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Author Topic: Disconnected and eye floaters  (Read 2654 times)


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Disconnected and eye floaters
« on: May 10, 2023, 08:48:24 PM »

I’m a newbie here and already feel comforted by so much information and supportive posts… thank you  :)

I’ve been on hrt for only 3 weeks after I had what I believe was a menopausal panic attack out of the blue. No idea why- I was pretty chilled at the time.

My whole left side went numb and wobbly, I couldn’t breathe properly, my eyesight went dark at the edges… I honestly thought I was having a stroke.

I’d already been prescribed hrt - evroel conti patches as I’d been suffering from hot flushes for a few months but I resisted starting them after reading the leaflet as I’d also just been diagnosed with a fibroid….

Anyway after that attack I thought I’d give it a go… and ever since that ‘attack’ I’ve felt completely disconnected from the world. Like I’m sort of in the matrix?

I’m aware of everything that is actually happening and I can do everything I need to but it feels like I’m just an imposter living in this world. Like my head is full of cotton wool?

This usually starts about 9/10 am and is accompanied by really noticing eye floaters. Today I could almost see my pulse in my eyes.

Feel a bit like I’m going mad. Is this what they call brain fog? Any advice welcome. I’m due to see my gp for a follow up in 2 weeks

Thanks :)


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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2023, 07:47:15 AM »

Hi Jeanjeannie

Assuming you have reported this to your GP and discounted any physical reasons such as anaemia? it sounds very much like you have some derealisation/depersonalisation feelings going on which is related to anxiety following that panic attack. Have you been anxious at times or stressed prior to the panic attack?  What often happens is that anxiety makes us very internalised, aware of every little thing that is happening within ourselves, twitches, floaters etc. It can then feel like we are just watching everything on TV, and it feels pretty weird.

It helps to do things to 're-connect' - do some exercises that bring your awareness back into the outside world, like have a shower and turn it onto cold for a minute or so, or hold some ice cubes. I'm sure I have seen the 5-4-3-2-1 sensory exercise on this brilliant website. And breathe! There are some good breathing exercises on youtube, square breathing or star breathing. No, you're not going mad, just those flipping hormones are often responsible for so much! It's probably worth mentioning to your GP if you already haven't.




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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2023, 03:56:32 PM »

Thank you for your reply.
I’m have mentioned it all to my gp but (aside from laughing when I said I felt like I was having a stroke) she says it’s all to do with the hormones balancing out on the hrt.. we’ll ‘probably!’

I’ve never felt less like myself or more scared. I’be never been overly anxious but I’ve had some pretty anxiety inducing times where I’ve coped really well- which is why I find it all so strange and concerning.

Suffer from migraine quite regularly and yet since that attack not had any. Today I thought sod it and I took a migraine tablet and the whole thing seemed to calm down a bit.

Taken your advice and dowloaded some breathing and meditation bits- and some tapping!

Thank you for your help 😊

Tracy Allgonewrong

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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2023, 03:43:09 PM »

Sorry but your side went numb, your eyesight dark and your GP is  laughing at the idea that you may have had a stroke? I'm actually shocked. I think this needs looking into. You're experiencing sensorial changes and this is not right. My husband had a stroke (brought by a migraine) and was sent home from hospital saying "he had a virus". It was only because we didn't believe them and paid for an MRI that the stroke showed and he could have all kinds of tests and put on low dose aspirin for life. Take this seriously.


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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2023, 10:31:07 AM »

Hi Jeanjeannie, I think your migraine history is likely relevant to the scary symptoms you've experienced recently.  I also have a long history of migraine (3 types) & floaters & I've been on numerous different types of HRT over the years, most of which have thankfully not worsened my migraine. 

If you haven't done so already, maybe have a look at what the Migraine Trust, the BMS &/or Newson Health say about migraine & menopause.  I've read through various bookmarked links this morning with a view to posting one here that might be helpful, but they are all quite generalised & you may know a lot already so I haven't posted them.  There are also many threads on here about migraine & HRT & Mary G is very knowledgeable if you'd like to look at some of her posts.

Combined continuous transdermal HRT like the Evorel Conti you've been prescribed is considered to be the least likely to exacerbate migraine, though you probably know we need to avoid oral forms & sequential regimens which give rise to fluctuations in hormone levels that can trigger/worsen migraine. 

If your symptoms are frightening & you sense this product is really not right for you I would talk to a different GP asap about next step, rather than persevering with it for the usual recommended 3 months.  It's common to experience teething problems starting HRT or on changing to a different type/dose, but these may well settle given time & that's why we are usually recommended to persevere for 3 months unless side effects are unbearable or our instincts tell us to persevere is not safe.  The sense of being in an altered state we can get with migraine can make it difficult to be confident in our instincts but, given the symptoms you've experienced immediately before starting HRT & since, I would err on the side of caution if you are worried.


Mary G

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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2023, 10:48:01 AM »

I agree with others, it sounds like a neurological event like a migraine aura.

The menopause is a very very difficult time for anyone who is susceptible to migraines and they often change pattern and become much more frequent with fluctuating hormones.

See how you get on with the patches but if the migraines persist, you might need to consult a migraine specialist for a proper diagnosis and migraine preventative medication.

I suffer with silent migraines (aura with no headache) and I'm finding amitriptyline (an AD) very effective.


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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2023, 10:16:29 AM »

I agree with others, it sounds like a neurological event like a migraine aura.

The menopause is a very very difficult time for anyone who is susceptible to migraines and they often change pattern and become much more frequent with fluctuating hormones.

See how you get on with the patches but if the migraines persist, you might need to consult a migraine specialist for a proper diagnosis and migraine preventative medication.

I suffer with silent migraines (aura with no headache) and I'm finding amitriptyline (an AD) very effective.
hi mary G could you tell me what dosage of amitriptyline you are on i also suffer with migraine auras x daisie

Mary G

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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2023, 06:41:41 PM »

daisie, I started on 10mg amitriptyline every day and eventually worked up to 50mg.  My symptoms completely disappeared but I gained some weight and felt bloated so I now take one 25mg tablet every day split into two doses and it works well with no bloating.

It's best to start on a low dose and stop increasing as soon as the migraine auras subside. 

Do you have a long history of migraine auras?   Amitriptyline is one of the best preventatives with relatively few side effects so I would recommend it.



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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2023, 07:44:24 PM »

I have been on amitriptyline some time ago since I came off them I noticed more migrain auras than I ever did while taking them I went on them for depression ,I will start again with 10mg how long was you on 10 before taking a higher dose x

Mary G

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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2023, 07:53:22 PM »

The migraine specialist told me to start on 10mg and increase the dose by 10mg every week to a maximum of 75mg every day.  She said I should stop increasing the dose as soon as the auras decreased and that I should try to stick to the lowest dose possible.

I'm afraid it's not unusual to need quite a high dose to combat migraine auras but so far I seem to be OK on the split 25mg dose.   I was worried about doing that because of drowsiness but I don't seem to be affected.

I felt like the amitriptyline was running out of steam about 14 hours after taking it so that's why I opted for the split dose.

I hope it works for you.   


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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2023, 08:07:33 PM »

Thaks for the information maryG,I will give them another go,glad they work for you


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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2023, 07:40:43 PM »

Thanks all!

 I have actually contacted the migraine trust- they were very helpful. Although they obviously don’t diagnose- They seem to think it could have been a silent migraine. Perhaps bought on by changes in hormones.

I’m 5 weeks into the evorel conti patches now and the last week, these auras/ eyesight issues and strange feeling has calmed down a bit. so I’m thinking it was my body struggling to deal with the new surge of hormones.

Also I reported my doctor for laughing at me- it has gone on my record and I am now seeing a different doctor.

Thanks again for your help x


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Re: Disconnected and eye floaters
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2024, 09:08:51 PM »

Any news and progress?