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Author Topic: Thickened womb lining  (Read 6397 times)


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2023, 12:52:40 PM »

Hope all goes well Northerngirl.
Please do update if/ when you get a moment.

Thinking of you x


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2023, 04:46:53 PM »

Hi Northerngirl

Im thinking of you also xxx


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2023, 08:14:52 PM »

Hi ladies, Thank you for messages..  didn't go too well today but to be honest I wasn't expecting much. The gynae dr tried to do a pipelle biopsy but failed. I was prepared to put up with the pain and I didn't want her to stop as you know I'm desperate for all this to be resolved quickly as its causing havoc with my mental health but she wasn't prepared to continue in incase of damaging me. So I've now got to have one under GA (think it will be a hysteroscopy) another 2-3 weeks wait. I really hope I don't have cancer because god knows what all this time wasting is doing.  Don't know what will happen if this fails. They tell you not to worry...what a joke!!!


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2023, 08:22:12 AM »

Hi Northerngirl

I'm sorry the pipelle biopsy didn't go well; at least you have a hysteroscopy booked under GA; I'm so sorry you have to wait for this. Thinking of you xxx


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2023, 11:28:35 AM »

Hi Northerngirl

I’m also sorry to hear that you have a futher wait, that must be so frustrating.

Hopefully the hysteroscopy appointment will come through quickly and you will get some answers.

In the mean time, give yourself plenty of distractions, so you are not overthinking too much ( easier said than done I know!)



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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2023, 12:50:13 PM »

Hello Northerngirl,  I can't understand why they changed the plan for you - I had thought you were due to have a hysteroscopy under GA the same as me? It is a huge waste of time but I would think that is positive as if they had concerns you would have been in for one after your TVS, as I was.
So if you can, try to hang know to that. I'm due to get my results end of next week. Do update us if you can once you've had your hysteroscopy to let us know how you're going.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2023, 01:30:35 PM »

I don't think they did change the plan...yesterday was just an appointment with gynae/oncology.  I presumed the hysteroscopy/biopsy was the next step. It is now....just don't know how soon it will be....2/3weeks she said and then a further wait for the result.  My mind can't take much more of this...all I can think is that if it is cancer  it is spreading and they're time wasting (not deliberately I know).
MrsMitch did you have a pre op? Did this make the time scale even longer?


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2023, 01:32:06 PM »

Also what was the pain like afterwards and did you go home soon after etc?


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2023, 09:04:49 AM »

Well it was my first GA so I was nervous.  Fortunately the day surgery ward allowed someone with you so my husband sat with me while I waited as I was due to have my procedure last - about a 3 hour wait.
But the staff were so lovely,  explained everything and listened to my worries. Honestly I was knocked out in seconds and the next thing I knew was the nurse waking me up!
I had a dull ache a bit like a mild period cramps but that only lasted about 20 mins and a little bleeding that lasted a week. I also think I have BV now, probably due to being filled with saline and they do use some kind of antibacterial wash which they cover you in and use inside your vagina too (while you're asleep) so I guess that's changed the natural flora. Treating it with the active balance gel.
I wasn't woozy afterwards and went home about an hour later once they'd seen me eat and drink and have a wee. I felt fine Fortunately.  No pain at all.
But I would make sure that when the consultant comes round before your procedure you tell them you have VA and you're worried about pain from that afterwards.  I did and she told me afterwards it was very bad and caused them issues. But she must have been very carful because I didn't have any pain as a result of them using speculum and whatever else the used.
Also the anesthetist will see you before so do tell them about any worries you have too. They really are so understanding and sympathetic.
Tbh I wouldn't be at all concerned if I had to have one again as it was much better than I thought with very little after effects.
If I can help you in any other way or if you'd like to talk on the phone- I'm not sure if we can exchange info like that here - just so you can talk through your worries with someone who is going through a similar experience,  please let me know. I'd be glad to help if I can.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2023, 09:10:55 AM »

They did the pre op the same day I had my tvs to save time but I think you will have your pre op date once the give you your appointment for the hysteroscopy.  They should give you about a weeks notice for the procedure and also give you the appointment for the pre op during the week before so it shouldn't hold things up.
The thing to remember with all this is that IF it were cancer it will be very early stage and will not be spreading. I do think you might be better to call the consultant secretary on Tuesday,  explain the wait, thinking you have cancer, is torture and could she please let the consultant know this and get you in ASAP. Also on the day of the hysteroscopy they will tell you how things look in there so you should get an idea. Mine all seems to look OK. So I think you'll know well before the biopsy results come back.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2023, 01:10:37 PM »

Thank you so much for your detailed reply, it really means a lot to know what to expect. I don't think it's the actual procedure that I'm most afraid's what they find. I know it's only ifs and maybes at present but my mind is all over the place....I have never felt this way before. I just need this to happen soon because like I've said previously this has been going on since October.
I will never ever take HRT again either....fortunately no ill effects from giving it up yet.  The consultant who I saw Thursday said I should consider restarting  after  all investigations are done....I said a definite NO WAY!!!!
Thanks again and I will keep you updated.
Isn't it strange the things that people bond over....I'm so glad I found this forum when I did


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2023, 01:39:16 PM »

I think it's in our nature, Northerngirl, to empathise with others going through the same as us and that causes the bond.
I do realise your biggest fear is what they might find but - and I do know this is easy to say and hard to do -  but worrying won't change the situation or add/take away anything from it. But it is hard to do.
If they do find anything concerning then that is when you can think about things differently but not until then. At the moment it's likely that nothing will have spread as it is very early days. I'm sure if the consultant was concerned by your symptoms, they'd have sorted you out within days. That is what happened to my father in law when he had cancer and also a customer of ours who has just had a diagnosis. Both presented to GP with symptoms and were in hospital for tests the next day and both kept in over night while the tests results were rushed through. It gas happened that quickly with just about everyone I know. 
I presume you discussed the symptoms you have with the consultant on Thursday? They definitely would have done things immediately if there were concerns re symptoms.
So if you can try to retrain your brain to focus on those things, rather than ifs and buts, it should help.
But again, I know that's easy to say. I used to be a huge worrier but am not any more. My life has changed so much that I really do know worry is fruitless and in itself can make you very unwell.
Sending you a big hug and if you need me, I'm here for you xxx


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2023, 11:02:03 AM »

Thank you once again. I really appreciate all your advice. I know everything that you're saying makes absolute sense and I would be saying the same to anybody else in the same situation.  I don't normally have any mental health issues at all but this has proper thrown minute all I could think about was my first grandchild arriving in March and my middle son getting married in August and now my world is upside down. I am usually  quite resilient and could have put up with it for a few weeks (which would be bad enough) but since October and no real end in sight it is killing me. I will let you know when things happen and I wish you all the best for your results.
Also thanks to all the other ladies helping me with their advice...much appreciated

pastie supper

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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2024, 02:55:06 PM »

Thank you once again. I really appreciate all your advice. I know everything that you're saying makes absolute sense and I would be saying the same to anybody else in the same situation.  I don't normally have any mental health issues at all but this has proper thrown minute all I could think about was my first grandchild arriving in March and my middle son getting married in August and now my world is upside down. I am usually  quite resilient and could have put up with it for a few weeks (which would be bad enough) but since October and no real end in sight it is killing me. I will let you know when things happen and I wish you all the best for your results.
Also thanks to all the other ladies helping me with their advice...much appreciated
Is the lack of HRT causing you to have more anxiety than usual?
I know it's awful waiting for that scan to tell you if you have cancer or not, I've been there too and I was lucky after months of waiting it wasn't cancer, in fact they found no cause whatsoever and told me if I still bleed at all then it must be very light! No, I flood every month, double up yet still leak at night.
I hope you get good news and it happens soon. If they are open tomorrow you could phone and ask about the appointment. In my experience they sometimes book you in there and then, especially as you are suffering so much from not knowing.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2024, 05:23:54 PM »

Thank you pastie supper
No it isn't because of the lack of HRT....I was like this before I stopped taking HRT.
I think it's because of the fact I've had 4 2 week referrals since October and now waiting on the 5th and I seem to have different/more symptoms to all the other ladies who have gone through similar (even have friends who have gone through similar but didn't end up in gynae oncology). My mind is in overdrive at present....just wish it was over and done with. I appreciate your support
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