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Author Topic: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?  (Read 1891 times)


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Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« on: January 09, 2024, 02:09:27 PM »

Hi everyone,

This forum is an amazing source of information, I wonder if anyone can help me understand what has happened since I started HRT.

I am 38 was prescribed evorel 100 patches and utrogestan 200mg for 14 days for perimenopause/chronic migraines. I put my first patch on just before Christmas. About 5 days later I was at day 15 of my cycle so started the utrogestan. All was going fine. Then I got to day 8 of the utrogestan and started to have some very dark thoughts by day 9 I started to have severe anxiety/panic and was barely functioning. I realised what was happening and stopped the utrogestan because I was so concerned about my mental health.

I kept the evorel patch on as I thought oestrogen is the feel good hormone and didn’t want to change too much at one time. I thought once the utro was out of my system I would feel a little relief but the feelings of panic/anxiety/jitteriness were so bad this morning I phoned NHS24. I can’t continue like this.

After reading on here some others experience of high oestrogen I wondered if that might be the issue so took the patch off this morning.

I am trying to understand what has happened, I think I need to understand because I have been really shaken by this experience and I’m scared that tomorrow is going to be the same. It’s difficult to be logical right now. But I know it’s only been 5 days since I stopped the utro so maybe I’m expecting too much too soon. My GP was disappointed I stopped the utro but it was either that or drive myself to the local mental health hospital! I don’t have any history of mental health issues like this so this has really taken me aback and I feel quite distressed.

I would really appreciate any insight anyone could offer


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2024, 02:44:03 PM »


Did you start hrt on the 100 patches or have you increased your oestrogen slowly?


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2024, 02:53:34 PM »

Hi and thanks for replying, no I started them straight at 100, I saw a menopause consultant privately and she prescribed them to start at that dose, I asked if I should come back for review and she said I could but if I feel fantastic there was no need. So I think her expectation that it would all be fine gave me a false sense of security. She did explain it is a higher dose because of my age but that was it to be honest! Not sure I was even in for 20 mins although she was lovely I came away with more questions than I went in with


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2024, 03:01:19 PM »

I started a long reply to you, received a phone call half way through and now its gone 🙈. Here is the abridged version:

Utrogestan makes me feel like that too so you have my sympathies, plus withdrawal when I stop taking it takes about 5 days so definitely early days. A lot of women react really badly to utrogestan and many switch to other types of progesterone,  sp you are not alone. Put utrogestan into the search bar here and you'll see how many struggle.

I think your estrogen dose was also possibly too high to start with. I use estrogel and first time they had me on standard dose of 2 pumps and I lost the plot mentally on it. Second time I started on 1 pump and it was much better.

Sounds like too much too quickly.


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2024, 03:07:39 PM »

Thanks penguin! Utrogestan really does seem so awful for a lot of us. I might have been naive thinking it was going okay until it accumulated in my system. That’s helpful to know it took you about 5 days to feel better. I think I’m going to be left with the psychological stuff lingering because I’ve had a bit of a fright at how unwell I’ve been feeling. If I could lose the jittery feeling that would help, I’m hoping taking the evorel patch off will help too but my body must be wondering what is going on. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2024, 03:36:14 PM »

So utrogestan increases GABA levels, and the drop triggers anxiety/ panic in me
 I now drink Amber GABA oolong tea when I stop the progrsterone from a company called Meileaf tea and it does help. You could also look online for other ways of increasing GABA naturally as that may help too.

However, if you're jittery because of the estrogen,  I'm afraid you'll just have to wait until it calms down. If the patch is off it may take a couple if days and it also depends what your own hormones are doing in the background too.

Defo get in touch with doctor though and ask about lowering estrogen dose a LOT to start with!


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2024, 03:49:41 PM »

Hi Alison.

I'm very sorry to hear you've had such a horrible experience.

I agree with others who say your starting dose was very high. I know you are young, but if you're peri, you're in the same hormonal boat as another peri woman - surely your age is therefore irrelevant?

My meno specialist said that 1 pump (25 patch) is a starter dose to get your body used to the hormone. Then up it as necessary.

What I never understood was that whether taking 1 or 5 pumps of oestrogel, you take the same amount of Utrogestan.

Like you, I f***ing hate the stuff. My pharmacist friend said it was fine to take 1 tablet for 12 days (rather than 2 tablets for 14). I tried that and it was still hell. I then read somewhere (NHS site) that you could take it every 3 months for 12 days. I ran with that.... still hated it though. I then read you could take it vaginally - now that was LOADS better - still not great, but better. My meno specialist insisted I took it every month as I was really risking my health. I tried, I really did but can only manage 8 days max (as I not only feel a bit rubbish but also get an irritated vagina...)

I am waiting to see if I can get Cyclogest prescribed as this can be used rectally.

I'm sorry I'm not being helpful - other than to say that hatred of Utro has got me so desperate, I wantto stick meds up my bum!!!!

Good luck xxx



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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2024, 03:59:09 PM »

100mg is a high dose, I started on 50mg and now on 75mg.  Some women start on 25mg.  I would have thought like others they would start you low and build up.  The other option with utrogeston is to take it vaginally.  But I havent tried that myself, as I get on OK with it.  There are other forms of progestrone you could try.  One I think is called Provera.  But I am not an expert.  Hope you get some answers soon and can change to something more suitable.


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2024, 04:04:37 PM »

What you say makes sense about being in the same hormonal boat as others in peri. My GP did ask me what her rationale was for starting me on that, she was even questioning it. The bad thing is I feel so awful that I can’t bear the thought of trying it again just now so I’ll need to get it out of my system and try to recover and then maybe rethink HRT.

Banjo your comment was really helpful, the kindness and your last comment did put a smile on my miserable face  :)

Thanks Penguin that’s really helpful to know, I will look into that, I have emailed the hospital I saw the consultant at to ask them to pass on an email to her so I’m hoping she’ll get back to me.

I actually wonder if I am progesterone intolerant as I had a terrible experience with the mini pill too


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2024, 04:13:36 PM »

100mg is a high dose, I started on 50mg and now on 75mg.  Some women start on 25mg.  I would have thought like others they would start you low and build up.  The other option with utrogeston is to take it vaginally.  But I havent tried that myself, as I get on OK with it.  There are other forms of progestrone you could try.  One I think is called Provera.  But I am not an expert.  Hope you get some answers soon and can change to something more suitable.

Thank you, I have the fear now but once I’m ready I will have that on my list. I’m really glad you get on okay with the utro. Now I feel a bit daft for not questioning the dosage of the evorel myself, I work in healthcare which makes it even worse!


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2024, 10:59:07 AM »

Dont feel bad, I work in the NHS, and had no idea!  I am 47 and didnt think any of this would hit me until I was 50ish.  These forums and various FB groups have informed me of the HRT options.  I went to GP and asked for patches first. I am still early in my journey, and some days are better than others.  I am trying to see if I absorb better in other parts of body, currently put patch on bum, but nurse suggested tummy to see that helps.  If not I am not sure whether to go up to 100 as the patches are big. It might have to be gel next, but I like the patches for ease.  We are all different.  Hope you feel better soon and get something that works for you.


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2024, 11:38:51 AM »

I can completely understand and sympathise with your experience. The synthetic progesterone in Femostan had exactly the same affect on me. Within a few days of starting the combi tablets my mood fell off a cliff and the feelings of panic were relentless. There was one particularly dreadful day where if I hadn't had my children in the car I would have driven off the road down a 60ft embankment into a river. I just wanted the anguish in my head to stop.

For those women who are severely progesterone intolerant, like us, the side effects can be very dangerous. I firmly believe this is why suicide rates for women are highest between 48 - 52. I think it's often their hormones that drive them to despair.


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Re: Could anyone help me understand what has happened to me?
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2024, 12:27:47 PM »

100mg is a high dose, I started on 50mg and now on 75mg.  Some women start on 25mg.  I would have thought like others they would start you low and build up.  The other option with utrogeston is to take it vaginally.  But I havent tried that myself, as I get on OK with it.  There are other forms of progestrone you could try.  One I think is called Provera.  But I am not an expert.  Hope you get some answers soon and can change to something more suitable.

Thank you, I have the fear now but once I’m ready I will have that on my list. I’m really glad you get on okay with the utro. Now I feel a bit daft for not questioning the dosage of the evorel myself, I work in healthcare which makes it even worse!

Don't feel daft, this whole thing is a minefield and a steep learning curve for the majority of us!