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Author Topic: Anyone post-menopausal and hypermobile??  (Read 1184 times)


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Anyone post-menopausal and hypermobile??
« on: September 04, 2023, 01:35:30 PM »

I think I've finally become post-menopausal after the world's longest ever perimenopause  ;D
I'm hypermobile in some of my joints - mainly hips, ankles and wrists. 
I started to run about 6 years ago, no far or fast, but I keep getting tendinitis type injuries - first gluteal and now achilles.  I'm certain it is related to hormones and being hypermobile.
I'm seeing a MSK specialist podiatrist who is making me insoles, have a good pair of running shoes (not that I'm able to run at the moment), he's also tried two sessions of shock wave therapy which have not helped, and currently take estrogel and utrogesten for HRT.
Has anyone had any similar problems?  I'm unsure whether to just stop running altogether - feel very sad if I have to as it seems to be the only exercise that really keeps me fit!  I also walk every day with the dogs and do pilates.

Shorty Pants

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Re: Anyone post-menopausal and hypermobile??
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2023, 10:57:22 AM »

Hi Lizzog.  I don't have a hypermobility diagnosis, but am officially 'very bendy' according to my physio! I didn't run fast or far either, but did find off-road running much more beneficial than roads. 

I've had orthotics for years, which really help, but I did have to give up running a couple of years ago due to osteoarthritis.  I've had my hip replacement now, but never really got back into it. I do know what you mean about it being so much better for your wellbeing and whilst I do other exercise, I do miss it.  Sorry, I don't really have a solution for you, other than to get the professional advice and maybe see it as a balance - i.e. if on balance the running helps your physical and mental health, then keep going while you can.  😊


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Re: Anyone post-menopausal and hypermobile??
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2023, 08:55:58 PM »

Hi Lizzog- yes! I've just written a post about this and asking if anyone has any advice/suggestions. I'm sorry to hear it causes you injuries and limits activities.

I've spent the last 2.5 years trying to find out the cause of musculoskeletal pain that came on during perimenopause. After numerous tests and treatments  I'm pretty certain hormonal imbalances due to menopause has led to ligament laxity. I've always been hypermobile (SPD in pregnancy) and since perimenopause my bones and joints have become really loose, clicking, shifting etc, so I have daily and constant mild-mid-severe pain and impacted hugely on all aspects of my life.

I also got ESWT on my Achilles (6 sessions on NHS), yikes it was incredibly painful but did shift the pain down a couple of notches. The treatment that I've come across most in my googling for treatment for ligament laxity is Prolotherapy. I have this on the backburner but hoping that sorting out HRT will mean I don't need it

I had thought because the pain started during perimenopause that the laxity might be down to hormone deficiency so I started HRT patches in the hope of redressing the balance, however this seems to have made my ligaments more lax resulting in more pain. Have you found similar? I wonder if too much relaxin is perhaps playing a role as I still suffer from SPD from 20 years ago.

Does whoever prescribed your HRT for you know about your hypermobility and how hormones affect the MSK system?  I'm guessing you don't feel the combination of hormone replacement helps with laxity?

I also started jogging a couple of years ago, I'm very limited because of pain but it's completely changed my life and I've become a bit obsessed! I focus a lot on active recovery

I'm very happy to share anything that I come across in my journey that helps. Take care, elle



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Re: Anyone post-menopausal and hypermobile??
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2023, 10:40:39 AM »

I found that during peri I had a lot of problems with shoulders, feet and wrists. I had physio for one of my shoulders which was 'winging', a cortisone injection for tendonitis in my wrist, which really helped, and I went to an osteopath for various other joint issues. Pilates was really good. I'm coming up to 8 years post-meno and don't get all the issues so much now - I try and run (slowly) a couple of times a week as well as a fell walk, I still managed to badly sprain an ankle a year ago so try to do ankle strengthening exercise now. Most of the problems seemed to intensify during perimenopause, and have eased off now - or maybe I just don't do so much physical stuff these days!