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Author Topic: All symptoms returning agghhh  (Read 3102 times)


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All symptoms returning agghhh
« on: December 28, 2023, 12:04:11 PM »

Hello again ladies, I trust you all had a good Christmas. 
My Christmas present this year was all my menopause symptoms returning!! Night sweats, hot flushes in the day, broken sleep and raging VA.  You know those wildlife programmes with the monkeys with crimson bums? Well my lady bits feel like that today. 
I know the gynae told me to come off all hrt until we find out what caused my womb lining to thicken, but aside from going back to oestrogen pessaries which I don't think I could live without, I'm now too fearful to return to hrt.
I'll check out the natural treatment section of the forum but I know from when I first started with my symptoms that natural remedies only work on me for a few months.
Have any of you had to come off hrt for similar reasons? Just wondering what you then did once the symptoms came back and how long will they last?
My husband has been so wonderful and is back to sleeping with his electric blanket on low while I fling the windows open 😆 Fortunately he's knocking our old kitchen out thus week so no heating on and windows and doors open. But I'm still sitting here in vest and shorts 🤣🤣


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2023, 12:28:37 PM »

Hello there MrsMitch

I don't have any answers for you unfortunately but I do sympathise as I am in a similar position.

In my case I am using a regime that is just about keeping my symptoms manageable. I have moved from Sandrena gel to two pumps of Oestrogel, I assumed that the dose would be the equivalent but I suspect that the oestrogen amount is actually lower. Since beginning Oestrogel I have noticed more disturbed sleep, daytime flushes, plenty of anxiety and mood changes. My VA was never too bad but I notice more dryness now.

In the past I have been told to reduce my Oestrogen due to a slightly increased womb lining but I was allowed to stay on the lower dose. I am currently trying to push through because I don't want the breast pain or bleeding that accompanied higher doses of HRT.

At the moment I continue to hope that my body will adapt to the amount of Oestrogel I am using and my symptoms will settle and I will feel sane again. I will be reading the replies to your thread with interest, things have to settle sometime!

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2023, 04:50:17 PM »

Hi Mrsmitch

I had to come off hrt cold turkey due to 11mm womb lining and heave bleeding.

Endometrial biopsy showed everything and we think it was unopposed estrogen.

im still off hrt cant really go back on it xxx


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2023, 03:24:18 PM »

Hello Discogirl : wow 11mm? Mine lining is 6.5mm but it's good to hear that everything was OK for you, except having to come off hrt.
I do wonder if my bleeding & thickening is down to high doses of oestrogel- 4 pumps per day to get my symptoms under control.
My GP told me that I was borderline for my dose of progesterone. She started me on 1 tablet per day but said if I had any spotting then I should be on 2 per day. I'm hoping once I get my hysteroscopy results that will be the cause.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2023, 03:27:10 PM by MrsMitch »


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2023, 04:53:11 PM »

Hi MrsMitch

Well the sonographer said 11mm but as the womb had fluid (the blood that I shed 11 days later) I dont know if she could gauge a proper measurement. Im back in March at the gynae dept to have a follow up scan.

Truth be told I'd love to go back on the gel but I dont know what to do about the progesterone. I could take the cyclogest vaginally but im worried that wouldnt be enough. The gynae dept have offered the mirena coil but at 58yrs and 4 yrs post meno I definately dont want that.

Can I ask how long did it take for your meno symptoms to return xxxx


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2023, 05:13:57 PM »

Hi I had a hysteroscopy because the lining of my womb was 11mm. Everything was fine and I wasn’t advised to come off hrt. I’m on 4 pumps of gel and have been for 6 years and I’m 59 .


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2023, 05:34:10 PM »

Hi Dotty

Are you still on utro as I dont get on with it at all.

I was great taking cyclogest rectally but it mustnt have been enough to keep my womb lining thin enough xx


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2023, 06:03:00 PM »

Hi Discogirl

I was 59 and 10yrs post meno when I had a Mirena coil fitted in Jan this year (post meno bleeding, slightly thickened endometrium so coil suggested) and I've not looked back!

I was reluctant at first as I'd had a bad experience with coil back in the 80s but I was assured its different now and that I could have it removed if I didn't get on with it.

You may have other reasons for not wanting to go down the coil route but if its based on experience from your younger days it might be worth you reconsidering.

When I had to stop my oestrogen pending investigations my symptoms returned very quickly so I knew I wanted to be able to continue with it.




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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2023, 06:25:16 PM »

Hi Discogirl yes I still take Utrogestan xx


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2023, 08:45:23 PM »

I'm in the same boat.
Had to stop my HRT due to a thickened lining of 5mm. I'd been bleeding for weeks & weeks.
Hysteroscopy came back normal. (My lining was irregular, thicker in some places than others, which is why I had to have a biopsy)
A few days after stopping the hrt, the bleeding stopped. 🤷‍♀️ So Dr said it was probably due to the hrt.
Now my symptoms are returning.......night sweats, hot flushes during the day, and today, very emotional.  ( although that could be because I've had a lot on with OH since last june with his health) 🤷‍♀️
I'm worried about how bad I'm going to get, AND if I really want to go back onto hrt with all that entails. ...what a dilemma!  😤
So I'll sit in wait. Wait to see how things pan out for me.
I've read that if you've stopped cold turkey style, symptoms should decrease after around the 3 month mark. ...🤷‍♀️... hope so! 🙏


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2023, 09:59:15 PM »

Same happened to me.  I had post menopause bleeding and told to stop hrt and local hrt.  Everything was fine thankfully but stopping the hrt was rubbish, especially local hrt, causing return of atrophy symptoms that took almost a year to control.  Like jillydoll , I was concerned about going back to systemic hrt, and never did and that was several years ago.  My meno symptoms have never decreased since stopping it, hot flushed, mood swings, joint aches.  Rubbish.  I use local hrt that I can't live without and wish I'd not listened when they told me to stop, as it was awful.  It's all a load of anxiety, symptoms, shall I, shan't I try it again. Sick of it all really.


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2023, 08:30:53 AM »

Hi Discogirl yes I still take Utrogestan xx

Hi again Dotty

Do you mind me asking what was the cause of your womb lining thickening? Mine was unopposed estrogen xx


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2023, 08:39:16 AM »

Hi Discogirl

I was 59 and 10yrs post meno when I had a Mirena coil fitted in Jan this year (post meno bleeding, slightly thickened endometrium so coil suggested) and I've not looked back!

I was reluctant at first as I'd had a bad experience with coil back in the 80s but I was assured its different now and that I could have it removed if I didn't get on with it.

You may have other reasons for not wanting to go down the coil route but if its based on experience from your younger days it might be worth you reconsidering.

When I had to stop my oestrogen pending investigations my symptoms returned very quickly so I knew I wanted to be able to continue with it.


Hi Suziemc

Im pleased you get on with the coil. No Ive never had the coil previously but i just always felt I'd never get on with it.

I have generalised anxiety anyway and i supposed im concerned about my mood getting bad while using the coil and unlike a tablet you then have the faff of having it removed.

Its something to think about though should I need to restart the hrt.

Does the coil affect your sleep at all? I could never take the utro even vaginally at night as it made me wired xx


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2023, 08:58:11 AM »

Hi discogirl the womb lining was put down to being “one of those things.” It wasn’t cancer so the consultant wasn’t concerned as to the cause. I had bleeding again 18 months later and this time I was told that the lining was too thin..less than 3mm. I was told that the bleeding was caused by this and was given a vaginal gel which seems to be working.

If the lining is too thick then there are alternative progesterones to try.


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Re: All symptoms returning agghhh
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2023, 10:23:31 AM »

Very interesting to hear all your experiences.
My symptoms starred returning after as little as 1.5 weeks after stopping hrt and day by day they get worse. The VA is not good so I'm hoping that because its apparently such a low dose in the oestrogen pessaries I can return to just those although I do need the consultant to prescribe them x5 a week to just be able to manage the pain.
I refused a mirena coil because after giving endometriosis for the entirety of my periods and knowing that I experienced pain off and on all month, the thought of having something in me that gas the potential to cause pain, put me off. Plus VA means it would be impossible to remove it without general anaesthetic so it wouldn't just be a case of getting it removed quickly if it went wrong. The consultant who mentioned it agreed that having had endo and no children, it wouldn't be a good idea.
So no idea what they will decide I need to do yet as I've not had my biopsy results, but aside from the pessaries, I'm done with hrt.
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