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Author Topic: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?  (Read 18102 times)


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #150 on: February 09, 2024, 07:06:28 PM »

Hi ladies

Back here again. I posted previously after having a major flare up of VA after 4 years of successfully using Vagifem.  I was told to use Vagifem daily for two weeks but this made no difference.  It is burning externally, particularly after passing urine (especially if urine is stronger, due to not drinking enough!) and this then makes me feel like I need the loo again.

I’ve now been on two weeks of daily Ovestin, internally and externally and, after about six days, it started to feel better. Now that I’m about to try to reduce it, it feels like I’m back at square one.  I could honestly, just sit and cry. I’ve really had enough of it.  I have tried Yes VM without much effect, but not whilst using the Ovestin so I guess I’ll try that tomorrow.

Is there really any hope?  Starting to feel really down now. I remember my mum being like this, though I’m not sure that VA was a thing in those days and she thought it was cystitis. I remember her being on oestrogen cream though. Thanks so much.


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #151 on: February 09, 2024, 08:50:34 PM »

So sorry to hear your sadness and VA is the most distressing condition.   I'm not sure how much help I can be as you say you've been okay for 4 years, but I needed to use ovestin every day for a couple of months after not getting it under control for months.  Now I use it say 5 nights out of 7.  I know women on here use it nightly.  Is this a possibility for you?  I think it is the only way to control it.  I understand how you must feel as the condition really grinds you down.   
Maybe others on here can advise also.  What else has your GP said?


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #152 on: February 09, 2024, 09:06:45 PM »

So sorry to hear your sadness and VA is the most distressing condition.   I'm not sure how much help I can be as you say you've been okay for 4 years, but I needed to use ovestin every day for a couple of months after not getting it under control for months.  Now I use it say 5 nights out of 7.  I know women on here use it nightly.  Is this a possibility for you?  I think it is the only way to control it.  I understand how you must feel as the condition really grinds you down.   
Maybe others on here can advise also.  What else has your GP said?

Thank you @suzysunday. I really appreciate it. My own GP retired recently so I saw a couple of new ones. The first seemed okay and it was her who suggested daily Vagifem for two weeks, then try Ovestin if needed.  As the increased Vagifem didn’t help, I saw another GP who seemed vague and prescribed the Ovestin after I asked. The box says “apply nightly until symptoms resolve, then twice weekly”. So I assume I’m okay to carry on using nightly now that two weeks are up. I’ve ordered some Yes OB to try in the daytime too. 

I just want to know that one day (hopefully soon) it will feel better and I won’t be thinking about it all the time xx


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #153 on: February 09, 2024, 09:19:10 PM »

I use Vagifem and Ovestin every along with systemic HRT just to control the awful VA.


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #154 on: February 09, 2024, 09:32:17 PM »

It really needs to be kept on top of,.  It's not good to have a vague GP.  It is safe to use nightly and quality of life is so important.  Would you try some systematic hrt also?  I'm not on it but I really think I should be!  Sounds a bit daft that!  It's super a pain sorting out these bits of us that won't behave.


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #155 on: February 09, 2024, 09:32:27 PM »

I use Vagifem and Ovestin every along with systemic HRT just to control the awful VA.

Thanks, Tinkerbell. I don’t use systemic but the worst bit is the burning externally which is why I hoped using the external Ovestin might help. I’m a bit unsure whether it’s best to use internal Vagifem and external Ovestin or just Ovestin for both.  Nothing seems easy xx


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #156 on: February 09, 2024, 09:37:33 PM »

It really needs to be kept on top of,.  It's not good to have a vague GP.  It is safe to use nightly and quality of life is so important.  Would you try some systematic hrt also?  I'm not on it but I really think I should be!  Sounds a bit daft that!  It's super a pain sorting out these bits of us that won't behave.

I’m totally with you. I’m not on systemic but think I should have been. The problem is that I had a surgical menopause over 9 years ago due to a borderline ovarian cyst, so I was unsure whether systemic would be allowed or not. I asked the consultant prior to discharge about it and he said, “ see your GP”!!  I asked my GP who didn’t say much, just that I couldn’t be on it forever so would have to deal with menopause at some point!  Grrrrr!  So helpful.  Since then, I’ve really struggled with anxiety (mainly health) and feeling low and tired. I think it’s probably too late to have systemic now and I know that I’d worry about side effects even more if I was on it.  Menopause turns us into monsters I think  :'( xx


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #157 on: February 09, 2024, 10:02:21 PM »

I use ovestin internally and externally.  I'm not expert but I thought that you should have been offered hrt after the surgery. Obviously I don't know your circumstances, if cancer was present etc.  the consultant sounds unhelpful.  Also your GP sounds unhelpful as hrt can be taken as long as you need it, which can be a lifetime.  I don't think it's ever too late for HRT.  If you are suffering so badly then perhaps you need systemic as well.  I know you you mean about anxiety and worry about side effects.  Can you be referred to a menopause clinic?  You could try some hrt out on a low dose and stop if it doesn't suit. You really need some proper help as you can't live well feeling like this.  It just takes over your life. Xx


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #158 on: February 10, 2024, 06:19:13 AM »

Hello Patchsmama,

So sorry to hear you are struggling, I feel your pain, have been literally because the external burning and bladder irritation were my worst symptoms. If you read through this thread you will hear my tales of woe. I was fine for 8 months and have had bad spell since mid November. I don’t want to speak too soon but I think I have just turned a corner, having five days of feeling normal. I switched to Intrarosa daily and now at 6 weeks I think it is beginning to work.

You are definitely never too old to start systemic HRT, please do push for it. I started taking it for fatigue and brain fog and felt better within a couple weeks.

Good luck x


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #159 on: February 10, 2024, 09:36:32 AM »

Thanks so much for your support and letting me know about your experiences ladies.  Systemic HRT is a difficult one for me. Because of the cyst, I’m not sure whether I’d be allowed it or not, plus if I was, I’m concerned that I would spend my whole time worrying about side effects  I’ve never had any expert advice. The surgery I had was very traumatic for me and having to deal with immediate menopause was a bit like ptsd I guess. I’ve never felt supported and it’s been a lonely 9 years.  Without my very understanding husband, I’m not sure where I’d be. 

I’ll give it another two weeks on the Ovestin, then if no better, will go back to the GP again. I just get the feeling they want to get rid of you asap xx


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #160 on: February 10, 2024, 11:38:01 AM »

I understand totally about your doubts re systemic hrt.  I am the same.  I tried some a few years ago and had post menopause bleeding and subsequent investigation.  All was clear and the bleeding stopped when I stopped the HRT. I've been on ovestin since and muster along but feel I should feel better.  I keep thinking about trying systemic but get really anxious about side effects like you. 
If you don't feel you have the support of your GP then that's a major put off.
I really hope you find some help and answers as you sound so unhappy, which I understand. I was devastated when diagnosed with VA and struggled to feel comfortable down there for ages.  I get along okay now but it's always a worry, hoping it won't get worse.  Keep posting on here for support x


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #161 on: February 10, 2024, 11:59:22 AM »

I understand totally about your doubts re systemic hrt.  I am the same.  I tried some a few years ago and had post menopause bleeding and subsequent investigation.  All was clear and the bleeding stopped when I stopped the HRT. I've been on ovestin since and muster along but feel I should feel better.  I keep thinking about trying systemic but get really anxious about side effects like you. 
If you don't feel you have the support of your GP then that's a major put off.
I really hope you find some help and answers as you sound so unhappy, which I understand. I was devastated when diagnosed with VA and struggled to feel comfortable down there for ages.  I get along okay now but it's always a worry, hoping it won't get worse.  Keep posting on here for support x

I really appreciate your kindness. We do sound so similar.  I really don’t think that most people have a clue about what menopause can be like for some women.  I’m sorry you had that experience with HRT. This is what puts me off making the decision to go on it.  When things are good “down there” I can cope most days but when they’re not, it feels like I’m wasting my life.

Can I ask one more thing?  This morning, I went to the loo and noticed a blob of Ovestin in the loo!!  I’m assuming this was from last night. I do put it up as high as possible as the instructions say but, if this is happening, I’m wondering whether I’m not getting the full benefit and should I go back to Vagifem internally?   Ugh!  What a carry on!  I just need someone to say do this, do that and it will all be fine xx  ::)


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #162 on: February 10, 2024, 12:33:08 PM »

Regarding blobs in toilet, I was concerned about this.  My gp said the oestrogen would be absorbed as the blobs were the fillers.  I have been using it 5 years or so and it is working to control VA so it must be okay.  Regarding systemic  as has been pointed out, we tend to hear negative news on here, many do fine on it.   


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #163 on: February 10, 2024, 04:05:08 PM »

Regarding blobs in toilet, I was concerned about this.  My gp said the oestrogen would be absorbed as the blobs were the fillers.  I have been using it 5 years or so and it is working to control VA so it must be okay.  Regarding systemic  as has been pointed out, we tend to hear negative news on here, many do fine on it.

Thank you again. That’s really helpful  :-*


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Re: Vaginal Atrophy - is their hope?
« Reply #164 on: February 10, 2024, 10:48:29 PM »

So sorry to hear your suffering.  I had similar a few years ago and kept using more and more oestrogen until the burning was so bad I visited the Doctor and was given Canestan HC. This cured it in that instance. I needed to use less oestrogen going forward and not more, it can be very confusing as a thrush infection will burn just like VA, just it maybe worth a try?
Hope you feel better very soon
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