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Author Topic: Testosterone and body odour  (Read 5354 times)


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2023, 10:22:46 PM »

Hi Katherine,

I have been on testosterone for just over a year. I love it, but not going to lie, I did quickly notice I had BO. Not pleasant, but I do think a lot of it was down to me having virtually no BO since my 40s. I think it returned me to my prime! I now have to use a strong deodorant like 'Mitchum' to prevent any risk of embarrassment. (I'm pretty self conscious). The only other negative was greasier skin occasional spots. But again, a change to skin care dealt with this.

The positives are great (tbh not that much affect on libido) but I am mentally sharper, more resilient and can lift like a beast in the gym!

I would suggest trying for a bit longer, maybe on a smaller dose?

Good luck xx

Thank you so much for sharing. That is really useful. I think I got a bit of a shock as the changes resulting from oestrogen and progesterone were so gradual. The fact that a change in deodorant and skin care helped and that you have these positive effects is reassuring. I think I will just leave it a bit and maybe try again in future on a lower dose. X


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2023, 08:55:56 AM »

Sorry, I did say 'to put it bluntly' and not going to blow smoke up ya bum. You can't tell anything about a hormone and how it will settle after one week. Presumably you have good reasons for wanting to try it in the first place because it's not exactly easy for most people to get, so to stop it after a week because you're worried you will somehow be irreversibly changed and because you have more BO is... well, I frankly struggle with the logic of that. (That's me being restrained, there.)

I wouldn't mind stinking to high heaven for the libido and ability to think straight and gain muscles and maintain a good body weight and so much else that testosterone gives me, but I wouldnt' assume any side effects I had after a week would still be there 3 months later either. That's not how hormones work.

Writing ‘to put it bluntly’ at the start of a message somehow justifies being rude? I am astounded by your lack of empathy and the fact you believe if you don’t understand someone else’s fears then the fears are not valid. I asked you to not reply to any of my posts but still you carry on the same way. You must be a very unhappy person and I feel sorry for you. I will now be ignoring any post you make and really hope you one day either gain some insight or find some happiness so you don’t feel the need to be so mean.


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2023, 02:13:33 PM »

If you're this threatened by the kind of 'rudeness' you see in what I write, then it's probably just as well for you to ignore it. Gawd knows I don't want people to be reading 'rudeness' into what I write and projecting their issues all over me. People who disagree with your reasoning are not being 'rude', they are disagreeing with your reasoning - and pointing out why. In a world where women are suffering the extreme side effects and life affecting symptoms they are experiencing, it still seems [insert many different words here] to be deciding to stop testosterone based on one week of body odour... I mean, I just don't really have words... Sorry, but I don't know how to express that without seeming rude. I still feel the same.

I'm not here to be 'empathic'. I missed where we have to sign up to that, to participate in this forum. I'm here to share my experiences and to give advice based on that experience and knowledge - whilst asking for the same from others. I hope that someone else searching and finding this thread learns that side effects typically resolve if they persist beyond one week.

I don't remember when you asked me not to reply to any of your posts, but you don't get to request that either. If you write something on a public forum, others on that public forum have the right to reply to your posts.


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2023, 02:27:54 PM »

Katherine may be ignoring your posts but what an unpleasant person you appear to be, Joziel. You are behaving more like a troll here with your nasty comments and attitude. 


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2023, 03:02:38 PM »

I hope some people can see the useful points behind what I'm saying - and get over the excitement of making this into some kind of a fight. I'm not really interested in that.

If y'all think it's perfectly reasonable to stop taking a hormone after just one week because you have noticed an increase in body odour, then that's great. That's not my opinion.

Sometimes people don't like to hear things which go against what they've pretty much made their mind up to do anyway - when they were just seeking support for what they'd already decided to do...

I'm not very interested in whether I'm considered a troll, nasty, rude... Whatever. Take what I have to say, if you find it useful. Don't take it if you don't find it useful. No need to over-sensationalise it for the sake of drama.


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2023, 03:27:09 PM »

Girls, girls, girls.   Be kind when you post, think B4 pressing that 'go' button?    The written word is static.  Members can be blocked if necessary.

On the subject: I've noticed in the last 4-5 days that I whiff from my upper body.  DH shaved under my arms last night.  I haven't altered my diet. I do remember MinL whiffing in similar fashion when she was in her 60s.  [I'm 70 today  :whist:].  I don't use anti-persperant generally but may add it to my morning routine.  Part of my problem is what to wear: I have 'zerofit' clothing next to my skin: as well as layers to keep warm and a coat when we are out and about.

Many years ago I had pets and recognise the 'scared to death' smell on the way to/from the Vet.  My odour is totally different  ::)



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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2023, 09:40:43 PM »

Hi ladies

I spoke to a gp today who was very understanding and it looks like I may have been taking too high a dose so he has suggested having a break and then maybe trying again at a lower dose. My own gp did warn me that there can be irreversible side effects with T such as a deeper voice and hair growth but the gp I spoke to today thinks that the body odour issue is reversible. That does make sense, but I guess it’s better to be cautious with hormones than ignore your instincts. Thank you to all you ladies who have been supportive and understanding, it means a lot xxx


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2023, 07:17:33 AM »

Hi Katherine,

The 'irreversible' effects are from taking T in high doses (such as when transitioning or body builders who abuse drugs)

These side effects ate terrifying, especially when you're feeling vulnerable.

My first experience of taking Testosterone (Tostran) was 1 pump on alternate nights. So I excitedly took my dose before bed. I was totally wired all night... I knew never to take it at night again and was better off taking a small amount every day. I definitely take less than half a pump a day, but adjust it according to how I feel.

What I'm trying to say is that we are all individuals and react differently to the meds given. The BO and greasy skin for me is a sign of youth! And just like in my youth I have to be more vigilant with deodorant, have good skin care and wash my hair more often. Upside is I look less wrinkly have thicker hair and way better eyelashes
... but absolutely zero increase in facial hair.

I know you didn't ask for advice but I really would suggest you try it at a very small dose and see how you go... one of the greatest effect T has had on me is that I'm so much more resilient. I used to get upset by little things and play them over and over. I seem to be able to let things go and move on.

T has been a game changer for me, just like oestrogen.. if only I could find a progesterone that didn't make me feel like s**t.

Good luck and keep us posted


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2023, 07:55:16 AM »

Thanks for this Banjo, and everyone else who speaks so upfront about testosterone.

I have finally been given a prescription of testosterone gel, on border so not sure what format, and am a bit mixed of nerves and excitement. Looking at your own post, and that of Hurditys original list of some years back I am going to start on a low dose first to see how things go - and in the morning too as an aware of can give a rush to the body, not best when sleep is much needed...
fingers crossed, despite possible side effects (  as with most types of medications) am hoping the benefits outweigh the possible side effects.



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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2023, 08:40:18 AM »

Hi Katherine,

The 'irreversible' effects are from taking T in high doses (such as when transitioning or body builders who abuse drugs)

These side effects ate terrifying, especially when you're feeling vulnerable.

My first experience of taking Testosterone (Tostran) was 1 pump on alternate nights. So I excitedly took my dose before bed. I was totally wired all night... I knew never to take it at night again and was better off taking a small amount every day. I definitely take less than half a pump a day, but adjust it according to how I feel.

What I'm trying to say is that we are all individuals and react differently to the meds given. The BO and greasy skin for me is a sign of youth! And just like in my youth I have to be more vigilant with deodorant, have good skin care and wash my hair more often. Upside is I look less wrinkly have thicker hair and way better eyelashes
... but absolutely zero increase in facial hair.

I know you didn't ask for advice but I really would suggest you try it at a very small dose and see how you go... one of the greatest effect T has had on me is that I'm so much more resilient. I used to get upset by little things and play them over and over. I seem to be able to let things go and move on.

T has been a game changer for me, just like oestrogen.. if only I could find a progesterone that didn't make me feel like s**t.

Good luck and keep us posted

Hi banjo,

Thanks for the additional info, it is very useful and I am definitely considering trying T again in future and will let you know how I go.

In terms of resilience, I don’t think that’s an issue for me. I think I have a normal reaction to nastiness and insensitivity. If something offends me I say how I feel and once I’ve done that I feel better and move on which is a healthy response. I do think I would benefit from the physical benefits though such as an increase in energy and I would love to lift weights in the gym like you!

I hope you can find a progesterone that suits you. I had a love hate relationship with utrogestan for a while but I seem to have either adjusted to it or my own progesterone levels have dropped so it worked out in the end. Good luck xxx

« Last Edit: December 21, 2023, 09:15:54 AM by Katherine »


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2023, 09:50:06 AM »

Hi Katherine,

I was not making a dig at you re. Resilience.

It was an unexpected and incredibly welcome bonus from testosterone.

Peri + lockdown had left me a nervous wreck who was very easily overwhelmed. Although standard HRT gave me my life back, I still had a tendency towards procrastination, self doubt and rumination. Testosterone gave me the oomph to give things a go without fear of failure as well as dealing with adversity in a healthy way

It was a me issue, not a you issue.

I was trying to suggest that giving T a go might make you more likely to try things, like T!!!

Chicken and Egg!

Good luck x


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2023, 10:04:04 AM »

Many years ago I asked for T to help lack of sex drive. My GP told me that I would grow facial hair and my voice would deepen.  End of discussion.

However, T is a part of our overall hormonal activity.  If U think how teen lads are prone to outbursts in puberty, it stands to reason that women may get a heightened reaction initially.  I don't think that there is enough research on replacing T levels in women.

Anti-perspirants stop sweating
Deodeorants cover up one smell with another

Let us know how you get on


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2023, 10:12:01 AM »

Hi Katherine,

I was not making a dig at you re. Resilience.

It was an unexpected and incredibly welcome bonus from testosterone.

Peri + lockdown had left me a nervous wreck who was very easily overwhelmed. Although standard HRT gave me my life back, I still had a tendency towards procrastination, self doubt and rumination. Testosterone gave me the oomph to give things a go without fear of failure as well as dealing with adversity in a healthy way

It was a me issue, not a you issue.

I was trying to suggest that giving T a go might make you more likely to try things, like T!!!

Chicken and Egg!

Good luck x

Hi banjo,

I know you weren’t having a dig, honestly, I was just explaining that that’s not an issue but that there are other areas where I could benefit. You were just giving me all the info which I really appreciate! I may be back to pick your brain again about it later too!x
« Last Edit: December 21, 2023, 10:13:34 AM by Katherine »


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2023, 10:23:30 AM »

Many years ago I asked for T to help lack of sex drive. My GP told me that I would grow facial hair and my voice would deepen.  End of discussion.

However, T is a part of our overall hormonal activity.  If U think how teen lads are prone to outbursts in puberty, it stands to reason that women may get a heightened reaction initially.  I don't think that there is enough research on replacing T levels in women.

Anti-perspirants stop sweating
Deodeorants cover up one smell with another

Let us know how you get on


I agree about the research issue; as you say T is just another normal hormone that women have. I think we are given minimal info and kind of have to figure it out through trial
and error. It took me ages to find the right regime and dose of oestrogen and progesterone.

I use the natural deodorants that let you sweat but the sweat doesn’t smell as it inhibits the bacteria. I find sweat still breaks through anti perspirants and I usually find them to be less effective.

It’s a shame we are given such minimal info about HRT. I expect a lot of women give up before they have chance to get the full benefits of it.

It makes sense what you say about an initial heightened reaction. The same happened to me with oestrogen in terms of side effects which then subsided. I have a feeling I will try T again in future and will report back.


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Re: Testosterone and body odour
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2023, 12:44:31 PM »

MayB wait until the New Year B4 adjusting anything? 

I like the idea of natural deodorants.  I don't sweat on the right side having had lymph glands removed ......... not as much hair grows either  ;)

And of course, more and more dogs are being used to diagnose potential diseases through sweat. 
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