really hard at present even with an amazing family and friends around me because at the end of the day it's just me going through it. This is the worst thing I've ever been through by far but do appreciate all support from MM


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #49 on: January 17, 2024, 02:55:21 PM »

I totally understand Northerngirl. I would be exactly the same and have been over much less than this.
Just hang on in there until you get those negative results.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2024, 10:55:35 PM »

Found you here @Northerngirl :) ;)

@discogirl you mentioned heavy bleeding after an internal ultrasound - were you have bleeds anyway as that just happened to me


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2024, 07:34:17 AM »

Hi Katymac

No I was post meno and on continous hrt so this was abnormal bleeding. My blood estrogen levels were sky high which is what alerted me really. Turns out it was unopposed estrogen. I wasnt absorbing the cyclogest pessary. I had switched to cyclogest from utrogestan as the utro was causing me to have really dark moods x


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2024, 08:12:20 AM »

Sorry for hijacking @Northerngirl

Yes I'm post too, bit of bleeding as I changed my hrt at the end of the summer (from evoral conti to evoral 75 plus norethisterone) which carried on so I saw the gp and had the ultrasound on Monday

And now I'm clotting!
I've come up with 3 possibilities
1) I asked to go back on Evoral Conti and did on Tuesday, which is when my problems started
2) I do have absorption problems so wondered if i haven't been digesting the tablet properly
3) the scan just dislodged something

I've felt it wasn't right for a while but it took a bit to go back to the GP as they arr a bit useless (the consultant I saw in the summer retired)

& it turns out high progesterone (as the norethisterone only come in 5 and I probably needed about 1.5)loosens your joint and I'm already very hypeprmobile!


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #53 on: January 19, 2024, 10:05:42 AM »

No problem katymac we are all in the same horrendous situation. It's good that we can offer each other support, I know I definitely need it right now
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