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Author Topic: Best site to apply tostran  (Read 722 times)


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Best site to apply tostran
« on: January 01, 2024, 07:56:43 PM »

Me again. I took my first half pump of tostran today, rubbed it thinly onto my inner, upper thigh but not too close to my ahem, lady bits.

Although my gp instructions were one pump every day, the wonderful ladies on here confirmed that was too high. So I am aiming for half a pump every day.

But is it best to alternate from thigh to the other thigh and maybe move the site sometimes towards my knee maybe?

I have read older threads on this subject but wondering about more recent experiences.


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Re: Best site to apply tostran
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2024, 10:48:06 PM »

I took a tip from some pros on here who were applying it to their foot. I do that now and it all seems good.

My meno specialist told me to apply it on my bikini line. Which I did... a few new hairs dis grow over time (it had all been lasered over 10 years ago)... but the main reason I stopped applying it there was that I found the skin was darkening.

However, since getting my new tostran prescription, I've found the formulation to be less harsh on the skin, so maybe this darkening wouldn't happen now.

Good luck.... oh, one more thing, you might find that half a pump a day is quite a lot. But you can experiment, see how you go.

Good luck xx


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Re: Best site to apply tostran
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2024, 08:39:26 AM »

 Thanks for that Banjo,
Yeah I wasn't sure about going too close to the bikini line, especially as I put my estradot patches near that area. Interesting that this is a new formula, I will lookout for any skin changes. I did see some like you uses the sole of the foot. When you are new to something we all get a bit nervy we are doing it right then get more confident as to how we react!
As half a pump is a bit hard to judge I will use a bit less. Yesterday I felt no different, today a bit jittery so maybe applied a bit much. All trial and error isn't it?

Thanks for your encouragement and good wishes xx


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Re: Best site to apply tostran
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2024, 07:06:55 PM »

The Dr that I saw at the Newson Clinic suggested that the buttocks are a good place for testosterone gel/cream, alternating between them. She said any site on the body without hair follicles will work, hence the popular suggestions of inner arms and thighs. I'm not convinced by the soles of feet suggestion myself, partly due to the thicker skin in that area but also because I wander around while waiting for Oestrogel and Testosterone to dry. Buttock rubbing works really well for me  :)


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Re: Best site to apply tostran
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2024, 07:53:51 PM »

Thanks Suzie, it's good to have alternative sites in case the areas I use get ' overloaded ' so a wider area to use helps.

 I find the tostran dries very quickly, but I do spread it quite thinly and using only about half a pump to start with. Be a good idea for me to massage the buttocks too - too much post Christmas sagging at the moment.😡 only been a few days and noticeable effects yet, far too early to tell,but I want to apply it in the best way.


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Re: Best site to apply tostran
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2024, 11:24:38 PM »

A very common side effect is to get thicker, blacker, longer hairs where you apply it. I use the sole of my foot under the arch where it seems to work just as well but I don't get the hair problem. As an exact half pump is hard to judge you might be better using one pump every other day which is the normal prescription.


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Re: Best site to apply tostran
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2024, 01:36:36 PM »

Thanks Sheila

I did have to speak to my gp today regarding VA and she said the original gp instructions of one pump per day was incorrect ( which I thought was wrong and others on here agreed) so whilst I was doing - as you say, a rather inaccurate - half pump per day, this gp says one whole pump three times a week.
So I will change the amount and days, she said try to use a non hairy site and inner wrists would work too. Thank you